Fundasaun Mahein, 11 Abril 2013
Komunikadu Imprenza
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 47 (Relatoriu kompletu Versaun Tetum.pdf) diskute klean kona-bá aktu krime no insidenti sira ne’ebé akontese iha rai laran ho rohan laek maibé laiha planu prevensaun ne’ebé adekuadu hodi bele minimiza aktu krime hirak ne’e. Relatoriu FM ne’e sita akontesementu krime balun durante 2013 ne’ebé halo ema mate no kanek hanesan kazu oho Jorge Ribeiro iha Aitarak-Laran, Memberu Security Maubere, Antonio Barreto iha Kintal-Ki’ik no laen oho nia fen kaben Rita Soares iha Comoro.
Relatoriu ne’e hamosu perguntas katak Fortika Prevensaun Krime ka Kombate Krime? Iha relatoriu mós esplika kona-bá ninia meus sira halo prevensaun bá aktu krime sira maske la detallu maibe ne’e bele sai baze ka referensia ba governu atu bele dezeñu planu ba prevensaun konflitu iha futuru. Relatoriu FM ne’e mós relata impaktu husi Tua-Manas (alkohol) ne’ebé kontribui ba konflitu nomós situasaun sidade Dili ne’ebé nakukun tanba eletrisidade mate lakan sai mós kestaun ida hodi aumenta volume krime. No, halo instituisaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL susar atu halo atausaun ba konflitu ruma iha tempu kalan. FM sujere presiza regula no lokaliza faan tua-manas atu bele fasil kontrola no presiza eletrisidade lakan 24 oras atu nune’e hafasil patrollamentu PNTL no halo atuasaun ruma iha tempu kalan.
Nomós FM nia relatoriu ne’e deskreve krime sira ne’ebé durante ne’e akontese ninia abut mai husi problema disputa rai hanesan kazu iha Seloi Malere, Sub Distritu Aileu Villa, Distirtu Aileu komunidade Abilio hetan ta’a husi nia familia tanba problema rai. Kazu seluk mak hanesan problema Grupu Arte Marsial ne’ebé akonetse iha Suku Sama Lete, Distritu Ermera hodi hamate Domingos Carvalho de Oliveira ho nia fen Sara Dau no nia oan Ilda de Carvalho. Relasiona kazu ne’e, FM rekomenda ba governu presiza kria lei kona-bá rai hodi defini lolos nain ba rai, no uza instituisaun kompetente hodi dezeña planu prevensaun liu husi fortifika polísiamentu komunitaria. Inklui kria regulamentu ne’ebé solidu ba atividade Arte Marsial nian.
Parte seluk relatoriu ne’e mós mensiona kona-bá alternativu sira ne’ebé konsidera nu’udar meus prevensaun ba konflitu no krime sira mak presiza kria kampu de servisu atu bele reduz numeru dezempregu tanba joven barak mak laiha kampu de servisu fasil hetan influensia hodi inklina an iha aktu krime sira. Sorin seluk, presiza monta postu polisiamentu komunitaria iha bairo-bairo, aumenta volume patrollamentu iha tempu kalan nomós presiza lokaliza fa’an tua-manas inklui aumenta rekursu umanu PNTL iha prevensaun konflitu nian.
Asuntu importante seluk ne’ebé FM kestiaona iha relatoriu ne’e mak kontribuisaun familia iha prosesu prevensaun konflitu. Tanba tuir FM katak familia maka hun no abut ba paz no estabilidade nian. Wainhira familia iha paz sei refleta ba sosieadade ne’ebé paz no sei mosu estabilidade nasional. Familia nia kontribuisaun ba servisu PNTL bele sai solusaun ida atu kombate krime no oho malu iha Timor-Leste.
FM nia rekomendasaun sira:
1. Rekomenda ba institusaun Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste atu halo patrollmentu 24 oras iha bairu ka suku sira, ho kondisaun katak Governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Seguransa persiza hare mos rendimentu no fasilidade ne’ebé diak ba institusaun refere.
2. Rekomenda atu governu liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Eletrisidade atu bele monta ahi (Eletrisidade) iha dalan boot. Tanba ahi ne’ebe naroman bele halo movimentu transporte no ema la’o iha dalan seguru husi ema kriminozu atu halo krimi.
3. Rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa atu estabelese Postu Polisia Komunitaria ho kualidade ne’ebé diak iha bairo hotu, nune’e mós aumenta fasilidade komunikasaun hanesan Radio ba membru PNTL sira.
4. Rekomenda ba Sekretariu Estadu Siguransa atu aumenta kuantidade no hadia kualidade rekursu umanu, kualidade serbisu, tanba atu fornese siguransa no prevensaun ne’ebé efektivu presiza edukasaun no formasaun ne’ebé adekuadu no fasilidade ne’ebé naton atu fasilita serbisu polisiamentu.
5. Rekomenda ba governu atu regula, lokaliza no legaliza maneira hemu tua atu nune’e bele ajuda servisu polisia iha sistema kontrola konflitu ne’ebe’é kauza husi tua-manas ka alkohol.
Atu hatene klean liu kona-ba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
E-mail :
Tlp : +670 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 11 April 2013
To Empower Conflict Prevention or Conflict Response to Combat Conflict?
Mahein’s Voice Report No. 47 will discuss the incidents that occurred in East Timor without an ongoing prevention plan to reduce conflict. In this report, FM will call attention to certain incidents in 2013 that resulted the lost lives of Timorese community members – such as the murder of Jose Ribeiro in Aitarak-laran (member of the Maubere security company), the murder of Antonia Barreto in Kintal-kiik, and the murder of wife Rita Soares by her husband in Comoro.
The report also raises the question of whether to empower conflict prevention or to empower conflict response in order to combat conflict? The report discusses constructive methods for violence prevention, which – even if not elaborated upon in great detail – could help the government design plans for future conflict prevention. The report also includes a discussion on the impact of alcohol and electricity outages in increasing the number of conflicts in Dili. FM recommends that the government legalize and localize the alcohol and establish 24-hour electricity in order to help the PNTL’s nighttime operation.
Crimes also occurred because of the land dispute and Martial Arts. FM recommends that the government create land laws in order to clearly define land ownership and make use of existing, competent institutions to develop this channel for prevention conflict Similarly solid laws should be created to address the issue of Martial Arts.
Finally, the report mention some alternate considerations for preventing conflict, like ways to reduce unemployment so that young people can avoid involvement in conflict. Another important issue is the contribution of family in conflict prevention. According to FM, the family is the root of peace and stability in the country of Timor-Leste. Family peace will be reflected in societal peace, and will contribute to national stability. The contribution of family to the PNTL’s services will be a solution to combat crime. Meanwhile, for its part, the PNTL must establish community police stations and increase the number of human resources
• Recommend to the PNTL to conduct community patrols 24 hours a day, with the condition that the Secretary of State for Security consider providing adequate wages and good facilities for PNTL employees.
1. Recommend to the Government, through the Secretary of State of Electricity, to set up electricity in all streets in order to guarantee human security during nighttime travel.
2. Recommend to the Secretary of State for Security to establish the police station with good quality facilities in the community. In particular, to increase the number of radios for PNTL use.
3. Recommend to the Secretary of State for Security to increase the quantity and quality of PNTL officers in order to conduct professional work in conflict prevention.
4. Recommend to the Government to legalize, localize, and regulate the consumption of alcohol in order to help PNTL to control the conflict caused by alcohol.
More Information please contact:
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
E-mail :
Tlp : +670 7737 4222
relatoriu ne’e hanesan ideia deit laos peskiza klean
sugestaun ne’ebe FM fo mos, parte Governu iha ona ideia sira hanesan ne’e e polisia rasik mos iha ona ideia sira hanesan.
kauza electricidade, tua manas, kampu de traballu no seluk tan ne’ebe FM mensiona laos razaun uniku. Obrigadu
imagina deit jovem ida ba eskola tiha ona iha Indonesia mais nia sei halo krime ???????? nee tamba tua manas ? tamba eletricidade iha indonesia nakukun ? tamba kampu de traballu Laiha ?
Tuir Hau nia hare ne’e razaun fundamentu nee buat seluk karik. se koalia konaba artemarsiais nee, iha razaun lubuk ida
1.trend organisasi
2. kompetisaun kekuatan (se mak forsa liu)
3. buka jati diri dalam organisasi
4. jovem rasik buka jati diri ba nia an, katak hau mak nee kuandu nia involve ona iha organizasaun.
5. mencari popularitas organisasi
6. ikus menus edukasaun iha organizasaun (normas organizasaun)
Prevensaun krime laos hare liu ba artemarsiais ou compara fali iha Indoneisa ho Timor.
Odio malu individu nebe kleur ona larezolve hafoin tama organisasun no mosu problema.
Kazu laen oho fen, ne’e laos kazu artemarsiais to???Mentalidade mak tengki muda, edukasaun moral husi uma laran mak xavi,hodi eduka ema.
Hw konkorda ho FM nx rekomnda saun atu lokaliza no bandu tua manas labele fan arbiru, impacto husi tua manas mak violensia domestic sempre mosu, no joven lanu sobu ema nia festa.Abraco
Atu combate formas krime ne’e responsablidade estado TL. Sociadade civil no Igreja katolika bele fo informasaun no sugestao. Pesoal hau nia opiniao ita presiza haforsa ita nia Linha inteligensia Nasional liliu instituisaun estado hanesan Policia no FFDL sei fraku iha area Inteligensia. Ideas kona ba Tua Manas, hau hanoin ne’e susar ita halakon tamba ema barak to’o ohin loron sira nia vida ekonomku sei depende ho prosesu halo tua, tein tua no faan, Ida ne’e prosesu ida ke naruk, hikis kosar barak, no laos ema matenek sira mak halo. Sira nebe atu hetan doit metan ida mos labele iha loron ida nia laran, ne’e mak halo. Susar ba ita atu lori problema ida ba resolve problema ida seluk!!!!!!
Hu nia sugestaun: atu reduse persentagen krimi iha nasaun ida ne…. Persija kria edukasaun sivika bara barak no kria animasaun nebe mk iha relasaun ho peace love and unite…. No persija mos kontribuisaun husi seguranca (pntl) atu bele stua ptoblema ho profisionalidade, no konsidera ema nia dignidade hodi bele kapacita mentakidade humano oinsa bele respeitu malu…. Se inkuanto prblma ruma ita dereitamente atua ho stick, borgol no seluk tan… Hu sente susar oituan… No mos persiga hlo mudanca ruma ba pelayanan nebe mk hlo ba prisioner sra… Lalika fo han fo hemu det ho sempurna 5 sehat…. Tenke kria serv voluntario na sra hodi fo hsn emA kbit laek sra…. Se lae ema barak mk gosta ba makan minum gratis di penginapan Bekora…. Klo terus han hemu… Hela fatin ih liur la iha…. Abc…..
karik hu bele hatoo hu n hnoin pesoalmente ba problema barak2 ih rai doben ida ne … hau aseita hotu kedan ho ideia no comentariu sira … maibe’e problema hirak ne ninia hun ne mai husi latrbelakng oin oin … taun precisa haree kada problema tuir too n hun mk hafoin bele hetan solusaun ruma …. i hau aseita katak edukasaun mk bele resolve problema hirak ne hotu… edukasaun hahu husi uma laran too ih nivel ass, ne laos dt estadu n servisu mesak ne timor oan tomak n responsabilidade at tane rai ne sai ba diak…. obrigado
Tuir hau nia hare’e ba konflitus ne’ebe iha, ita labele soe ba membro arte marsiais, Joventude bai-bain no maluk sira halo bisnis tua manas. maluk sira ita perisja hare katak ema hotu-hotu iha diretu no moris iha ambiente demokrasia maibe labele se’es sai husi lei ne’ebe vigora iha nasaun ida ne. ita koalia konaba lei entaun la ses husi institusaun rua hanesan PNTL no F.FDTL institusaun rua ne mak sai hanesan lutu ba aktus oin-oin inklui mos konflitus. institusaun rua ne mak toma responsabilidade masimu wainhira iha konflitus. ema nain rua ne mak sai nudar autor ba redusaun konflitus entaun sira mak tenke hamrik los labele hali’is ba sorin-sorin no tenke halo atuasaun ho serioso labele hamrik hodi hare’ (Nonton) hanesan filmajem ida mak tayang hela maibe oinusa mak bele hakotu korenti konflitu ne atu laabele hatutan tan ba tempu seluk. mentalidade ita nia joven sira wainhira halo problema ita komprende katak halo ohin loron no ohin loron atu hotu kedas lae maibe sei kontinua ba aban bainrua entaun oinsa mak ita koalia konaba management konflitu?????