Foin dadauk iha London (Englatera) violensia maka’as ne’ebe maka la espekta atu mosu, no Polisia Englatera hasoru difikuldades boot atu hapara violensia. Iha Timor-Leste, mos iha violensia hanesan nebe’e mosu bebeik kontinua laiha rohan. Istoria Timor-Leste nian nakunu ho violensia kuaze kada tinan tinan sunu umu no oho malu. Maibe tamba sa maka PNTL laiha planu no preparasaun ba violensia hirak ne’e?
Akontesementu oho PNTL no sunu uma iha Zumalai-Suai hanesan teste boot ida ba kapasidade PNTL. Wainhira akontesementu oho no sunu uma, PNTL distritu Cova-Lima iha duni kapasidade atu mobiliza PNTL distritu ka lae? Karik PNTL iha Cova-Lima kapasidade lanaton, komandante Distritu Suai iha kapasidade atu husu tulun ba PNTL nasional ka lae? Iha treinamentu ba PNTL atu halo planeamentu boot ba PNTL atu atua perturbasaun boot ka lae?
FM lamenta, tamba PNTL labele halo intervensaun atu hapara violensia iha Suai. Akontesementu hanesan ne’e bebeik tiha ona, maibe tamba sa mak PNTL laiha preparasaun? FM husu atu haree fila fali Politika Siguransa Interna Timor-Leste nian atu forma Polisia Nasional tuir ameasa sira ne’ebe bebeik akontese ona. FM nota katak treinamentu PNTL konaba atuasaun terrorista, hamaus bomba, treinu marina ne’ebe hamate PNTL ida iha tasi laran ne’e lolos sidauk perioridade ba situasaun siguransa iha Timor dadaun ne’e.
Atu harii siguransa ida nebe’e iha lejitimasaun, Politika Siguransa tenki hatur bazea ba amesa real iha Timor-Leste. Atu responde situasaun, treinamentu PNTL tenki liga ba ameasas hanesan violensia iha Zumalai-Suai. FM rekomenda ba guvernu atu hare fila fali mekanismu treinamentu PNTL nian, durante ne’e hanesan militar ne’ebe uza kilat boot, maibe akontesementu Zumalai-Suai ne’e husu PNTL tenki iha treinamentu polisia komunitariu ne’ebe halo prevene ba komfliktus. FM rekomenda katak atu realize Polisia komunitariu ida nebe’e efektivu no or entasaun ba resulusaun problema. Tatu FM husu katak at halo kna’ar diak, tengki persiza iha manajementu diak, lideransa diak, treinamentu nebe’e iha ligasaun ba prevensaun komfliktus . PNTL tenki hatene komunidade ho nia problemas, no nee tenki antisipa wainhira mosu violensia boot nebe nia skala boot no kria planua atu hatene lolos violensia no halo kontrola. Hirak ne’e planuamentu diak ho logistiku diak no sira ne’e hotu tengki iha lideransa diak maka bele komanda.
Hasae kapasidade PNTL bazea ba ameasas domestika, tamba kapasidade nebe’e halo responde lalais ba akontesementu ruma iha rai laran ho imidiatu. Perturbasaun hanesan iha Zumalai-Suai ne’e hanesan teste boot ida ba kapasidade PNTL nian, no PNTL faila ona ba teste ne’e. Tamba akontesementu hanesan Zumalai-Suai ne’e akontese tina ona.
Akontesementu hanesan Zumalai-Suai sei akontese tan durante elisaun presidensial no elisaun parlementar. PNTL sei prontu ba 2012 ka lae?
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222
The Zumalai Incident was a Big Test for the PNTL
Recently London (England) was the victim of widespread public disorder, which was unexpected and which the police struggled to control it. In Timor-Leste, we also have similar violence which appears continually, seemingly without end. Timor-Leste’s history is full of violence, almost every year houses are burnt and people are killed. But why have the PNTL not made plans and preparation for this violence?
The incident in which a PNTL officer was killed and houses burned in Zumalai-Suai was a big test of the capacity of the PNTL. When killings and house burnings occur, did the Cova Lima PNTL District Commander have the capacity to mobilize the district PNTL? Perhaps if the PNTL in Suai did not have enough capacity for this situation, did the Commander of Suai district have the capacity to ask for support from the PNTL National Command or not? Does the training of the PNTL include making large plans in order to deal with serious public disturbances?
FM is concerned because the PNTL was not able to make a response which was able to stop the violence in Suai. Incidents like this continually occur, but why did the PNTL not make preparations? FM asks that the internal security policies of Timor-Leste be revised in order that PNTL are directed to deal with the incidents that more regularly threaten Timor. FM notes that the PNTL recently received training in counter-terrorism, bomb-disposal and even marine training, training which killed a PNTL officer – this sort of training is not reflective of security priorities in this country.
In order to build security which has legitimately, security policy must have a basis in the real threats faced by Timor-Leste. In order to respond to a situation, PNTL training must be related to threats like the violence in Zumalai-Suai. FM recommends to the government to review again the PNTL training mechanisms, such as military style training using assault rifles – incidents such as Zumilai-Suai asks that the PNTL have community police training which is designed to prevent conflict. FM recommends that a community police service which is effective and resolves the problem. PNTL must know the community and its problems, it must anticipate when large scale violence might occur and then create plans to ensure that such violence is prevented or controlled. This requires good planning, good logistics and,above all, good leadership.
Increasing the PNTL’s capacity, must be based on the domestic threats, because such capacity will make a quick response to some incidents in this country. Public disturbances such as in Zumalai-Suai are a big test of the capacity of the PNTL, a test which, in this case, the PNTL failed.
Because incidents like Zumalai-Suai will happen even more during the Presidential and Parliamentary elections, FM must ask, is the PNTL ready for 2012 or not?
For more information on this issue, please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson[at]
Tlp : +670 737 4222
Hey hare tok website ida ne’e FM iha Radio ABC:
Uluk liu ha’u hakarak hato’o ha’u nia apresiasaun maluk sira FM nian ne’ebe kria ona portal ka website ida ne’e, ne’ebe loke espasu ida atu ema bele fahe ka hato’o sira nia hanoin kona-ba kestaun seguransa nian iha ita nia rain Timor-Leste. Kazu Zumalain nian hanesan kazu ida ne’ebe dada Timor oan hotu nia atensaun tanba hamosu preokupasaun kona-ba problema seguransa iha rai laran. Uluk liu ha’u hakarak halo komentariu ba konteudu husi hakerek iha leten ne’ebe ha’u bele dehan katak ita nia polisia mak seidauk profisional lolos. Ha’u hakarak dehan de’it katak ita labele haree de’it problema Zumalai husi Angulu ka sudut ida de’it tanba ida ne’e problema kompleksu ida. Primeiru ha’u hakarak dehan katak hahalok grupu foin-sae balun ne’ebe oho membru Polisia Teki Diaz labele simu toleransia no tenke hatan iha tribunal no simu kastigu tuir krime ne’ebe sira halo ona maibe molok lori ba tribunal tenke halo investigasaun ida ne’ebe kle’an kona-ba motivu husi krime ida ne’e. Ha’u nia prokupasaun boot ne’ebe kona-ba akontesimentu ida ne’e mak tanba sa mak bainhira ita maun alin teki diaz mate ema lakoi hat’o ba polisia ho buka tuir no kaer suspeitu maibe mosu fali hahlok milisia nian ida ne’ebe sunu fali populasaun nian uma? maske ema sira ne’ebe oho teki diaz ne’e ema lubun ki’ikoan ida de’it. tuir ha’u nia haree dadaun iha Timor-Leste, ho ezistensia grupu arte marsial ne’ebe ninia membru aumenta kada tinan, sei halo pais ida sai hanesan pais ida. iha ne’ebe lei selvajen (hukum rimba) nian mak ukun, katak bainhira individuu ida husi grupu ida hetan ameasa maka ninia maluk sira sei responde kedas ho hahalok violensia envezde hat’o ba polisia atu halo atuasaun. Tanba sa mak ha’u dehan nune’e? tanba membru Polisia teki Diaz ne’e membru grupu arte marsial SH nian (ninia kualidade nu’udar eis FLINTIL ha’u konsidera no valoriza nafatin) nune’e bainhira nia mte grupu SH nian halo kedas reeasaun hodi sunu populasaun nian uma maske populasaun sira ne’e barak la sala. tanba ne’e ha’u hakarak dehan de’it katak se Teki Diaz ne’e membru polisia nian de’it no la mete iha grupu arte marsial karik nia bele mate maibe populasaun sala laek sira nia uma la mutuk no ema sala na’in sira ne’ebe oho Eis-FALINTIL Teki Diaz de’it mak tenke responsabiliza sira hahalok hodi ba hatan iha tribunal. ha’u mos akompana iha programa sala redasaun TVTL nian iha loron Kinta libua ne’ebe dehan katak membru polisia nian iha Suai ta’uk atu hasoru Domingus Buldoser ne’ebe tuir deputadu Paulo Marrtins nia hanoin katak mebru polisia ne’e ladun profisional. kona-ba ida ne’e ha’u hakarak dehan katak , sentimentu ta’uk ne’e normal, tanba grupu arte masila boot sira hanesan SH ninia elementu barak tebes no naklekar iha teritoriu laran tomak karik polisia ne’ebe halo atuasaun la tuir ninia seguransa sei ameasadau. ita haree katak maioria violensia ne’ebe mosu iha tinan si ra ikus ne’e iha ligasaun hela de’it ho grupu arte marsial tanba sa mak ida ne’e mosu? tanba grupu arte marsial ne’e ninia membru ezizste iha fatin hotu hotu tanba la iha kontrolu ida husi parte Governu, nune’e. ita haree ema loke grupu arte marsial ne’e iha fatin fatin nune’e bainhira elementu ida hasoru problema bele da’et ba ema hotu hotu tanba dadaun ne’e estremizmu arte marsial nian nune’e ema la hare ona ba razau ka direitu umanu karik mosu problema ruma maibe sira pratika fali bandalizmu ka hahalok selavajen nian. ita hatene katak arte marsial ne’e sempre halo problema (arte marsial balun lae) maibe Governu la halo kontrolu ida ne’ebe mak apropriadu tanba ne’e sempre mosu problema. Grupu sira ne’e halo ona juramentu atu la halo tan violensia maibe realidade mak violen, violensi, no violensia rohan la iha? sa’i mak ita sei halo haree problema ida ne’e?
Juramentu dala ida tan ka?
nusa lakoi takat tiha de’it grupu sira ne’e se Governu sente la iha ona kapasidade atu kontrola?
karik taka Grupu sira ne’e estadu Timor-Leste sei lakon sa’ida?
Rai Timor bele nabeen ka?
tanba ne’e tuir ha’u nia haree katak Governu ka Estadu iha opsaun rua de’it. taka grupu arte marsial ne ka? harahun nasaun Timor-Leste?