Fundasaun Mahein, 08 Maiu 2013
Komunikadu Imprenza
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 51 (Relatoriu Kompletu Versaun Tetun.pdf) ida ne’e halo analiza klean kona-bá ameasa foun ohin loron ba jerasaun foun Timor-Leste husi prespetiva ambiental ne’ebé bele mos implika ba siguransa nasional. Dadaun ne’e mosu dimensaun oin-oin husi siguransa natureza ne’e rasik. Hanesan siguransa pesoal ka individual, siguransa estadu, siguransa ekonomia, siguransa ambiental iha konseitu tradisional sira kona-bá siguransa nasional, siguransa rejional no siguransa internasional.
Wainhira ONU introduz konseitu no terminalojia siguransa foun kona-bá siguransa ai-han, siguransa umanu, siguransa ba saúde no seluk tan, halo kestaun siguransa sai kompleksu liu tan. Siguransa ai-han, bee-mós, hela fatin ne’ebé naton, livre husi kiak, númeru mortalidade inan tu’ur ahi, no depois tu’ur ahi no pozisaun diak ba feto iha nivel hotu-hotu nu’udar sasukat ba dezenvolvimentu ne’ebé bele kria estabilidade iha era meleniu ne’e.
Kazu Timor-Leste nu’udar ezemplu konkretu ida katak siguransa ambiental sai mos dezafiu ida ba dezenvovlimentu nasaun iha futuru. Timor-Leste rasik aprezenta ona iha United Nations High-Level Event kona-bá mudansa klimatika iha Nova Yorke, argumenta katak pubreza maka sai kauza primaria ba degradasaun ambiental iha Timor-Leste, no sai mos kontributor maior ba vulnerabilidade mudansa klimatika nian.
Realidade ba degradasaun ambiental iha Timor-Leste husi fator oin-oin. Hanesan atetude komunidade ne’ebé la konserva ambiente. Hahalok tesi ai no sunu, soe lixu arbiru no agrikultor subsistensia nu’udar aktu ida ne’ebé fo ameasa boot ba siguransa ambiente iha Timor-Leste. Maibe wainhira laiha atensaun ba ambiente iha Timor-Leste bele hamosu impaktu sira hanesan inundasaun iha tempu udan, bee-maran iha bailoron naruk, komunidade lakon rai agrikola ne’ebé produtivu, siguransa ai-han la seguru no seluk tan. Wainhira krize ba ai-han afeita ona pesoal ka individual maka sei habelar sai hanesan ameasa siguransa iha seitór ekonomia no saúde komunidade nian no ikus haboot hodi sai fo ameasa siguransa komunidade, nasional no estadu.
Krize ba ai-han nu’udar kauza husi menus rekursu naturais no rekursu ekonomia hanesan konsekuensia husi ambiente ne’ebé la seguru ka hetan tiha ona estragus. No sei implika no hamosu degradasaun ambiental no krize ambiental. Kontinuasaun husi ida ne’e sei mosu refujiadus ambiental signifika migrasaun komunidade ba fatin seluk ne’ebé seguru ba ambiente sei hamosu tan konflitu komunal hanesan problema rai no produsaun agrikola entre komunidade.
FM nia Rekomendasaun
1. Fundasaun Mahein nia rekomendasaun maka sosiedade tomak tenke konsiente no konserva meiu ambiente inklui uza rekursu ambiental ne’ebé hanoin mos ba jerasaun tuir mai. Governu kontinua programa edukasaun ambiental ba sosiedade tomak no kontinua halo avaliasaun ba projetu dezenvolvimentu sira ne’ebé fo risku ba meiu ambiente.
2. Husu ba entidade Estadu tomak fortifika pratika kulturais nian hanesan “Tara Bandu” ba konservasaun meiu ambiente ne’ebé bele garante sustentabilidade ambiental ohin no ba futuru. Tanba ita nia meiu ambiente ohin loron iha risku no ameasa nia laran hanesan ameasa boot ida ba ita jerasaun tuir mai.
3. Wainhira ita monu ba krize ai-han ne’ebé hahu husi pesoal ida ka individual ida no habelar sai hanesan ameasa siguransa iha seitór ekonomia no saúde komunidade nian no ikus haboot hodi sai ameasa siguransa komunidade, nasional no estadu no implika ba estabilidade polítika no siguransa interna nian.
Atu hatene klean liu kona-ba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Website :
Tlp +670 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, May 08, 2013
Press Release
A Threat for Present and Future Generations: Environmental Perspectives on National Security
Mahein Nia Lian (Mahein’s Voice) No. 51 analyzes threats against human security and national security for present and future generation of Timor-Leste from the environmental perspective. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) believes that such threats against personal security, economic security, and national security are linked with various dimensions of environmental conditions. These conditions even have implications beyond national security, to regional security and international security.
This is because traditional security terminology became more complex when the United Nations Organization introduced a new concept of security covering food security, human security, and health security. Food security, good sanitation, good shelter, low levels of poverty, low maternal mortality rates, and female participation in society are all parameters for measuring development within this new concept of security.
In Timor-Leste as well, environmental security issues pose challenges for the nation’s future development. Timor-Leste has presented on climate change issues at a high-level event at the United Nations in New York. The presentation stated that poverty was the primary cause of the environmental degradation and was the main contributor of climate change in Timor-Leste.
There are various factors for environmental degradation in Timor-Leste, such as community actions – arising in part from poverty – that place little value on environmental preservation. These actions posing a threat to the environmental security in Timor-Leste include cutting trees for firewood, throwing garbage in improper places, and certain agricultural activities.
Yet this environmental degradation contributes in turn to poverty and poses problems for food security, human security, and health security. Therefore even minimum attention to the environment can affect flooding during the wet season, water availability in the dry season, fertile soil erosion, and ultimately, food security. When food security issues affect the individual, the threats trigger other security issues, becoming threats to economic and health security in the local community and the nation.
Food insecurity (food crisis) is caused by a lack of natural resources and economic resources due to environmental degradation. It can also affect migration patterns within Timor-Leste, and can cause conflict in society as land conflicts over agricultural production.
1. FM recommends that society become conscious of environmental concerns and to begin conserving the environment for the future generations. FM also recommends that the government continue conducting environmental education programs to community, and evaluating development projects that pose great risks to the environment.
2. FM recommends that the state continue cultural programs such as “Tara Bandu” in order to conserve the environment now and guarantee the sustainability of the environment for future. FM has observed that our environment is at risk for our future generation.
3. Food insecurity can start from the individual and spread as a threat to economic and health security threats in the community and nation. These threats hold grave implications for political stability and internal security.
For further information, please contact:
Nelson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222
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