Fundasaun Mahein, 17 Setembru 2015
Komunikadu Imprenza
Semana ida ne’e publikasaun supreza ida husi media nasional ne’ebé dada atensaun públiku iha Timor-Leste. Membru Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL husi Task Force hamutuk ho sidadaun estranjeiru 100 resin hodi tuir ezame atu sai sidadaun Timor-Leste. Tuir Diretora Ezekutivu Dirasaun Nasional Rejistu no Notaradau – DNRN katak ema estranjeiru hamutuk 100 resin ne’ebé tuir ezame mai husi hanesan funsionariu publiku no polisia ne’ebé rekruta iha tempu UNTAET nian.
Entertantu tuir lei sidadania artigu 11 alinea 2 katak ema estranjeiru ne’ebé atu hetan sidadania bainhira lakon ona ninia nasionalidade uluk nian, (liu ona prova administrasaun) maka konsidera hanesan sidadaun Timor-Leste. Ne’e katak membru PNTL refere seidauk tama iha rekejitu hanesan sidadaun Timor-Leste no konsidera hanesan ema estranjeiru. Mosu perguntas maka oinsa nia bele tuir rekrutamentu PNTL?
Tuir normas bai-bain wainhira sidadaun sira atu tuir rekrutamentu funsionariu públiku (polisia-militar) ho kriteria baziku hanesan kartaun rejistu, sertidaun RDTL no karta deklarasaun husi instituisaun polisia kona-bá ninia involvimentu iha krime ruma. Hodi komprova katak ema ne’e merese no legal atu tuir rekrutamentu iha instituisaun polisia no militar iha Timor-Leste.
Liga ho kazu ne’ebé akontese iha instituisaun PNTL, tuir Fundasaun Mahein (FM) katak mosu fallansu boot iha prosesu rekrutamentu tempu ONU nian. Hanesan prosesu rekrutamentu PNTL ne’ebé lidera husi UNPOL iha tempu UNTAET ne’ebé aplika kriteria internasional hodi hare’e deit ema nia alturas no esperensia. Maibe la aplika kriteria ne’ebé rigrozu ne’ebé hetan ona kritika husi sosiadade sivil inklui FM rasik iha tempu refere.
Kontinua hakait ba kazu atual ne’ebé dadaun akontese, tuir FM katak Departementu Rekursu Umanu PNTL presiza halo verifikasaun dokumentus pesoal membru polisia ativu, liu-liu elementu polisia ne’ebé rekruta iha tempu UNTAET nian. Tanba mekanizmu rekrutamentu iha tempu UNTAET ne’ebé ladun rigrozu hafasil ema flasifika dokumentu iha momentu ne’ebá.
Nune’e mos problema kontrolu migratoriu ne’ebé fraku no laiha dadus konkretu kona-bá ema estranjeiru iha Timor-Leste hafasil ema tama-sai no halo fasilfikasaun dokumentu. Pior liu tan, membru PNTL proteje malu no FM fiar katak durante Komandu PNTL hatene hela kazu ne’e. Maibe kontinua proteze malu no subar ema illegal iha instituisaun PNTL ne’ebé legal.
Tuir FM nia hanoin katak buat hirak ne’e pregozu no ameasa tebes ba instituisaun PNTL. Oinsa PNTL bele garante profesionalizmu serbisu polisial, wainhira ema ne’ebé serbisu la’os ema sidadaun Timor-Leste, no la sente hanesan nai’in ba instituisaun PNTL.
Ho ida ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda katak:
1. Rekomenda ba instituisaun PNTL presiza iha sistema kontrolu no verikasaun dokumentus ho rigrozu ba kadetes foun iha futuru. No, husu dokumentu sira orjinal atu nune’e minimiza duplikasaun no flasifikasaun dokumentu nian.
2. Rekomenda ba instituisaun PNTL atu garante transparansia no akuntabilidade iha prosesu rekrutamentu. Komandu PNTL presiza halo review fila fali ba makanizmu rekrutamentu durante ne’e. No, kria sistema forte no rigrozu iha prosesu selesaun dokumentus husi kadetes sira.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretur Ezekutivu
Tlp: +670 7737 4222 ka 77561184
Illegal Member of the PNTL Working Inside the PNTL Institution
Fundasaun Mahein, 17 September 2015
Press Release
This weekend the national media published surprising news to the national public. More than 100 Members of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) from the Task Force, as former foreign citizens, attended the citizenship exam for Timor-Leste. According to the executive director of the National Directorate for Inspection and Notaries (DNRN), those foreigners (participants) are public civil servants and police that were recruited during the period of UNTAET.
However, based on citizenship status as detailed in article 11, line 2, that foreign persons must renounce their former nationality (and have attained administrative proof) to be legally considered citizens of Timor-Leste, the aforementioned members of the PNTL are not legally registered as citizens of Timor-Leste and are still legally considered foreigners. The question is, how could these persons participate in the recruitments by the PNTL?
According to the norms of the process a citizen’s participation in the recruitment for public civil servant (police-military) members, the citizen should have basic criteria such as identity card, the (RDTL) baptism certificate, and a declaration letter from the police institution over their involvement in any crime in order to prove that the person is eligible to participate in the recruitment of police and military institutions in Timor-Leste.
Aligned with the situation that has arisen within the PNTL recently, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) stressed that it a large failure occurred in the recruitment process under the United Nation (UN) mission, in that the recruitment process of the PNTL, led by UNPOL under the UNTAET period, entailed applying International criteria focusing on a candidate’s height and experience, but did not apply a rigorous criteria. This lack of criteria was criticized by civil society actors, including FM, at the time.
In this recent case, in FM’s recommendation, the department of human resources of the PNTL needs to verify the documentation of its active police members, especially those members recruited under the UNTAET period, as the recruitment mechanisms of that time were lax, allowing for easy falsification of documents.
In addition, there is a lack of control from the Migration Department, which does not have concrete data over foreign entry and exit in Timor-Leste, making it easy for foreigners to go in and out (tama-sai) as well as falsify their documents. Even worse is that members of the PNTL protect each other from investigation, and also ultimately protect those working illegally inside the PNTL.
In FM’s view, this is a threat and dangerous issue for the PNTL, as this is a reflection on how the PNTL ensures professionalism in its ranks. If members working inside the (PNTL) institution are not real citizens of this nation, what can be said of the professionalism of the PNTL?
Therefore, Fundasaun Mahein recommends that:
1. The institution of the PNTL have a controlling system, in which there is rigorous document verification for new cadets in the future, and verification of the original documents in order to minimize duplication and falsification.
2. The institution of the PNTL ensures transparency and accountability in the recruitment process, and that the PNTL command needs to review its recruitment mechanism in order to establish a strong and rigorous system in the selection process for documents for verification of cadets.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
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