Alegasaun Korupsaun no Abuzu Puder iha Seitor Siguransa

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Osan Dollar

Osan Dollar

Fundasaun Mahein, 26 Juñu 2014

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 81 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English Version.pdf) halo analiza kona-bá Alegasaun Korupsaun no Abuzu Puder iha Seitor Siguransa; Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hasai relatoriu tolu dahuluk tiha ona kona-bá ezekusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2013 husi Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa (MDS), investigasaun ba prosesu akizisaun kilat husi PT. PINDAD (Persero) Indonezia no fardamentu ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) ne’ebé la kualidade. Iha ne’ebé rekomenda atu loke investigasaun ba prosesu sira ne’e tanba iregularidade balu iha ezekusaun OJE, akizisaun kilat PNTL no sosa fardamentu ba PNTL.

Tanba ne’e, relatoriu ida ne’e nia husu ba Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) no Ministériu Públiku atu halo investigasaun kle’an ba Ezekusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu husi Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa iha ne’ebé projetu 209 dudu ho ajudikasaun direta maske la iha karater urjensia husi projetu sira ne’e. Iha alokasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2013 ba Ministeriu Defeza Siguransa (MDS) hamutuk tokon 68, 199,000.00 dollares amerikanu. Ne’ebé iha 2013 ezekusaun OJE ba MDS dudu ho ajudikasaun direta liu-liu ho tipu konkursu restritu (bolu deit) hamutuk tokon 18,837,890.50 dollar amerikanu, signifika 44,7% husi total OJE, ne’ebé tuir lolos tenki halo tuir prosesu aprovizionamentu normal (kategoria: bens no serbisu, kapital menor no kapital dezenvolvimentu).

FM identifika katak tuir Lei nú. 9/2011 loron 17 Agostu, artigu 3, nú. 1, alinea c), hateten klaru katak kontratu sira ne’ebé liu montante rihun 500,000.00 dolar amerikanu tenki hetan vistu previa (fiskalizasaun previa) husi Kamara Kontas Tribunal Superior Administrativu, Fiskal no Kontas. Maibe realidade katak kontratu balun ne’ebé liu montate refere MDS tenta desvia husi fiskalizasaun previa hodi fahe tiha ba kontratu rua maibe fornesedor ida deit. Ironiku liu maka, iha kontratu balun data atribuisaun projetu antes depois data públikasaun projetu (atribui tiha ona projetu maka foin públika projetu refere).

Nune’e mos loke investigasaun ba prosesu akizisaun kilat husi PT. PINDAD (Persero) Indonezia ba PNTL ne’ebé deskonfia iha iregularidade barak iha prosesu ne’e rasik. Akontese iha prosesu akizasaun kilat ba Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) iha PT. PINDAD (Persero) ho marka PM2 – V1. Iha prosesu kontratu aprovizionamentu ne’ebé asina husi Governu Timor-Leste liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES) ho Direitor Kompañia PT Pindad (Persero), “Supply Security Equipmant (Weapon) for PNTL” ho numeru kontratu 12000513 ba durasaun tempu loron 45 husi 23 febreiru to’o 6 Abril 2012; ho espesifikasaun kilat ho tipu PM2-V1 75 unidade, no valor orsamentu ne’ebé preve ona iha OJE 2012 ho montante osan U$ 112.500.00.

Iha ne’ebé relatoriu Komisaun Eventual detekta katak mosu liña kordenasaun ladiak iha Instituisaun laran, Indikasaun kona-ba abuzu poder no falsifikasaun dokumentu nomos laiha involvimentu husi Dirasaun Nasional Aprovizionamentu-SES durante prosesu negosiasaun PT. Pindad (Persero) no PNTL. Relatoriu Komisaun Eventual rekomenda tiha ona katak presiza loke prosesu kriminal no disiplinar iha ne’ebé refere ba SES no Komandu Jeral PNTL nian responsabilidade.

Iha sorin seluk mosu mos kazu hanesan fardamentu PNTL ne’ebé distribui ba membru polisia iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL no Komandu Distritu 13 laiha kualidade ho rajaun katak orsamentu la to’o. Kompañia Kalbes Unipesoal Lda entrega farda hamutuk 2551 ba parte lojistika tuir kontratu ne’ebé iha. Farda set ida kompostu husi sapeo, kamija, diviza, emblema, kalsa, sintiraun, sapatu no meas sosa ho osan US$ 120.00, ne’e sufisiente deit ba farda ne’ebe mihis. Farda ba feto PNTL hamutuk unidade 478 no ba mane hamutuk 2551 unidade ho montante osan hamutuk US$ 358.000.00 husi OJE 2012.

Maske kompania refere iha faze premeiru mosu erru ba fardamentu ne’ebé mihis no lori fila fali ba Indonezia maibe iha faze segundu kompania Kalbes Unipesoal Lda hetan aprovasaun husi Inspesaun Jeral PNTL konkorda hodi entrega ba sira no halo distribuisaun ba komandu distritu 13. Maibe farda ne’e nafatin la iha kualidade. Relasiona ho farda ne’ebé laiha kualidade Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa no Komandu Jeral PNTL dun ba mai kona-a responsabilidade, ne’ebé iha prosesu inisiu kona-bá tenderizasaun nian hodi kompañia Kalbes Unipessoal Lda sosa farda. Husi kazu hirak ne’ebé mensiona iha leten FM kestiona maka’as ba prosesu ida ne’e tanbasa responsabilizasaun ba prosesu sosa farda Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa no Komandu Jeral PNTL dun malu deit? Ida ne’e hatudu laiha komunikasaun diak entre Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa no Komandu Jeral PNTL.


1. Rekomenda ba Inspetor Jeral Estadu, Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) no Ministériu Públiku atu loke investigasaun ba prosesu aprovizionamentu nasional Ministeriu Defeza no Siguransa (MDS) ba projeitu ajudikasaun direta.

2. Rekomenda ba KAK no Ministériu Públiku investigasaun ba Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa, Komandante Jeral PNTL no elementu PNTL seluk ne’ebé involve iha prosesu akizisaun kilat PNTL nian iha ne’ebé involve iha prosesu akizisaun kilat husi PT PINDAD (Persero) Indonezia ba PNTL.

3. Rekomenda ba KAK no Ministériu Públiku loke investigasaun ba Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa (SES), Komandu Jeral PNTL no Kompañia Kalbes Unipesoal Lda kona-bá prosesu sosa fardamentu ba PNTL iha ne’ebé responsabilidade fardamentu ne’ebé la iha kualidade SES no Komandu Jeral PNTL dun malu.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184

Fundasaun Mahein, June 26th 2014

Press Release

Allegations of Corruption and Abuse of power within the Security Sector

Fundasaun Mahein has published three reports over the execution of 2013 State General Budget for the Ministry of Defense and Security (MDS) including an Investigation of the purchasing process of weapon by PT. PINDAD (Persero) Indonesia and the lack of quality uniforms for the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL). Therefore FM recommends investigating for these processes because of the irregularities that have occurred on the State General Budget, purchasing process of weapon to PNTL as well as no quality of uniforms.

Therefore, this report asks the Commission of Anti Corruption (CAC) and the Public Ministry to hold an in-depth investigation for the execution of the state general budget and for the Ministry of Defense and Security, where 209 projects used the single sources even when those projects were not considered as urgent. Allocation of the 2013 state general budget for the Ministry of Defense and Security was totaling $68.199.000, where the budget of MDS used in the single source contracts having a value of $18.837.890.500 signifying that 44.7% of the total state general budget is based on irregular procurement processes.

FM identified and based on the law No.9/2011 on 17 August, article 3 No.1 part c), stated clearly that every contract of a value up to $500,000 should get a visa (vistu previa) from the Camara Beads of the Administrative Superior Court, fiscal and beads (Kamara Kontas Tribunal Superior Administrativu). However, the reality shows that some contracts that are more than this amount, MDS however divides the purchase into two contracts but from only one supplier. Ironically some contracts date of completion for projects have been done before the start date of projects.

The COC needs to hold an investigation for the purchasing process of weapons from PT.PINDAD (Persero) Indonesia to PNTL that is considered to have occurred irregularity in this process particularly the purchase of the weapon PM2-V1 to PNTL by PT.PINDAD (Persero). The procurement process of this contract; signed by the government of Timor-Leste through the secretary state of security (SSS) with the director of the company PT.PINDAD (Persero), “Supply Security Equipment (Weapon) for PNTL” with the contract number 12000513 for 24 days, started from February 23rd to April 6th 2012; with the type PM2-V1, 75 unit and number of funds that have been cited on the 2012 state general budget was U$112.500.000.

Regarding the report of the eventual commission detected that there was bad coordination within the institution, indication of power abuse, falsifying documents and no involvement of the National Directorate Procurement of SSS during the negotiation process between PT.PINDAD (Persero) and PNTL. The report of the eventual commission has recommended that it needs a criminal and disciplinary processes to SSS and PNTL General Command responsibilities.

Another case is about uniforms of PNTL that were distributed to members of PNTL at its general quarter and 13 districts command of which had no quality because of an insufficient budget. The Kalbes Unipessoal Lda Company distributed such uniforms with the total 2551 to logistic department based on the contract. A set of this uniforms composed of hat, shirt, rank, emblem, trousers, belt, shoes and socks with the total funds around U$120.000, yet it was sufficient only for thin uniforms. Uniforms for (PNTL) women are 478 and for men are 2551 units with the total budget around US$58.000.000 of the 2012 State General Budget.

This company had already failed in the first phase, regarding the thin uniforms, and were sent back to Indonesia. However on the second phase this company (Kalbes Unipesoal Lda) was approved by the PNTL general inspection and agreed this company to distribute those uniforms to 13 districts command, in fact that the uniforms still had no quality. Regarding bad qualities of the uniforms, the secretary state of security and the PNTL general command blamed each other over the responsibility regarding the process contract with the Kalbes Unipesoal Company on purchase the uniforms case. From the above mentioned cases FM questions strongly of these processes; why the secretary state of security and PNTL general command blame each other over responsibilities of purchasing uniform process? It means that there is no good communication between both sides.


1. Recommends to the State General Inspector, Commission of Anti Corruption (CAC) and Public Ministry to hold an investigation into the National Procurement of the Ministry of Defense and Security regarding the single source projects.

2. Recommends to CAC and Public Ministry to investigate the Secretary State of Security, PNTL General Command and some other member of PNTL who are involved in the purchasing process weapon by PT. PINDAD (Persero) Indonesia.

3. Recommends to CAC and Public Ministry to hold an investigation into the Secretary State of Security, PNTL General Command and Kalbes Unipesoal Lda Company over the purchasing uniforms process to PNTL that have no quality and the confusion over whose responsibility procurement of these uniforms was

To know more details on this issue you can contact:

Nélson Belo
FM Executive Director
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184

4 thoughts on “Alegasaun Korupsaun no Abuzu Puder iha Seitor Siguransa”

  1. Hau hato’o parabens no agradece no ba FM nia servisu nebe konsege hetan buat barak nebe menzoina iha leten.
    maluk sira Ministerio defesa no siguransa, kompetensia iha Primeiro ministro maun bot Xanana nia kabas, karik KAK ho Ministro publiku atu halo investigasaun ba SES, ho nia strutura tomak nebe hola parte iha alegasaun orsamento ne’e, hau hhanoin bolu uluk maun bot nebe kaer kargu hanesan Ministtro Defesa no siguransa mak sei bolu SES nain rua ne’e hato’o kalrifikasaun, tamba sekretaris estado nain rua ne’e halao deit administrasaun maibe dezisaun hau hanoin sira la foti karik, sou ministro de Fesa mak bele foti dezisaun.
    sim hau konkorda teb-tebes ba FM nia rekomendasaun nebe iha, maibe persisa pesoal nebe servisu iha KAK ho MP. atu tau neon nain ba rai no povo ida ne’e halao duni knar ho independencia, atu nune’e la bele monu ba manobrasaun politika husi lidernsa alto sira, tamba ita nia justica atu lao ho diak ita nudar timor oan tengke servisu duni ho laran, labele hanoin katak hau halo ida ne’e ida neba, orsida Ministro hassai hau husi hau nia kargu, ka ponsionario publiku, ka keta haruka ema kalan mai oho hau karik, se equando ita halao knar ne’e ho fuan laran tomak ba servisu ne’e, neneik povo nia ejisenzia hirak ne’e bele hetan nia solusaun.
    Parlamento mos persisa reforsa lei konaba kompetensia KAK nian atu nune KAK labele sai fali mandataris husi ministerio publiku nia, taamba hau hare KAK laiha kompetensia atu lori kasu ruma ba Tribunal direita, tamba KAK sou halao deit Investigasaun ba kasu nebe ministerio Publiku delega ba KAK atu halao investigasaun. ne duni karik ida ne’e bele recomenda mos ba parlamentu.
    Tribunal Distrital ka Tribunal Recursu mos tenke tau prinsipu nasionalismo ba pesoal juiz sira nia kakutak atu nune’e hodi defende duni lei nia valor iha sociedade, se lae Juiz sira mos barak tauk atu lakon nia knar, lideransa politika ruma ameasa entaun kazu nebe lolos hetan ona solusaun maibe tamba hetan reasaun husi politika sira entaun dezisaun sai fali oin seluk. tau fali lei iha politika nia okos, e duni justica tenke lao independensia, wain hira pesoal nebe halao knar depende justica tenke profesional labele tabele fali ba politika sira, Juiz sira tenke iha kapasidade: intelektual, kapasidade Sosial historia, no ekonomia, atu ne’e kada pesoal ida sei la monu ba manobrasaun ka manipulasaun politika iha prosesu kasu nebe indikasaun korupsaun kualker hasoru sese deit. mak hetan deskonfia halo korupsaun tenke bolu no lori ba tribunal hodi hetan responsabel ba hahalok hirak ne’e e Lei iha rai ida ne’e ba ema hotu laos ba deit povo kiik no aileba deit maibe tenke aplika mos ba Alto politika sira, labele hare fali tamba nia ema veteranos, tamba nia mak ida ne’e nia mak ida neba, ita hotu mak luta ba ukun an ida ne’e laos ema ida ka rua deit mak luta ba ukun an ne’e, ne duni depende justica ba ema hotu. labele tau fali nia mak a’as fali iha lei nia leten. obrigado…!!!

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