Durante tinan 5 liu ba, Governu halo promosaun ba F-FDTL ho idea Forsa Kiik ba Nasaun ki’ik. Idea ida ne’e promove atu hatudu kualidade du ke kuantidade forsa nian. Nune’e mos katak nasaun ne’e ki’ik no labele gastu ita nia reskusu maka la sufisente.
Nune’e mos iha tinan 5 ba kotuk governu ho institusaun seluk ho konsistensia halo kritikas barak tamba gastu arbiru deit. Kritikas sira ne’e barak maka bazea ba faktus ho kontekstu katak rekursu Timor-Leste limitadu liu no orsanmentu husi fundu mina nian lae agoenta to rohan laek.
Mensagem boot liu Presidente Taur Matan Ruak fo sai durante iha kampnaña katak Timor oan tenki defini fali sira nia displina an. Katak gastu orsanmentu mina nian ho fasil liu halo ita sai baruk ten no mos la displina an.
kompozisaun Governu foun ne’ebé bokur demais iha haboot gabinete sira ne’e mos hanesan sinal ba buat ruma. Governu IV Permeriu Ministru 1, vice 1, ministru sira hamutuk 12, vise 5, ho Sekretariu Estadu hamutuk 21. Maibé governu V foun agora haboot Ministru sira hamutuk 15, ho vice 11, no aumenta tan Sekretariu Estadu sira hamutuk 27.
Ida ne’e sinal ida katak governu foun sidauk hanoin ho lala’ok dalan displina nian, iha ne’ebé maka ita bele hetan rezultadu barak ho numeru hanesan ho rekursu kiik. Ida ne’e sinal saida maka haruka ba povu Timor-Leste kona-bá gastu orsanmentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2013? Katak orsamentu Jeral Estadu sei hasai tan?
Haboot tan postura governu katak haboot tan alokasaun orsanmetu jeral estadu sei la rezolve problema, ita tenki hanoin ona oinsa ita hahu koalia kona-bá ita nia moris nudar nasaun. Asuntu ne’e importante tamba estabilidade no paz agora dadaun ita goza bazea ba orsanmentu fundu petroliu nian. Karik ita la displina no sei gastu orsanmentu ba tinan 5-10 mai ho hahalok ita nian ho la displina, maka ita sei hasoru problema seriu.
Bainhira ita nia orsamentu fundu petroliu nian hotu, maka ita mos sei haki’ik postura governu nune’e mos salariu ka pensaun sira hotu sei hamenus no seluk seluk tan? Saida mak ita halo tenki hare’e ba nasaun sira iha Europa-Yunani hodi hare’e saida mak akontese iha ne’eba no hamosu meus oin-oin atu popa kona-bá orsamentu. Tinan kotuk liu, Yunani hasoru manifestasaun boot ne’ebe konsege hamonu governu. Buat sira ne’e hotu tamba sira la konsege selu salariu, pensaun, no bolsu estuda, no fo lisensa ba povu atu la selu taxa no seluk seluk tan.
Yunani la’os Timor Leste, nune’e mos Timor-Leste la’os Yunani. Bainhira verdade universal kona-bá ida ne’e bele aplika mos ba ita hotu. Bainhira ita gastu orsan liu fali lukru ne’ebé ita hetan maka sei hakdasak (bangkrut). Ita hotu tenki hare’e ba nasaun failadu sira iha mundu. Barak husi sira mos uluk hamrik ho forte. Maibé depois sira ukun an tiha iha tinan 1950 resin ho tinan 1960 liu, lideransa sira nian, hatudu displina aat kona-bá maneiza orsamentu nasaun nian. Sira ikus mai sai hakdasakbangrut no konflitus la hotu no laiha rohan.
Hakdasak (bangkrut) ne’e potensial liu ba Timor-Leste nia futuru no ne’e nudar ameasa seriu ba estabilidade nasional.
Lideransa Timor-Leste hatudu la displina iha tinan 1975. Ida ne’e hamosu divizaun no nakfera ba konflitu no ikus mai invanzaun Indonezia tama. Durante rejiztensia tinan 24 nia laran konsege restora fila fali displina sosial noTimor-oan hotu hamutuk fali, nune’e luta ba ukun rasin an ba povu Timor atinzi kedas.
Komesa tinan 1999 ita lakon fali ita nia dalan tan, fokus ba faksaun internal mos mosu barak husi grupu oligarki sira ka ema boot sira ne’ebé kaer ukun, ita monu ba tentasaun i komesa monu to lubuk balun. Iha tinan 2008 – 2012 haberan Timor-Leste atu sosa estabilidade ho orsamentu mina nian. Maibé, orsanmentu mina fasil los mai i nune’e mos ajuda ona halo estabilidade, orsamentu ne’e mos halo Timor-Leste oan sira baruk ten i la displina an.
Ho ida ne’e defisil liu atu hanoin hetan saida mak sei akontense, karik Timor oan sira hamenus gastu orsamentu ba dezenvolvementu nasional? Ita persiza mahein netik ita nia orsamentu ho meus haforsa displina an, atu hatene lolos katak orsamentu mina nian labele hotu lalais, katak ita gastu ba buat ne’ebe los, katak ita hetan valor dolar ba dolar ne’ebe ita gastu ona.
Ikus liu, ita tenki hatudu desplina an hodi proteze estabilidade nasaun no prosperidade ba Timor-Leste nia futuru diak.
The New Government: Timorese Self Discipline?
For the last 5 years the Government has promoted the idea of “Forsa Ki’ik ba Nasaun ki’ik” for FALINTIL-FDTL. This idea has been promoted so as to show that quality is better than quantity. Additionally that the country is small and that waste is inefficient use of our resources.
Meanwhile in the last 5 years the Government and other national institutions have been consistently criticized for waste and inefficiency. This criticism has been largely based on the context of the fact that Timor-Leste resources are not only limited but that the oil money cannot last forever.
One of the primary messages of now President Taur Matan Ruak during his campaign was that Timorese need to rediscover self discipline. That the flow of easy of oil money has made us lazy and undisciplined.
The composition of the new Government with an expansion of members such as below is a sign of something.
Governu IV 1 Primer Minister, 1 vice Primer Ministers, 12 Ministers and 5 vice Ministers, and 21 State Secretaries, But Governu V has grown to 15 Ministers, 11 Vice Ministers and 27 State Secretaries.
This is a signal that the new Government has yet to think in a disciplined way, in which it can get more results with the same or less resources. What signal does this send to the people of TL regarding the State Annual Budget 2013? Will the State Annual budget increase yet again?
Increasing the size of Government and increasing the size of the State Annual Budget will not solve our problems, we need to start thinking about how we live our lives. It is important because the current stability we enjoy is based on the Petroleum Fund. If we are undisciplined and deplete the fund in the next 5-10 years in an irresponsible way we will have serious problems.
When we run out of oil money will we able to reduce the size of Government, reduce salaries, pensions etc etc.? All we have to do is look towards the European country of Greece to see what happens when austerity measures are imposed to save money. For the last year Greece suffered from demonstrations, violent riots and the fall of several governments. All because they cannot afford to continue paying salaries, pensions, give scholarships, allow their population to avoid paying taxes etc etc.
Greece is not Timor-Leste, and Timor-Leste is not Greece. But a universal truth applies to us all. If we spend more than we earn will soon become bankrupt. All one has to do is look at the failed states around the world. Many of them were once self-supporting. However after they became independent in the 1950s and 1960s there leadership showed poor discipline in management of state funds. They ended up becoming bankrupt and conflict ridden.
Potential future bankruptcy for Timor-Leste is a serious threat to national stability.
The Timorese leadership showed poor discipline in 1975. This resulted in division, conflict and the Indonesian invasion. During the resistance it was the rebuilding of social discipline that bound the Timorese back together again, so as to ensure the eventual freedom of the Timorese people.
Since 1999 we have lost our way. Focusing on internal divisions created largely by our ruling oligarchy we have stumbled and fallen several times. The period between 2008 – 2012 allowed us to buy stability with oil money. However, the oil money has come too easily and while it has helped create stability it has also corrupted our self-discipline.
It is not hard to imagine what will happen if we run low on funds to support national development. We need to protect our funds through increased discipline to make sure we don’t spend it too fast, that we spend it on the right things, and that we get a dollar value for the dollar spent.
We need to show discipline in order to protect the stability of country and the prosperity of future Timorese.