Kongratula Ba Prezidenti Feto Ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B

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Sala plenaria Parlamentu Nasional

Fundasaun Mahein, 29 Agusto 2012

Komunikadu Imprenza

Kongratula ba Prezidenti Feto Ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) kongratula ba lideransa feto ba dahuluk nian iha Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B, Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa. FM ho ksolok ba momentu historiku iha Parlamentu Komisaun B, ne’ebé halo fiskalizasaun ba lei sira ne’ebé kona-bá seitor siguransa ho defeza ho tan negosiu estranjeriu.

Dahuluk liu, presepsaun husi mane sira, tanba dominasaun husi lideransa mane sira nian ho membru mane sira hotu iha Komisaun B. Komisaun foun ne’ebé lidera husi feto ne’e pasu pozitivu nian ba feto nia lideransa iha seitor siguransa ho defesa. Ne’e inspirasaun boot ba feto Timor-Leste.

Komisaun foun dadaun ne’e iha membru feto nain tolu iha Parlamentu Komisaun B, inklui veterana Rosa da Câmara “Bi Soi”, Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa, ho Maria dan Ana da Conceição Ribeiro.

Komisaun B ne’e nia kompostu hosi membru nain sia :

1. Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa – Prezidenti
2. Duarte Nunes – Vice Prezidente
3. Jacinto Viegas Vicente – Membru
4. César Valente de Jesus – membru
5. Maria Rosa da Câmara “BI SOI” – Membru
6. David Dias Ximenes – Membru
7. Manuel Gaspar Soares da Silva – Membru
8. António dos Santos “55” – membru
9. Ana da Conceição Ribeiro – membru

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) husu ba deputada feto nain tolu bele halo advokasia diak ba interese feto no futuru feto nian. Iha Timor-Leste liu-liu iha seitor siguransa ho defeza wainhira halo debates kona-bá lei. Lideransa feto nain tolu ne’e bele grante draft lei futuru nian mai katak lei sira sei la’os favorese ba interese mane tanba diskusaun failla, maibé mos interese feto no importansia ba feto mos.

FM husu katak feto sira sei ativu Komisaun B, foka ba isu sira kona-bá feto ho siguransa. Tanba Komisaun B periodu 2 dahuluk nian liu ona, maibé foka iha nasaun laran ne’ebé violensia domestika hasoru feto maka’as maibé feto nia involvementu iha Komisaun dahuluk laiha. Tanba ne’e maka problema seriu ne’ebé akontese hasoru feto polisia ka feto iha F-FDTL no iha institusaun siguransa seluk iha rai ida ne’e, sei foka maka’as husi lideransa feto sira iha Komisaun ne’e nian.

Ikus mai, FM konvida lideransa feto seluk mos suporta ba feto nain tolu ne’ebé asumi nia kargu iha Komisaun B, Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa, Maria Rosa da Câmara “Bi Soi” ho Ana da Conceição Ribeiro. FM mos husu ba lideransa feto sira ne’e sei servisu hamutuk ho Sosiadade Sivil sira liu-liu sira ne’ebé halo kna’ar ba isu sira ne’ebé kona-bá feto no iha seitor siguransa ho defeza nian.

Fundasaun Mahein, ho lideransa feto iha Komisaun B FM husu atu kontinua ativu informa ba povu kona-bá lala’ok siguransa nian iha nasaun laran. Ikus liu FM fo parabens no serbi diak ba ita nia povu.

Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu.
Nélson Belo,
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org ,
Tlp +670 737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 06 August 2012

Press Release

Congratulations To The New Female President of Parliament Committee B

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) congratulates Parliament Committee B’s very first female leader, Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa, on her committee presidency. FM gladly welcomes this historic moment for Parliament Committee B, which is tasked with providing recommendations for laws and decisions related to defense, national security, and foreign affairs.

Since its inception, the male perspective – via male leadership and predominantly male membership – has dominated Parliament Committee B. This new committee presidency is a positive step forward for women in government. It also indicates a new level of empowerment for women in the defense and security sectors. It is an inspiration to the women of Timor-Leste.

There are now three female members in Parliament Committee B, including the president and one veteran – Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa, Maria Rosa da Câmara “Bi Soi”, and Ana da Conceição Ribeiro. Committee B is composed of nine members total. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hopes these three women will faithfully advocate for the interests of Timorese women on all future defense, national security, and foreign affairs legislation. These women can guarantee that future laws will not favor men by default because discussions failed to delve into women’s interests.

FM also hopes that these women will focus Committee B’s attention on women’s issues in the security sector. The committee lacked this focus over the last three years, but such focus is important in a country with high rates of domestic violence. Serious issues exist for women in Timor-Leste’s security sector and must be discussed. These issues include violence against female police officers, violence against female military officers, and the enforcement of laws designed to protect women.

List of PN Committee B:

1. Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa – President
2. Duarte Nunes – Vice President
3. Jacinto Viegas Vicente – Sectary
4. César Valente de Jesus – Member
5. Maria Rosa da Câmara “BI SOI” – Member
6. David Dias Ximenes – Member
7. Manuel Gaspar Soares da Silva – Member
8. António dos Santos “55” – Member
9. Ana da Conceição Ribeiro – Member

Finally, we invite other women leaders and women’s organizations to support Maria Lurdes Martins de Sousa Bessa, along with Maria Rosa da Câmara “Bi Soi” and Ana da Conceição Ribeiro. We hope they will work together and with civil society to benefit Timor-Leste, especially on women’s issues and security sector issues. We would also love to see the women of Parliament Committee B engage the people, and their on-the-ground experiences, to inform the committee’s knowledge of the security sector.

For further information regarding this article please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Email: nelson@fundasaunmahein.org
Tlp +670 737 4222

1 thought on “Kongratula Ba Prezidenti Feto Ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B”

  1. Base on Deliberation project law No. 4/III/ 2012, date 14/18/2012, pass by parties’s benches leaders on Competences of Committees, The Committee B competences are following:
    Committee B: Foreign Affairs, Defense and National Security
    1. External Political Affairs
    2. Timorese Residents/living abroad
    3. Political and International affairs
    4. Treaties and International agreements
    5. International status of Portuguese language affairs
    6. CPLP affairs
    7. Promotion of Timor-Leste interest on external affairs
    8.Regional Integration of ASEAN affairs
    9. Pacific Forum
    10. National Defense
    11. Military Cooperation
    12. Public Security
    13. Civil protection
    14. Immigration

    It seems more resposible and competences if we compare to others specialize permanent committees.


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