Trafiku Umanu iha Timor-Leste

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Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 31 Agustu 2016

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 116 (Versaun Tetum) kona-bá Trafiku umanu maka asaun krime organizadu ne’ebé organiza husi ema ka grupu ida hodi esplora ema seluk nia moris ka negosiu ema nia moris. Ho nia objetivu atu hetan osan ka lukru boot husi prosesu trafiku; Atu sira bele fa’an vitima sira ba ema ne’ebé maka bele tau matan ba sira nia explorasaun; Atu sira servisu ho fasil no atu hetan traballador ne’ebé baratu no gratiuta.

Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste 2009 deskreve kona-bá trafiku umanu ka trafiku ho ema maka ema ne’ebé rekruta, aliena, sede, adkire, transporta, transfere, aloja ka akolle ema ruma, ho ameasa, forsa ka koasaun oin seluk tan, ho raptu, ho fraude, ho enganu, tamba abuza nia autoridade ka abuzu ema ne’e nia situasaun vulneravel, ka tanba entrega ka simu pagamentu ka benefísiu ruma hodi hetan konsentimentu husi ema ne’ebé iha autoridade ba ema seluk, hodi hetan explorasaun nia objetivu.

Iha kazu trafiku umanu ka trafiku ho ema identifika Timor-Leste iha Nivel 2 iha tinan 2016 no Nivel 2 Lista alerta iha tinan rua kotuk ne’e 2015 no 2014. Timor-Leste iha Nivel 2 signifika katak nasaun ne’ebé la kompletamente tuir padraun minimu Trafficking Trafficking Victims Protection Act’s (TVPA), maibe halo hela esforsu signifikativu atu kombate krime ne’e. Nune’e mos Nivel 2 Lista Alerta signifika ida ne’e maka kategoria tranzisional ba Nivel 3. Ida ne’e hodi klasifika nasaun ne’ebé ho númeru vitima sa’e ba beibeik, ka nasaun sira ne’ebé la fornese evidensia husi sira nia esforsu atu responde ka la hatudu esforsu atu bele hasa’e ninia kapasidade hodi kombate krime ida ne’e.

Nune’e faktu sira husi monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian iha tinan ida ne’e nian identifika sidadaun Indonézia feto ida ho naran Windhu Handayani (38) hela iha Dili no halo rekrutamentu ba joven Timor-oan sira ne’ebé hakarak ba servisu iha rai liur hanesan Taiwan no Japaun. Kriteriu ba servisu iha rai liur tenke selu osan hodi trata sira nia dokumentu deit no la presiza hatene lingua Ingles tamba iha ligasaun diak ho kompania sira ne’ebe fo servisu ba joven sira. Maibe wainhira rekruta tiha no lori ba to’o Indonézia la haruka ba servisu tuir promesa ne’ebé iha no prende tiha vitima sira nia pasaporte no limite vitima sira nia kontaktu. Nune’e mos kontinua bosok hodi esplora vitima sira ho forma husu aumenta osan. Identifika mos vitima Timor-oan na’in tolu hatama osan tuir pedidu Windhu Handayani nia ema idak-diak hatama osan ho montante US$ 3,500.00.

Monitorizasaun FM nian hetan katak Windhu Handayani iha nia rede ne’ebé estabelese ona iha Dili liu husi Timor-oan balu hodi fasilita halo rekrutamentu ba vitima sira no transporta ba rai liur. Identifika mos kazu ne’e hanesan Branqueamento Capital tamba husi osan ne’ebé ho forma bosok, transfere liu husi ajensia sira ne’ebé legalmente bele simu transferensia osan hodi transfere ba Windhu Handayani iha Indonézia hanesan FOHO OSAN MEAN FARMACIA – Audian, Dili.

FM deskonfia sei iha vitima barak-tan aleinde vitima na’in neen ne’ebé dadaun ne’e iha Indonézia sei iha tan vitima seluk ho forma ne’ebé hanesan no forma sira seluk. Tamba Windhu Handayani iha mos atividade negosiu movel iha Dili ne’ebé sasan haruka husi Indonézia fa’an ba ema ne’ebé presiza iha Dili.


1. Parlamentu Nasional presiza aselera ona diskusaun ba esbosu Lei Anti Trafiku Umanu nian ne’ebé to’o agora sei iha hela meja Parlamentu nian.

2. Governu Timor-Leste presiza estabelese no implementa mekanismu sira ne’ebé bele fasilita identifikasaun ba vitima sira no hala’o investigasaun detalladu ba kazu sira liga ho trafiku umanu ka trafiku ho ema, ho proativu hahu prozekusaun no kondenasaun no kastigu ba trafikante sira.

3. Autoridade polisial RI-RDTL liu husi mekanismu kooperasaun ne’ebé estabelese ona hodi identifika suspeitu no nia rede (matadalan) sira ba kazu trafiku umanu no brankamentu kapital nian hodi halo kapturasaun ba suspeitu ne’ebé nia paradeiru dadaun ne’e iha Solo – Indonézia.

4. Autoridade polisial RDTL loke investigasaun ba kompania FOHO OSAN MEAN FARMACIA ne’ebé fasilita transferensia osan vitima sira nia ba Windhu Handayani iha Indonézia.

5. Hadia no hametin kooperasaun servisu polisial nian iha fronteira hodi monitoriza, preve no kombate krime transnasional ne’ebé hakat fronteira RI-RDTL nian.

6. Rekomenda ba parte hotu husi sosiedade Timor-Leste (governu no sosiedade sivil) presiza asaun prevensaun ida ne’ebé lalais hodi prevene vitima sira tuir mai tantu iha nivel estudante, juventude em-jeral no populasaun sira area rural.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: ka
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

Human Trafficking in Timor-Leste

Press Release

Human trafficking is an act of organized crime meant to control the agency of another person for a particular interest. The purpose may be to monetize or profit from the trafficking process, or to sell the victim to others who may specialize in their exploration and seek access to free labor.

The 2009 penal code of Timor-Leste on human trafficking defines traffickers as people who recruit, transport, transfer, or lodge others by threat or force. Traffickers may also employ kidnapping, fraud (by abusing their authority), or payment in order to get consent from the one who would otherwise shield victims from exploitation.

Timor-Leste is in the second (2) level in 2016, as they were also in 2014 and 2015. The level 2 category signifies that the nation does not meet the minimum standard of Trafficking Victims Protection (TVPA), but recognizes that Timor-Leste has made significant effort to combat such crimes. However, level 2 is considered to be a transitional category to level 3. Level 3 describes countries with high numbers of victims, or countries that have demonstrated no evidence of effort to respond or to increase capacity to combat such crime.

FM’s monitoring this year identified an Indonesian citizen (female) Windhu Handayani, 38, who lives in Dili and recruits Timorese youths that want to work abroad in countries such as Taiwan and Japan. In order to work abroad, she stipulates that applicants must simply pay money for document processing, and do not need to speak English, because she has a good relation with companies that provide jobs anyway. After recruiting and bringing those youths to Indonesia, they are informed that they are not going to work according to the agreement. Meanwhile, their passport and contact numbers were held by Windhu Handayani, who continues to generate new lies in order to extort more money from the victims. FM identified that 3 of Timorese victims have collected money according to Handayani’s request; each victim submitted US$3,500.

FM’s monitoring noted that Windhu Handayani has an established network in Dili, and cooperates with some Timorese in order to recruit more people. FM considers the case as a capital banking crime (money laundering) because it makes use of agencies that legally can receive money and transfer it to Windhu Handayani in Indonesia. The complicit company is FOHO OSAN MEAN FARMACIA, Audian, Dili. FM suspects that there will be more victims who are going to face the same case as the previous six victims, who were recently in Indonesia, because Windhu Handayani has other businesses in Dili that regularly import goods from Indonesia.


1. The national parliament accelerate discussion and fast-track a draft of Anti-human trafficking law. It is currently sitting in the agenda in parliament.

2. The government of Timor-Leste establish and implement mechanisms that can facilitate the identification of victims and conduct detailed investigations.

3. Police within the RI-RDTL strengthen cooperation mechanisms to identify suspects and networks between human trafficking and capital banking in order to capture suspects who now live in Solo-Indonesia.

4. The RDTL investigate the company FOHO OSAN MEAN FARMACIA that has facilitated the laundering of victim’s money to Windhu Handayani in Indonesia.

5. Improve and strengthen police cooperation in the border territory in order to monitor, prevent and combat the transnational crime that comes over the border line of RI-RDTL.

6. Government and civil societies organizations across the country develop prevention actions as soon as possible in order to combat exploitation of youths in rural areas.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184

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