PNTL Election Preparation Exercise

PNTL Election Preparation Exercise post thumbnail image

Ataraksaun PNTL oinsa halo atuasaun ba demonstrasaun

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) this morning was invited to attend a live exercise drill from the PNTL to showcase their readiness in securing the parliamentary election. During this exercise, the PNTL displayed their tactics in handling riots and very interestingly, demonstrated community police engagement tactics with potential protestors.
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FM believes such community police tactics are beneficial and is pleased to see them being practiced, however we hope that this type of activity is applied in real life situations and is not solely on display during trainings for public relations purposes.

Furthermore, during the exercise, the PNTL General Commander stated in his speech that the police was the first line of defence for human rights and public order. However in the case of Timor-Leste, many PNTL officers have themselves committed crimes and abuses. Therefore, capacity building initiatives within the PNTL need greater strengthening.
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FM also calls on the government, in particular the State Secretary for Security to work closer with the Provedor for Human Rights and Justice as well as local NGOs to garner more attention on the issue so as to better professionalize our police force.

FM welcomes this exercise as it can empower the PNTL to start institutionalizing community-policing techniques so it may start applying these into practice during the election campaigning period as well as during the announcement of the results and formation of government and beyond. FM would like to congratulate all the commanders and institutions involved.
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1 thought on “PNTL Election Preparation Exercise”

  1. husi hw nia comentario ba PNTL katak ho treinamentu oi-oin nebe mak ita nia parseiro no ita nia belun nebe mak lakon sira nia tempo, husik sira nia familia no fahe sira nia matenek mai ita nia PNTL sira no hau orguilho bo;ot tebes katak liu husi hau nia message ida hau mos rekomenda ba maluk Polisi sira atu bele usa diak matenek oi-oin nebe mak sira fo mai ita no ita hodi bele aplika no bele kapasita ita nia rain ne;e ho matenek nebe iha.Dame mak domin,no domin mak ita.

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