Loron 20 Agustu hanesan loron moris Forca Armadas de Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) nian iha tinan haatnolu-resin rua liu ba. Tempu naruk ida ne’e FALINTIL asume responsabilidade polítika no militar (militar polítika no girilia) ka ho naran Frente Armada direje luta Timor-oan nian hasoru okupasaun durante tinan ruanolu-resin haat.
Bainhira Timor-oan sira hetan fali nia independensia FALINTIL sai hanesan baze no esperitu ba dezenvolvimentu Forsa Armada Timor-oan nian no transforma husi Forsa Girilia ba Forsa Konvensional iha tinan 2001 ho naran FALINTIL-Força de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). Nune’e fila fali ba titulu iha leten ne’e ho istoria naruk ne’ebé FALINTIL hakat liu “FALINTIL Hanesan Ikan no Povu Hanesan bé” no “Militar Polítika no Girilia”. Hodi prenxe ukun-an ida ne’e ho kontestu no tempu ne’ebé diferente ejije misaun ne’ebé diferente mos. Misaun inspirador no fo esperitu ba dezenvolvimentu Forsa Konvensional iha tempu ukun-an ida ne’e.
Signifika FALINTIL nia misaun seidauk hotu no kontinua hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu nasional. Nune’e uluk povu hanesan bé FALINTIL hanesan ikan, agora fila fali FALINTIL simu misaun ida hodi fo moris ba povu. Konstituisaun artigu 146 no. 2 hatete FALINTIL-FDTL garante independénsia nasionál, integridade territoriál no populasaun sira nia liberdade no seguransa hasoru agresaun ka ameasa externa naran ida, ho respeitu ba orden konstitusionál.
Hodi kumpri lolos misaun ne’ebé Konstituisaun fo ezije buat barak mos hodi ezekuta ho matenek, baden oin-oin no disiplina. Lema ba aniversariu FALINTIL nian ba dala haatnolu-resi rua ida ne’e hato’o katak “HO ESPIRÍTU FALINTIL NIAN, HAU HATENE HADOMI NO HATENE SERVÍ”. Ida ne’e luta foun ida ne’ebé FALINTIL tenke halo iha tempu ukun-an ida ne’e.
Nune’e mos girileiru sira husi FALINTIL kontinua fo sira nia kontribuisaun no la sente kole maske sira hotu pasa ona ba idade ne’ebé lolos tenke deskansa. Maibe sira kontinua asume responsabilidade hodi dezenvolve F-FDTL iha tempu modernu ida ne’e sai forsa militar ida ne’ebé modernu mos. Militar modernu ida ne’ebé serví diak povu iha aspetu sira seguransa, sosial, ekonomia no misaun sira manutensaun ba paz nian iha mundu.
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Hodi bele serví iha aspetu sira temi liu dadauk ne’e, Goveru foun ne’ebé sei mai tenke prioritiza mos kondisaun sira ne’ebé bele hakbiit F-FDTLno nia ramu ka komponente sira hanesan polítika, lei, infra-estrutura no fasilidade sira.
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FALINTIL – Formerly People Beneficiate for Their life todaythey Servefor People
“FALINTIL is Fish and People is Water”
August 20th is the 42nd birthday of the Armed Forces of the National Liberation of Timor-Leste (FALINTIL). During the struggle against the Indonesian occupation, FALINTIL assumed political and military responsibilities for 24 years.
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After the Timorese people obtained independence, FALINTIL became the basis for the development of the Timorese military, transforming from a guerrilla force into a conventional army and acquiring the name FALINTIL-Defense Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). During the independence struggle, people described FALINTIL as “Military, policymaker, and guerrilla force” and said “FALINTIL is the fish and the people are the water.” Before independence, the circumstances of the occupation demanded a different mission than what is called for today. In the post-independence period, FALINTIL should act as an inspiration for the development of Timor-Leste’s new, conventional military.
This means that FALINTIL’s mission is not yet over. Instead, FALINTIL should continue contributing to the nation’s development. Therefore, today FALINTIL’s mission is to serve the people. Article 146 no. 2 of the constitution states that FALINTIL-F-FDTL must uphold national independence, territorial integrity, the people’s freedom, and security against external threats.
Fulfilling FALINTIL’s constitutional mission demands intelligence, skills, and discipline. To commemorate the 42nd anniversary of FALINTIL, one should declare “With the spirit of FALINTIL, I know how to love and how to serve.” This encapsulates the new struggle that FALINTIL should embrace on its anniversary.
Ex-guerillas from FALINTIL continue to contribute to the nation despite their old age. They will help develop F-FDTL into a modern military force in this post-independence period. This modern military can serve the people in the security, social, economic, and infrastructural areas.
In order to perform in these areas, the new government must prioritize creating conditions that can strengthen F-FDTL, including good policies, laws, and infrastructure.