MAHEIN NIA LIAN No. 9: Komunikadu da Imprenza, Analiza Kona ba Orsamentu Ratifikativu 2010 ba Siguransa no Defesa

Fundasaun Mahein 25 Agostu 2010

Komunikadu da Imprenza

Analiza Kona ba Orsamentu Ratifikativu 2010 ba Siguransa no Defesa

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia Lian No. 9 (hetan iha ne’e) ba edisaun ida ne’e, sei halo deskusaun ba osamentu ratifikativu ba osamanetu estadu Seitor Siguransa Defeza.

Iha loron 31 Maiu 2010, Konselhu Ministru Aprova ‘Orsamentu Ratifikativu” ho montante $837,981,000 dolares de amerikanu. orsamentu ida ne’e sae makas liu fali orsamentu estadu tinan 2009 ne’ebe montante $659,996,000 dolares de amerikanu deit.

Orsamentu original ba Ministeriu de Defesa ho Siguransa ninian, total hamutuk $28, 630,000 dolares de amerikanu. Orsamentu ba F-FDTL ho PNTL total $ 51, 940,000 dolares de amerikanu, depois fahe fali ba kada institusaun ba F-FDTL, hamutuk $28,613,000 dolares de amerikanu, i ba PNTL ho total montante hamutuk $23,327,000 dolares de amerikanu.

Konselhu Ministru iha sira nia enkontru iha tinan 2 de Junhu 2010 hasai resolusaun ne’ebe garantia dezenvolvimentu portu provisoriu iha Hera ne’ebe sei gasta osan hamutuk tokon $7,100,000 dolares de amerikanu. Iha biban hanesan Konselhu Ministru mos aprova projeitu konstrusaun publiku ne’e ba kompania internasional LIFESE Engineering, Co, husi Australia ho sistema single sources. FM hanoin katak, Parlementu Komisaun B persiza halo superviza didiak konaba projeitu ne’e. FM mos kestiona ona tambasa maka konstrusaun ida ne’ebe gastu osan boot no involve kompania internasional maibe halo deit portu provisoriu ba F-FDTL Naval nia?

Iha parte seluk FM mos iha prekupasaun bo’ot tebes, konaba estabelesementu Diresaun Nasional Prevensaun de Konflitus Komunitarius (DNPCC), iha SES nia okos. DNPCC hetan alokasaun orsamentu hamutuk $128,000 dolares de amerikanu, osan ida ne’ebe boot tebes. FM kestiona ona ba Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, tamba sa maka la halo fiskalizasaun ba DNPCC nia atividades, tamba durante tinan rua ona maka dirasaun ne’e harii maibe sidauk halo atividades importante ruma.

FM rekomenda ba Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, atu halo supervisaun no monitorizasaun, fiskalizasaun ba orsamentu ne’ebe maka aloka ba seitor Defeza ho Siguransa, depois halo relatoriu ida atu bele fo sai ba publiku.

Ho montante orsamentu ida ke bo’ot, Sekretariu do Estadu de Siguransa (SES) no Sekretariu do Estadu de Defesa (SED) tenki iha kapasidade hodi bele desenhu programa ida ke spesifiku relasiona ho oinsa atu bele ezekuta orsamentu sira ne’e ho transparante no akauntibilidade.

FM rekomenda halo diskusaun aberta nebe involve Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B, SES no SED, no mos organizasaun sosiedade sivil hirak ne’e be halo servisu iha area siguransa. Diskusaun ida ne’e ho objetivu atu troka hanoin no mos bele hamosu ideia foun ruma konaba alokasaun orsamentu ho nia ezekusaun ba Defeza ho Siguransa.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu

Nélson Belo

Direktor Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at] ,

tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein 25 August 2010

Press release:

The analysis of Ratification of State Budget Year 2010 for Security and Defense Institutions

Fundasaun Mahien (FM) nia Lian No.9 (download here). In this edition we are focused on the ratification of the State budget for government institutions that are assigned to deal with Security and Defense.

On 31 May 2010, The Council of Ministers approved the State ratification budget totalling $837,981,000 USD, which is an increase from last budget in 2009, which was only $659,996,000 USD.

The original budget for the Ministry of Defense and Security totalled $28,630,000 USD. Total budget allocation to F-FDTL and PNTL is $51,940,000 USD which from this figure, $28,613,000 USD was allocated to F-FDTL, and $23,327,000 USD was allocated to PNTL.

The Council of Ministers meeting on 2 June 2010 saw released, the resolution to guarantee the development of a temporary Port in Hera village, for which $7,100,000 USD was allocated. At the same time, the Council of Ministers also approved a project of construction to the International company LIFESE Engineering, Co, from Australia through a single source system. FM highlights that, the National Parliament Commitee B needs to better monitor this project. FM also questions why the Council of Ministers have allocated such a large budget for the temporary Port for F-FDTL Navy?

In addition, FM is also preoccupied in regards to the establisment of the National Direction of Conflict Prevention in the Community (DNPCC), by the State Secretary for Security’s office. DNPCC have a budget totalling $128,000 USD, which is a tremendously large budget. FM also questions why the National Parliament Commitee B, during its two years since inception, has not facilitated any of the activities of DNPCC.

FM recommends to National Parliament Commitee B, to supervise and monitor the execution of the budgets that were allocated to the State Secretary for Defense and Security, as well as write a report that the National Parliament Commitee B can distribute to the public, for the people to be informed.

FM also recommends that SES and SED need to have better capacity to design a specific program, in regards to the execution of the budget in a transparent and accountable manner.

FM recommends to the National Parliament Commitee B, to conduct an open meeting with SES and SED, and involve all the civil society organizations which are focused on the Security Sector. The object of this meeting will be to exchange information about the execution of the budget, and provide civilian oversight to the budgets being allocated to the Government’s Security Sector.

For further information please contact Nélson Belo

Director Fundasaun Mahein

email: direktor.mahein[at]

tlp +670 737 4222

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