Paradeiru Kilat Ne’ebé Lakon La Klaru no Polemíka Kilat Iha Timor-Leste

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Kilat ho Modelu PM2-V1 ne'ebe governu sosa husi PT. Pindad Indonezia

Fundasaun Mahein, 23 Abril 2013

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 49 kona-bá “Paradeiru Kilat Ne’ebé Lakon La Klaru no Polemíka Kilat Iha Timor-Leste” (relatoriu kumpletu versaun Tetun, pdf). Povu asiste bebeik ona kona-bá istoria violensia ho  kilat iha Timor-Leste no kilat halo povu sai paniku no polemika iha opiniaun públiku. Relatoriu ida ne’e loke espasu debate públiku kona-bá asuntu kilat ne’ebé lakon no sai polemika iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé durante ne’e lakon no seidauk hatene ninia paradeiru. Kilat lakon hahu husi krize 2006, kilat PNTL ida lakon iha 2012 inklui  kilat kontroversial ne’ebé Governu Timor-Leste, partikularmente Komandu Jeral PNTL sosa husi PT. PINDAD – Indonezia.

Kilat lakon iha krize 2006 relatoriu balu deskrobe ona no sai polemika liu tan iha opiniaun públiku maibe seidauk iha informasaun ofisial ruma husi Governu no Parlamentu rasik. Fundasaun Mahein nian monitorizasaun akompañia prosesu hirak ne’e, iha tinan 2011 Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa (MDS) harii ona “Komisaun Investigasaun Kilat F-FDTL no PNTL” ne’ebé lakon iha krize 2006. Maske mandatu komisaun ne’e ramata ona maibe to’o ohin loron seidauk iha serteza informasaun ruma husi MDS no kontinua iha nonok nia laran. Iha dokumentu balu FM deskobre katak iha ona rekomendasaun lubuk ida husi Komisaun Investigasaun Kilat PNTL no F-FDTL maibe prosesu ne’e to’o iha ne’ebé ona?

Kilat ne’ebé lakon iha krize 2006 seidauk hatene lolos nia paradeiru, iha tinan klaran 2012 kilat ida husi PNTL lakon tan. Pesoal ne’ebé halakon kilat hetan ona demisaun husi Komandu Jeral PNTL maibe kilat ne’e rasik seidauk hatene nia paradeiru. Iha altura ne’ebá Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa (SES) no Komando Jeral PNTL dudu ba mai kompetensia atu buka tuir kilat, to’o agora kontinua iha nonok nia laran. FM  konsidera katak kilat lakon tanba sistema jestaun kilat kontinua iha problema ne’ebé sidauk hetan tratamentu diak. Ida ne’e fo risku makáas liu tan ba kilat ne’ebé Estadu Timor-Leste kontinua sosa ne’ebé seidauk iha sistema jestaun ne’ebé diak hodi jere kilat hirak ne’e.

Kilat lakon iha krize 2006 no kilat PNTL iha tinan 2012 seidauk hetan, iha tinan ne’e mos Governu sosa kilat husi PT. PINDAD – Indonezia ba PNTL. Kilat lima ne’ebé hatama iha Agustu 2012 problematiku tebes no polemika iha sosiedade nia leet. Iha altura ne’eba FM kestiona kona-bá prosesu sosa kilat ne’e, la iha transparensia tanba la nakloke ba públiku. Hetok aat liu maka kilat ne’e tama mai iha aeru portu autoridade sira iha aeru portu labele halo revista ba kaixa sira ne’e no Komandante Jeral PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro protestu atu kaixa kilat sira ne’e ba lalais PNTL nia liman. Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa Francisco Guterres deklara katak la’os nia responsabilidade maibé ne’e submete Komandante Jeral Monteiro nia responsabilidade.

Iha loron 3 Setembru 2012 Komadante Jeral PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro fo sai ba públiku, Komandu Jeral PNTL sosa kilat husi PT. PINDAD – Indonezia hamutuk 75 ho nomor seri 0001 to’o 00075, kilat refere premeira vez PNTL uza iha mundu. Sai polemika liu tan kona-bá kilat PM2 – V1 konsidera nu’udar kilat ne’ebé Guarda Florestal Indonezia nian maka uza. Komadante Jeral PNTL Longuinhos Monteiro rejeita totalmente katak kilat PM2 – V1 nian rasik maka dezeña. Maibe dadus ne’ebé FM asesu komprova katak kilat PM2 – V1 nu’udar kilat Guarda Florestal Indonezia nian ne’ebé fo sai portal PT. PINDAD nian rasik, (

Polemika kona-bá kilat kontinua to’o tinan rohan 2012 ne’ebé iha fulan Agustu 2012 kilat lima ne’ebé tama uluk mai wainhira halo teste la iha kualidade. Iha loron 30 Novembru 2012 fo sai iha media nasional ekipa teste kilat aranka ba Jakarta – Indonezia kompostu husi SES, Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional, PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé lidera husi Diretora Jeral SES. FM konsidera ekipa ne’ebé hala’o teste ba kilat la kualidade tanba la iha kuiñesementu kona-bá kilat ne’ebé involve ema sivil maka barak liu no ekipa ne’e tiru koko deit ne’ebé fo sai tiha ona iha portal BUMN – Indonezia nian. Teste duni ka tiru koko deit?

Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional seidauk simu rezultadu teste no ironiku liu tan Konsellu Ministru seidauk aprova prosesu hatama kilat, Komandu Jeral PNTL fo sai publikamente kilat PM2 – V1 tama tiha ona Timor-Leste. SES no Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional públikamente konsidera nu’udar kilat ilegal tanba Konsellu Ministru seidauk aprova Komandu Jeral PNTL hatama tiha ona.  SES rasik promete sei halo investigasaun maibe to’o agora komisaun ne’ebé SES rasik promete seidauk harii. FM mos konsidera ne’e procurament ilegal.

Fundasaun Mahein nia rekomendasaun sira;

1. Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa presiza hadi’a sistema aprovizionamentu kona-bá kilat nian hodi prevene pratika iregularidade sira tuir mai.

2. Husu Parlamentu Nasional presiza ejiji nafatin ba Governu atu harii lalais komisaun investigasaun ba kilat ne’ebé hatama la ho prosesu ne’ebé transparante iha inisiu tinan 2013 .

3. Husu ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa presiza ezekuta rekomendasaun ne’ebé komisaun investigasaun kilat PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé lakon iha krize 2006 iha tinan 2011.

4. Komandu Jeral PNTL tenki buka tuir kilat ne’ebé lakon iha tinan 2012 ne’ebé to’o agora iha nonok nia laran no la hatene kilat ne’e nia paradeiru.

5. Governu tenke harii Empreza Públiku (EP) ida ne’ebé halo importasaun rasik ba kilat.

6. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL hatur ordem forte ba PNTL uza kilat iha tempu serbisu ofisial no lori kilat iha tempu ne’ebe deit. Wainhira sai serbisu labele lori sai kilat.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo

Diretur Fundasaun Mahein


Email :

Tlp +(670) 7737 422


Fundasaun Mahein, 23 April 2013

Press Realize

Lost Weapons and Other Weapons Issues in Timor-Leste

Mahein’s Voice Report No. 49 analyzes lost weapons and other weapons issues in Timor-Leste. Historically, weapons usage has caused panic among the populace and can be considered an issue of public security. This report attempts to expand the space for debate and public participation in matters relating to the existence of lost weapons in East Timor. Weapons began to be lost during the 2006 crisis, and continued to go missing through 2012. Separately, the Government, through the PNTL General Commander, bought controversial weapons from the PINDAD company of Indonesia.

Some members of the national media have reported that some of the missing weapons from the 2006 crises have been found, but as of now the government and the national parliament have released no official information on the matter. FM observed that in 2011 the ministry of defense and security established investigative processes for the missing F-FDTL and PNTL weapons from the 2006 crisis. The Ministry of Defense and Security has yet to release the results of that commission, even though the mandate of that investigative commission is over. Yet FM has observed some documents cite recommendations from that investigative commission.

The lost weapons from 2006 remain unsolved, but the history of missing police weapons deepened again in mid-2012. Even though a PNTL officer was ultimately dismissed from the PNTL for the incident, the current location of the lost weapon from 2012 remains unclear. At the time of the incident, the Secretary of State for Security and the PNTL General Commander directed responsibility for recovering the lost weapon at each another – to no result. FM considers the unsolved status of the lost weapons a result of the bad weapons management system in East Timor, and FM believes that it is very risky for the government of East Timor to continue importing such weapons.

In 2012, the government imported weapons for the PNTL through the PINDAD company of Indonesia. These imported weapons have since become a major public issue in society. FM, at the time of the incident, decried the lack of transparency in weapons transactions in Timor-Leste. FM noted in the report that the PNTL General Commander, Longuinhos, direct that the weapons in the port were not to undergo a check by airport customs, but rather were to be brought directly to the PNTL. To these actions, the Secretary of State for Security replied that this was not his responsibility but was the responsibility of the PNFL General Commander Longuinhos.

On 3 September 2012 the PNTL General Commander publicly announced the weapons transaction between the Commandant General of PNTL and the PINDAD Company of Indonesia. The imported weapons totaled 75 weapons with the serial number 0001 up to 00075, and the PNTL were to have been the first users in the world of these brand new weapons. One of the many issues with this weapons purchase is that the weapons of type PM2-V1 is considered the weapon of the Indonesia Forest Guard. The PNTL General Commander Longuinhos rejected this assertion and announced that the weapons of type PM2-VI was designed by him. But FM has collected data that the FM2-VI weapons is used by the Indonesia Forest Guard. It is declared as such by the PINDAD Company:>.

Other issues with PNTL continued to arise later in 2012 with the case of the five weapons of poor quality. On 30 November 2012, the national media reported that the Weapons Tester – supported by the Secretary of State for Security, Committee B of the National Parliament, the PNTL and the F-FDTL as led by the General Director of the Secretary of State for Security – was headed to Jakarta. FM considers the Weapons Tester not a person of good quality.

Committee B of the National Parliament has not yet accept these results, and the Council has not yet approved the weapons that were imported but the PNTL General Commander into Timor-Leste and that he already declared publicly as weapons present in Timor-Leste. Therefore, the Secretary of State for Security and Committee B of the National Parliament should consider these weapons as illegal because they have not yet received the proper authorization and approval.


1. Recommendation to the Ministry of Defense and Security to improve the quality of weapons management and control mechanisms to prevent future irregularity.

2. Recommendation to the National Parliament to continue insisting that the government establish an investigative commission for the illegal weapons imported in 2012 and still present in 2013.

3. Recommendation to the Ministry of Defense and Security to publish the recommendations of the investigative commission regarding the lost weapons of PNTL and F-FDTL from 2006.

4. Recommendation to the PNTL General Commander to find the lost weapons from 2012 that remain lost.

5. Recommendation to the government to establish a Public Company that handles the importation of weapons into Timor-Leste.

6. Recommendation to the PNTL General Commander to establish a firm law for PNTL officers to only use their weapons while on the job, and not allow PNTL officers to carry weapons while the officer not on duty.

For more information please contac:

Nélson Belo

Director Fundasaun Mahein


Email :

Tlf. : +(670) 7737 422

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