Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 16 Junu 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Alfândega Timor-Leste:
Odamatan Seguransa ne’ebé La Seguru
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 111 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-bá Seguransa Nasional iha karakter nasional, integradu, global no permanente, iha natureza interministerial no halo parte meiu tomak maka Estadu iha hodi hasoru ameasa ka risku oin-oin ba ninia elementu esensial sira. Atu halo kumprimentu ba objetivu sira Seguransa Nasional nian, Estadu buka promove dezenvolvimentu no atuasaun integrada iha kna’ar sira Defeza Nasional, Seguransa Rai-laran ka Interna no Protesaun Sivil liu hosi Sistema Integradu Seguransa Nasional (SISN).
Nune’e prinsipiu sira husi SISN, kna’ar sira husi entidade sira maka forma SISN sai hanesan plurisektorial, multidisiplinar no interministerial no iha ne’eba halo parte órgaun no ema koletiva tomak husi Estadu nian, hodi halo kumprimentu ba Objetivu Permanente sira husi Seguransa Nasional no uza rekursu sira ho efisiensia. Atu hatan ba ameasa no risku sira ba Seguransa Nasional sei tau atuasaun integrada husi komponente no unidade sira. Iha ne’ebé komponente no unidade sira ne’ebé hola parte iha SIS maka FALINTIL-FDTL, Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Servisu Nasional Intelijensia, Autoridade Protesaun Sivil, maka tama mos Korpu Bombeiru sira, Sistema Autoridade Marítima (Tasi nian), Autoridade Aeronautika, Servisu Prizional sira;, Servisu Migrasaun;, Seguransa Sivil;, Alfândega, Konsellu Distritu sira ba Seguransa no Servisu Kuarentena.
Maibe bazea ba rezultadu monitorizasaun husi Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kona-bá lakunas sira husi adamatan seguransa nasional nian konsidera hanesan inseguru ba seguransa nasional. Liu-liu monitorizasaun ba servisu sira kontrola movimentu ema no sasan sira sai no tama liu husi portu, aero portu no fronteira terrestre ne’ebé iha Alfândega nia kontrolu.
Iha fulan Maiu 2016 FM nia relatoriu kona-bá servisu sira iha Alfândega ne’ebé identifika iregularidade balu komete husi Alfândega rasik. Iha ne’ebé sasan hirak ne’ebé tama iha teritoriu nasional la ho kontrolu ne’ebé rigorozu. Ikus mai halakon osan ka taxa ne’ebé lolos selu ba Estadu Timor-Leste. Maske kna’ar ida ne’e lolos tenki asegura husi Alfândega hodi hatama reseita ba Estadu no prevene pratika iregularidade sira.
Husi pratika sira ne’e relatóriu ida ne’e identifika hanesan odamatan ne’ebé inseguru ba seguransa nasional tamba la ho kontrolu ne’ebé rigorozu iha ne’ebé la’os deit halakon taxa ba Estadu maibe potensia maka’as bele hamosu instabilidade. Potensia hamosu instabilidade tamba ema bele hatama sasan ka material no ekipamentu seluk ruma ne’ebé sai hanesan ameasa ba seguransa nasional.
Nune’e FM rekomenda:
1. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Finansa presiza haforsa servisu Alfândega nian liu-liu kontrola ba sasan no ema ne’ebé tama-sai iha odamataan teritoriu nasional nian hanesan aero portu, portu no fronteira terrestre nian.
2. Rekomenda mos ba Komisaun Interministerial ba Seguransa nian presiza halo avaliasaun ba servisu sira fronteristiku nian ne’ebé destaka iha portu, aero portu no fronteira terrestre no haforsa koordenasaun entre instituisaun sira ne’ebé hola parte iha SISN no iha postu integradu sira.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Timor-Leste’s Customs Operations:
Unsecure Entry-points
Timorese national security has integrated national and global characteristics, and exists through the efforts of inter-ministerial cooperation. To meet its objectives of national security, the state promotes development through integrated action on national defense, internal security, and civil protections via the Integrated National Security System (SISN).
The principles of the SISN are founded in this core ideology: SISN must be multi-sectorial, multidisciplinary, and inter-ministerial, and those who engage in the system alongside the collective people of Timor-Leste must work wholly for the permanent purposes of national security and utilize the resources at hand efficiently. In responding to national security threats and risks, the system requires an integrated action plan from all units and government bodies engaged in integrated security, including the F-FDTL, PNTL, National Intelligence Service, Civil Protection Authority, Fire Brigade Corps, Immigration Services, Civil Security, Customs Services, and District Councils for security and quarantine services.
However, FM monitoring has shown that serious gaps exist in this integrated security service, wherein Timor-Leste’s security checkpoints for Customs services have been notably unsecure through multiple scandals and mishaps. Most particularly, Customs Services has shown a particular lack of effort in monitoring and tracking migration of visitors and citizens through airport and border security checkpoints.
In May of 2016, FM reported on a number of recent irregularities in customs operations committed by customs officers. Imports were allowed within Timorese borders without rigorous inspection or control, and there have been several cases of illegal imports disappearing or the customs services failing to properly levy taxes and financial burdens on improperly imported goods, costing the Timorese government hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This Mahein nia Lian report identifies in greater detail the lack of proper management of Timor-Leste’s border entry-points, detailing the risks and losses these oversights present to the Timorese government and people. Unless these failures of the national Customs operations are handled, Timor-Leste will continue to face financial loss and security risks from ineffective customs checkpoints.
FM recommends that:
1. The Ministry of Finance must strengthen its custom services, particularly in the oversight of imports and exports through customs checkpoints in the national airport, port, and border checkpoints.
2. The Inter-Ministerial Committee for Security must make a full assessment for the needs of forensic services placements at the port, airport and border checkpoints, and the Committee must also strengthen coordination between SISN institutions and integrated posts.
For more details on this issue, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184