Fundasaun Mahein, 28 Abril 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu Husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 75 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetun,pdf) (English Version.pdf) halo analiza kona-bá Kualidade Atendementu Bombeiros iha Timor-Leste; Serbisu Korpu Bombeiurs legalmente konstitui iha Diresasun Nasional Protesaun Sivil iha Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa (SES) nia okos. Korpu Bombeirus Timor-Leste hanesan instituisaun Estadu nian ne’ebé husi inisiu harii iha tinan 1999 husi misaun Grupu Protesaun Sivil no Korpu Bombeirus Portuguêsa nian iha situasaun ne’ebé emerjensia hodi atende ba komunidade iha area emerjensia, no maioria serbisu voluntariu.
Tuir Dekretu Lei Governu Nú. 31/2008, artigu 42 sita katak Diresaun Nasional Protesaun Sivil (DNPS) responsabliza atu halo koordenasaun aktividade SES nian iha area prevensaun, protesaun husi dezastre naturais no fo ajuda protesaun ba vitima husi dezastre naturais. Papel husi serbisu Korpu Bombeirus maka fo asistensia ba komunidade ne’ebé sai vitima ba dezastre naturais no fo atendementu ba iha area hamate ahi han uma nian nomos ajuda komunidade, tesi ai ka fiu eletrisidade ne’ebé fo ameasa ba uma komunidade.
Maske Korpu Bombeirus fo atendementu maka’as ba públiku maibe komunidade sempre kestiona kona-bá serbisu Korpu Bombeirus nia ne’ebé to’o iha fatin akontesimentu tarde. Hanesan akontesimentu ahi han merkadu , kamunidade barak maka lakon sira nia sasan foin lalais ne’e iha Distritu Covalima.
Probleme ne’ebé mensiona iha leten akontese tanba menus iha ekipamentu hanesan kareta, mangeira, konvistivel no salva moris nian ne’ebé sira uza no hatais la sufisiente ba membru hotu no menus fasilidade hanesan kareta no seluk tan.
Hanesan institusaun Estadu no funsionariu publiku, Korpu Bombeirus serbisu bazeia tuir lei funsionariu públiku nian no sira nia serbisu tuir lei ne’ebé defini tiha ona tenke serbisu semana-semana labele ki’ik liu oras haatnulu-resin-haat, maibe iha realidade Bombeirus serbisu liu tiha oras ne’ebé determina iha lei, maske sira serbisu diferente tebe-tebes husi funsionariu públiku sira seluk no sira moris tau iha perigu nia laran.
Tuir FM nian hare katak Governu liu-liu Sekretario Estadu Siguransa no Komisaun Funsaun Publiku sei defini serbisu protesaun sivil liu-liu serbisu Bombeirus hanesan fali serbisu públiku sira seluk, no maneira atendementu la iha diferente.
Ho ida ne’e FM rekomenda:
1. Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa liu husi Diresaun Nasional Protesaun Sivil (DNPS) kria no aselera lalais esbosu lei organiku no rejime uniforme no salarial ba Korpu Bombeiru ne’ebé sita tiha ona iha planu estratejia SES nian, hodi nune’e bele valoriza no motivasaun ba Korpu Bombeirus.
2. Aloka orsamentu no kria sistema manutensaun ba ekipamentu inklui Kuartel Bombeirus iha rejional ka distritu hodi nune’e bele fo atendementu ne’ebé lais no diak ba komunidade.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefon (+670) 7737-4222
João Almeida Fernandes
Vice Director FM
Telefon (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein, April 28th 2014
Press Release
The Capacity of Timor-Leste’s Fire Fighting Service
Timor-Leste’s fire-fighting service is legally constituted according to the Directorate of the National Civil Protection under the Secretary of State for Security. The fire brigade of Timor-Leste is a state institution that was built in 1999 as part of the Civil Protection Group Mission, based on the Fire-Service corps of Portugal, to respond in emergency situations. The majority of fire fighters work voluntarily.
According to government Decree Law No. 31/2008, article 42 cites that the Directorate of the National Civil Protection (DNCP) is responsible for coordinating the Secretary of State for Security’s prevention activities. Such activities include natural disaster response and providing assistance to communities victimized by natural disaster, fire fighting in houses and other areas, and safeguarding houses by trimming tree branches near electric cables.
Although Timor’s fire brigade has worked hard for the public, the public continues to question the organizations performance as they frequently arrive late to the scenes of fires. One example of this is the recent market-place fire that took place in Covalima; the late response from the Fire Brigade meant that the community lost almost all of their goods to the fire.
The problems mentioned above take place because the fire brigade lacks adequate equipment such as cars, hoses, and safety equipment. The equipment the do currently have is not sufficient for their job, and they currently lack adequate transportation.
As a state institution comprised of civil servants, the fire brigade work and duties are defined according to the civil servants law, which also mandates that they work every week no more than 44 hours. However, the fire service usually works more than the 44 hours outlined by the law, meaning that they work longer hours and in a more dangerous situation than many other civil servants.
According to FM’s point of view, the government (particularly the Secretary of State for Security) and the Public Commission should define the Civil Protection Service, and the fire service in particular, as equal to other civil servants in workload.
FM’s Recommendations:
1. Recommend that the Secretary of State for Security, through the Directorate of the National Civil Protection (DNCP) accelerate drafting of the organic law, creation of a consistent uniform, also guarantee of a fair salary for the fire service corps (which has been cited in the Strategic Plan of the SSS), in order motivate member of the fire brigade.
2. Recommend that funding is allocated to set up a maintenance system for the equipment used by the fire service, including maintenance of the living quarters of the fire services regionally and in the districts to ensure that fire-fighters perform at their highest level.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: (+670) 7737-4222
João Almeida Fernandes
Vice of Director FM
Phone: (+670) 77561184
Hau atu amenta tan deit katak, bomberios nee laos ba natural dezaster deit maibe mos ba accident ruma nebe maka parte seluk labele ajuda,Hau fo ejemplu ida tuir history fontes nebe fo ajuda ba iha saudoso sira nee,katak, iha tinan ida k rua liu ba, iha accident ida akontece iha Comoro nebe hamate,Aman ho oan iha Posu laran.
Tuir histori katak sanio nebe supa be liga iha posu laran,no iha tempo neba katuas matebian hemu hela tua,Komu udan komesa tun rai antaun nia haruka nia tun ba posu laran hodi hamate eletricidade mai be udan komesa boot ona antaun kalo fiu kanek,no soke labarik tinan 5 nee nia hakilar no nia aman mos atrapalia hodi nune nia la losu lai fiu nebe liga lansung nia tun ba rai kuak,mai be nia hokondisaun lanu no namadoras nia monutun hodi baku nia ulun ba iha besi no nia tabele hela iha besi nee mai be nia sei dada iis hela, ema barak ba hare maibe labrani tun ba ajuda,Antaun bolu bomberios kuaje oras ida maka mosu mai ho sirene nebe lian boot,Staff Bomberios sira mai nain 5 mais ho kondisaun iis tua/alias lanu hotu,Ida koncege tun duni ho tali,maibe nia sae fali deit,hodi dehan hau labele agoenta???Tambah sa hee lanu iis maka la iha k lanu hela?? no sira dehan ba foti lai oksigen iha F-FDTL marina hera maka iha ho nune, sira ba ona atu ba foti iha Hera??? imajina took Vitima matebian nain rua nee monus husi meudia tuku 1 ate tuku lima hein took oras 5 nia laran bomberios la mosu mai kalo durante oras lima nia laran ona la iha ajuda ida mosu mai antaun labaraik 15 anos ida maka abarani aan hodi kesi tali no tuun ba iha kuak laran hodi hasai mate isin. Kariik bomberios sira mai lais kariik Aman no oan nee sei moris kariik?
Ho istoria badak kona ba bomberios nia iha leten hau sujere kariik bele loke investigasi ba membro Bomberios nain lima nebe maka ho kondisaun lanu ba ajuda ema no bosok tan to lafila,depois ema nebe iha kuak laran nee mate tambah deit sira nia responded nebe la iha tanggunjawab,Mesmo kalo vitima matebian sira maka sala hodi lahalo mate uluk fiu ligasaun maka tun ba rai kuak, kariik hau nia estoria nee lakompletu imi bele halo kompletu husi vitima sira nia familia nebe hela hamotuk iha neba. maka nee deit maka hau fo hatene para bele sai reflesaun ba iha Bombeiros no ita hotu. Obrigado kariik liafuan ruma lalos nee salak ketik deit ahre imi halo los deit ba.