Iha Mahein Nia Lian No. 22 (Bhs Indonesia .pdf) , (versaun Tetun.pdf) koalia klean konaba Papel Polisia Militar iha Seguransa Rai-Laran. Depois halo transformsaun Falintil ba Falintil-Forsa Defesa Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) iha dia 1 Febreiru 2001. kontinusaun hosi formasaun F-FDTL ba forsa professional. F-FDTL estabelese tan Polisia Militar iha 2005. Polisia Militar halo polisamentu ba militar nia lalaok iha dispilina militar nian. Polisia Militar nia kna’ar lolos halo polisiamentu ba involvementu pesoal Militar nebe’e involve krime militar no laos krime sivil. Maibe, durante ne’e Polisiamentu Polisia Militar nia sei hasoru problema oin-oin tamba situasaun real iha Timor-Leste. Situasaun real halo Polisia Militar halo fali PNTL nia kna’ar konaba problema polisiamentu nian.
Problema Polisiamentu Polisia Militar ho PNTL nebe’e relatorio ne’e deskobre dala barak lakompri lei, iha iha organiku Polisia Militar, katak membru militar bainhira komete krime nebe’e natureza sivil, nia tenki tuir prosesu sivil, ne’e katak kompetensi PNTL nian halo prosesu investigasaun to tribunal. Maibe realidade durante ne’e kazu sivil nebe pesoal F-FDTL komete, PNTL labele halo Polisiamentu ka atua hodi kaer pesoal F-FDTL tamba peosal F-FDTL lakopera ho PNTL. Akontesementu hanesan ne’e bebeik ona iha polsiamentu PNTL nian, to resulta komunidade lafiar PNTL nia polisiamentu. Wainhira akontense pesoal F-FDTL involve iha krime nebe’e natureza sivil PNTL labele atua, ikus mai povu dala barak bolu Polisia Militar para halo Polisiamentu.
Relatoriu ne mos deskobre konaba, Dala barak mos polisia militar halo kapturasaun ba ema sivil, maibe sira lahalo investigasaun, maibe sira halo deit “presta deklarasaun” depois rekomenda ba polisia. Ne’e hatudu katak iha komfunsaun aplika lei iha terenu tamba PM laiha koinecementu diak konaba interpretasaun lei.
Komplexidade situasaun ne’ebe halo PNTL laforte halo polisiamentu ba pesoal F-FDTL nebe’e involve kazu sivil, tamba ne’e Polisia Militar tenki hamrik halo polisiamentu. Iha sorin ida Polisia Militar laiha aturizasaun legal halo polisiamentu ba pesoal militar nebe’e involve krime sivil, sorin seluk pesoal militar nebe’e involve krime ne’e mos lakoi PNTL investiga ka kaer nian, entao obriga Polisia Militar viola lei hodi halo polisiamentu nebe’e lolos PNTL mak halo. Iha relatoriu ida ne’e alen de deskobre problema nebe akontese iha polisia mentu Polisia Militar ho PNTL nian, Fundasaun Mahein halo mos rekomendasaun ba Institusaun Polisia Militar ho Polisia National Timor-Leste nian mak tuir mai ne’e:
- Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Polisia Militar ho PNTL atu haree didiak lei organiku Polisia Militar nian, no sosialisaun no tenki fo esplikasaun ba membru Polisia Militar antis halo polisiamentu konaba kazu ispesifiku pesoal militar involve krime sivil.
- Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Polisia Militar atu fasilita PNTL hodi halo polisiamentu diak kuando pesoal Militar nebe’e involve iha krime lakoi kopera atu halo kapturasaun ka investigasaun.
- Fundasaun Mahein rekomendasaun ba Parlementu Nasional Komisaun B atu halo monitorizasaun ho advokasia ho intensaun atu hatene lolos konaba institusaun Polisia Militar ho PNTL aplika lei ho lolos.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Direktor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222
Military Police: Helping or Stepping Over PNTL?
After FALINTIL transformed in FALINTIL-Forsa Defesa Timor Leste (F-FDTL) on the 1st February 2001, F-FDTL has been continually training to become a more professional force. F-FDTL established the Military Police in 2005. The Military Police duties are to police F-FDTL personnel in matters of military discipline. It is the Military Police’s duty to police F-FDTL personel when they are involved in military crimes but not civil crimes. But, in the course of this policing, the Military Police will meet many kinds of problems as a result of the realities in Timor Leste. The reality in Timor Leste is that the Military Police often also carry out civil policing duties.
The problems with the Police and the Military Police which this report describes, often stems from a lack of understanding of the law – that is the Military Police Organic Law. This law states that when military personnel commit a civil crime, they must follow the civil process, which is the competency of the PNTL to investigate and process. But the reality is that when F-FDTL personnel commit a civil crime, PNTL is not able to police this or attempt to arrest F-FDTL personnel because these personnel do not cooperate with the PNTL. Incidents like this happen continually and it has resulted in the community not respecting the PNTL’s authority. When incidents occur involving F-FDTL personnel, the PNTL are often not able to make a response, as the people often call the Military Police to deal with it.
This report discovers that the Military Police will often also arrest civilians, but they do make an investigation, but they just interrogate (presta declarasaun) them and then they pass the case to the police for further investigation. This shows that there is confusion in applying the law because the Military Police do not fully understand the law.
This is a complex situation in which the PNTL do not have strong authority over F-FDTL personnel in civil cases, because of this the Military Police stand up and provide policing. On one side, the Military Police do not have the legal authorization to police military personnel involved in civil crimes, on the other side military personnel who are involved in civil crimes do not want the PNTL to investigate or arrest them, which means that the Military Police must violate the law to police them in these matters. In this report, we discover the problems of policing faced by both the Military Police and the PNTL, FM also makes recommendations to the both institutions on this issue:
- Recommend to the Military Police and PNTL to look at the specifics of the Military Police’s organic law, and socialize and explain it to members of the Military Police before they deal with cases of military personnel involved in civil crimes.
- Recommend to the Military Police that they facilitate PNTL in making investigations and arresting military personnel who do not cooperate with the PNTL.
- Recommend to the Military Police that they facilitate PNTL in making investigations and arresting military personnel who do not cooperate with the PNTL.
For more information on this issue, please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson[at]fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp : +670 737 4222
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