Foin daun daun Governu Timor-Leste taka total atividade Arte Masial no Gen Vandalismu katak prova ona halo redusaun ba violensia hosi atividades Gen sira iha Timor-Leste. Maibé atividade ilegal ho violensia ne’ebé komete hosi Timor oan sira iha rai seluk persiza politika diak ho spesifiku hosi governu, ho hasae monitorizasaun no kontrola Timor oan sira iha nasaun seluk.
Iha notisia foun hosi atividades Arte Marsial ho Gen ka Vandalismu nian iha rai seluk hanesan oho Malu iha Indonezia ho Irlandia, sona ema iha Japaun, violasaun seksual hasoru feto iha Filipina. Grupu Arte Marsial ho Estudante balun hosi Timor-Leste iha Indonezia kontinua ativu, Sira envolve iha atividade ilegal hanesan money loundry, haruka sasan hosi Indonezia mai Timor-Leste ne’ebé kria efetu negativu ba seitor siguransa iha Timor-Leste. Kona-bá ida ne’e Governu Timor-Leste tenki buka meus atu hamenus Timor oan envolve iha krime organizadu sira hanesan temi iha leten ne’e, tanba percentasen Timor oan estuda iha Indonezia boot liu nune’e mos iha nasaun seluk. Karik estudante no trabailador Timor oan lahare tuir sira ho meus ruma, maka iha biban boot bele krime organizadu rekruta sira atu envolve iha atividades ilegal.
Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Governu atu haruka adidu trabailador ho adidu estudante atu halo monitorizasaun nune’e mos suporta Timor oan sira iha rai liur. Fundasaun Mahein mos husu ba Governu atu hare mos delegasaun ka adidu sira ne’ebé atu ba halo kna’ar iha rai liur labele ba fali estuda ka halo tan serbisu seluk, atu nune’e sira bele halo kna’ar ho efektivu. Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda ba exemplu haruka trabailador Timor oan ba iha Korea nu’udar modelu diak ida ne’ebé tenki aplika mos iha nasaun sira ne’ebé Timor oan moris ba.
Governu Timor-Leste iha kooperasaun ho Governu Korea kona-bá trabailador ne’ebé hatudu ona susesu diak. Juventude Timor oan sira tuir kursu Korea iha Dili antes ba Korea hodi serbisu iha kompania sira ne’e hetan suporta hosi Governu Korea. Durante ne’e trabailador Timor oan sira iha Korea haruka juta $ 9 USD ba sira nia familia iha Timor-Leste. Tamba sa maka Governu tenki husik deit violensia ho atividades ilegal invade Timor oan sira iha rai liur, maibé iha biban seluk iha ona sistema ne’ebé sai ona evidensia ba trabailador ho estudante sira estuda, serbisu ho susesu no paz iha rai liur ho susesu?
Ikus liu, Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda atu kria sentru komunikasaun ida iha kada distritu atu nune’e familia trabailador ka estudante sira iha rai liur bele halo komunikasaun ho gratuita. . Fundasaun Mahein fiar katak komunikasaun ativu ho familia sira iha rai laran sei ajuda ka influensia sira, atu labele envolve iha atividades ilegal no buat aat seluk ne’ebé sei kria Timor-Leste nia naran foer.
Violence Quelled at Home explodes Abroad
The recent Timorese government crackdown on Martial Arts Gangs has proven effective in reducing violence and gang activities within Timor-Leste. However, the ongoing violence and illegal activities conducted by Timorese operating in other countries highlights a need for government policies to increase monitoring and control of Timorese living abroad. Among the recent news of disturbances abroad include the activities of Timorese Martial Arts Gangs in Indonesia, violence between Timorese living in Ireland and Portugal, a stabbing by a Timorese person in Japan, and the rape of a Filipino woman by a Timorese man in the Philippines.
Timorese Martial Arts Gangs continue to be highly active in Indonesia. They launder money and smuggle drugs and other stolen goods into Timor-Leste, which has a detrimental effect on Timor-Leste’s security sector. It is crucial that the Timorese government find a way to reduce this Timorese involvement in organized crime, especially considering that Indonesia claims the highest percentage of Timorese students studying abroad. If these students are not monitored in any way then they may be coerced into involvement in illegal activities.
Fundasaun Mahein recommends that the government send a representative from the Ministry of Labor to Indonesia to both monitor and support Timorese citizens working and studying abroad. It is also Fundasaun Mahein’s position that any delegation sent for this purpose should not be allowed to study while on their post, as it would divide their attention and make them less effective.
Fundasaun Mahein also points to the example of Timorese working abroad in Korea as a model that can be applied to other countries where Timorese are living. The Timorese government holds a bilateral labor relationship with the Korean government, which has proven to be successful for all parties involved. Timorese students taking part in the program can study in Dili before traveling to work at state-sponsored companies in Korea. Every year, Timorese workers in Korea send $9 million dollars back to their families in Timor.
Why does the government settle for displacing violence and illegal activities abroad when there is a proven system for Timorese to work abroad peacefully and successfully?
Finally, Fundasaun Mahein suggests the creation of “communication centers” in each district. These centers will be available to the families of Timorese students and workers abroad to call their relatives at no cost. Fundasaun Mahein believes that encouraging regular communication with family members in Timor will have a positive impact on Timorese living abroad. This will help ensure they do not become involved with illegal or dangerous activities that will hurt Timor-Leste.
Hau hakarak hato’o deit hau sugestaun kona ba artemarsiais sira , tamba governu fo sai tia ona katak artemarsiais 3 tolu nee tengki taka , tamba kria problema hela deit , iha rai liur mos problema iha rain rasik mos problema , husu ba governu tengki kria lei ida nebe que forte atu nune para bele fo garantia ba estadu no nomos ba sosiadade sira la bele hetan problema, sekarik governo komputensi fo ona aturizasaun ba artemarsiais sira nebe que halo problema ba sira nia organisasi tengki konserteza taka lalika loke tan, edepois sira sei loke nafatin tuir sira nia hakarak , ida ne’e signifika katak sira nee latauk governu , tuir nasaun seluk nia hare katak grupo balun sei latauk governo nomos sei halo governu hanesan ayam potong ida , ema sira hanesan nee , la kohi ukun an , diak liu foti artenatif ida deit , tiru iha fatin para fase sira seluk nia matan nebe tuir mai nee, dala ida tan husu ba Governu Compentensia liu-liu ba siguransa iha rai laran lalika halimar , sira mangame haruka forma tia mak tiru karik sira hakarak halo buat nebe que estadu timor fo ona ba sira , no sira la kohi halo tuir , karik hau mak Cheffi Siguransa hau hakarak hasai lei kona ba litadura democrasia , Tembak di tempat ba sedeit mak la tuir lei nebe iha. Husu ba maun bo’ot sira , hakarak ukun ita nia nasaun lao ho diak mak nee, tengki iha ketegasan oit-oan selae povu bele sama imi, nomos nasau seluk mos hamnasa imi tamba nai ulun bo’ot sira ukun lalos hakarak hadau malu kadera mais ukun lalos, mak nee deit hau nia comentar hau atas nama povu mau bere no loriku asu win. obrigadu ba maluk sira le’e, semoga saja bermanfaat .