Kilat La’os Brinkeirus

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Labarik feto ho kilat boot

Semana ida ne’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hetan letraru sira ne’ebé publika iha rede sosial media ema sivil sira kaer kilat boot hanesan tebes nian. Dadaun ne’e hatauk oituan ho postura iha letratu ne’e maka labarik feto ki’ik ne’ebé idade sidauk tinan 10 nudar oan feto husi membru PNTL ida.

Hanesan los iha tren ida ne’ebé mak dezemvolve husi autor siguransa sira iha rai ida ne’e, impresta/fo sira nia kilat ba sira nia membru familias ne’ebé ema sivil hodi halo estiliu hasai fotografia, ikus mai publika iha internet. Ida ne’e mos viola lei, no seluk fali mos hatauk, nudar autoridade labele kontrola asaun sira ne’ebé sidauk hetan treinamentu no iha kazu ida ne’e kilat iha individu ne’ebé iha idade ki’ik nia liman.

Feto sivil kaer ho pistola hasai filmajen

Kilat la’os Brinkeirus ,FM fo sai ida ne’e wainhira kilat iha ema sivil nia liman liu-liu iha labarik ki’ik sira ne’e dezastre boot bele hakbesik. Asidenti bele akontese. Kaer no utuliza kilat persiza iha treinamentu no fo biban ba labarik ki’ik sira halimar ho kilat bele hetan konsekuensia trajiku. Iha sorin ida, hatudu kilat ba ita nia labarik sira no rai iha uma, ne’e risku no iha situasaun ida ne’ebé dala ruma labarik sira buka hatene no koko hodi halimar no laiha kontrola ka monitorizasaun.

Nune’e mos, ita nia sosidade ne’e sei iha traumatiku liu nia laran, no kilat sira iha labarik sira nia liman sei la tulun sira no bele sai fali turtura ba sira nia mental ka piskolojikamente. Ida mos bele aplika ba kilat plastiku (imitasaun) sira ne’ebé hare’e mos hanesan kilat tebes. Sira nia atendementu piskolojia hanesan luta ba funu nian, Timor-Leste sai tiha kustumi ba sira nia jerasaun katak kilat la’os ona buat perigozu liu atu utiliza tun sa’e. Tinan 10 ona hahu ukun an, ita esforsu an maka’as atu hari’i metin riin paz no hakmatek nian iha nasaun ne’e.
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Buat ida maka ita halo hodi hakat diak mak hado’ok kilat sira husi labarik no fo biban sira hodi halimar brinkeirus bain-bain deit, hanesan bola, boneka no kareta seluk-seluk tan. Mai ita hakna’ar dook husi imajem husi ita nia postu konflitus.

Feto sivil lorik kilat boot hasai foto

FM dala ida tan bolu atensaun atu halo kontrolu diak ba kilat husi membru PNTL ho F-FDTL. FM mos husu atu komandu sira foti desizaun seriu no kastigu ba membru sira ne’ebé hetan kapturasaun fo impresta kilat ka sira nia uniforme ba ema sivil sira.

Guns Are Not Toys

This week Fundasaun Mahein (FM) came across yet another picture posted on a social networking website of a civilian showcasing what was confirmed as a real assault rifle. More worrying this time, the person in the picture, was a young girl no older than 10 years old, daughter of a PNTL officer.

There seems to be a growing trend of security actors in this country, handing out their guns to relatives and civilians to pose for pictures, which are then posted online. This is both worrying and unlawful, as the officers concerned cannot control the actions of untrained and in this case under aged individuals weapons in hand.

Feto sivil kaer ho pistola hasai filmajen

Guns are no toys and FM is pointing out the obvious when stating that guns in the hands of civilians and notably children are a recipe for disaster. Accidents can happen. The handling of guns entails training and allowing children to play around can have tragic consequences.
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Additionally, showcasing your weapon to your child and storing it at home, risks the situation of curiosity leading a child to search for it and handling it in an unsupervised context.

Furthermore, we already live in a highly traumatized society, and the handling of guns by children doesn’t help and could be seen as psychological torture. This also applies to plastic guns, as some look incredibly real. Their handling perpetuates a psychology of warfare and struggle, Timorese were so accustomed to for generations, and trivializes the use of guns.
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Ten years on since the restoration of our independence, we are desperately trying to firmly cement peace in this country. One easy step is to keep weapons far away from children. As in other peaceful countries, let children be children and let them play with regular toys, such as cars, dolls and balls. Lets do away with our post conflict nation image.

Feto sivil lorik kilat boot hasai foto

FM once again calls for stricter gun controls on members of both the PNTL and the F-FDTL. We also ask that commanders take these incidents seriously, and that appropriate punishment be given to officers who are caught lending their weapons or even uniforms to civilians.

1 thought on “Kilat La’os Brinkeirus”

  1. Los duni kilat laos sasan halimar nia, tamba ne presisa regulariza didiak iha instituisaun relevante nia laran, se lae ita kahur sasan sira ne hotu.

    FH hanesan organizasaun ida ne’ebe foku ba asuntu ne, hau fiar iha sugestaun ida nb forte ba stado organiza no kria regulamentu ida atu regulariza sasan sr ne. thank you

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