PNTL Ladisplina Ameasa ba Siguransa Timor-Leste

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Halo sala no la displina iha PNTL Distritu Covalima sai hanesan kestaun ida ne’ebé boot liu hosi jere institusaun no halo fraku ba lejitimasaun Polisia Nasional no siguransa iha Timor-Leste .

Fundasaun Mahein hetan informasaun kredivel katak membru PNTL ida iha Distritu Cova-Lima abandona nia kna’ar no sai ho kilat ho motor institusaun PNTL nian, depois nia mos la hetan passa ba exame promosaun deviza nian. Ofisial PNTL ne’e mos eis veteranu no to’o agora sidauk iha asaun displinar hosi komando Distritu ka Komando Jeral PNTL .

Pesoal PNTL ida ne’e ema ida hosi membru PNTL barak ne’ebé la satisfas ba prosesu promosaun ne’ebé governu aplika. Total PNTL Distritu Covalima hamutuk 134 husi total hirak ne’e so ema ne’ebé pasa ba exame promosaun hamutuk iha 40 Ofisiais PNTL, ne’e hatudu katak numeru total boot tebes maka la pasa promosaun deviza, ida ne’e hatudu katak numeru PNTL ne’ebé ki’ik los maka passa kompara ho PNTL Distritu sira seluk. Diferensia numeru boot ne’ebé la passa ba promosaun deviza halo individu PNTL iha Cova-Lima la satisfas no fo impaktu ba sira hodi servi ba povu ho ordem no harahun hirarkia iha institusaun PNTL laran.

Pesoal PNTL iha Distritu refere la tama serbisu hosi tempu dader no la halo (parada dader/apel pagi ) hanesan atividade rutina ida ne’ebé PNTL kada Distritu halo ba sira nia komando no sira nia membru sira seluk.

Oinsa maka Komando Jeral iha Dili laiha biban atu vizita ka kontrolu ba Distritus sira ne’ebé PNTL la halo nia kna’ar regular ho diak?

Fundasaun Mahein partikularmente kestiona ba kapasidade haforsa lei ho ordem iha Distritu sira iha fronteira nasional. Karik PNTL Distritu Cova-Lima la halo kna’ar regular hanesan Distritu sira seluk, ne’ebé bele hafraku operasaun no fornese siguransa seguru iha fatin refere, tamba Distritu Cova-Lima ne’ebé lokaliza iha fronteira nasional sai hanesan odomatan tama sai ema hosi rai seluk nian, ikus mai sai risku boot no krime organizadu bele aproveita halo inflitrasaun.
Karik displina iha Cova-Lima sei la restaura fila fali, maka perigu liu no kria presedente a’at liu ba Distritu seluk atu aplika disordem hanesan ba displina iha institusaun PNTL nia laran.

Saida mak sei akontese karik PNTL iha kada Distritu sira ne’ebé iha area fronteira nasional hatudu hahalok la displina hanesan PNTL Cova-Lima?

Fundasaun Mahein rekomenda ba Komando PNTL nasional atu halo revisaun no evaluasaun ba kada Komando Distritu nia lalaok polisiamentu nian, oinsa bele sukat sira nia meritu servisu nian, nune’e mos fo informasaun ba komando jeral kona-bá sasidik saida deit maka sira hasoru iha sira nia kna’ar iha distritu sira, pur exemplu kona-bá numeiru krime nune’e mos natureza siguransa. Karik iha problema balun ne’ebé Komando Distritu hasoru, mak Komandu Jeral tenki fo kedas solusaun imidiatu, no karik Komandu Distritu la halo kna’ar tenki suspende ka rotasaun lalais.

Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda ba Governu atu halo revisaun ba prosesu promosaun PNTL nian. Prosesu dadaun ne’e Governu hili ofisiaias balun para halo promosaun, ida ne’e la realistiku no la efektivu.
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Tamba Governu la halo kna’ar iha institusaun PNTL, tantu ladun hatene kona-bá lalaok serbisu PNTL nian, tamba ne’e maka labele halo monitorizasaun diak ho edekuadu ba lalaok PNTL nian hodi halo promosaun deviza.
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Individu PNTL ne’ebé diak tenki promove ba promosaun tuir esperensia ho merito diak, laos ba koneksaun politika ka partidaria.

Ikus liu Fundasaun Mahein husu atu labele halo politizasaun ba promosaun PNTL no fo otonomia ba Institusaun PNTL rasik halo promosaun tuir lalaok PNTL nian.

Undisciplined PNTL Threatens Timor-Leste’s Security

A breakdown in discipline within the district of Covaima’s PNTL office has highlighted the more institutionally pervasive problems that are compromising the legitimacy of our National Police Service and the security of Timor-Leste.

Fundasaun Mahein has received reports alleging that one member of Cova-Tima’s PNTL force abandoned his post after failing to pass his promotion test, but has kept possession of his weapon and government issued motorbike with him in defiance. The ex-officer is a veteran and has not received any disciplinary action to date.

This officer is just one of numerous PNTL members dissatisfied with the government’s process of granting rank promotions. Out of the 134 PNTL officers stationed at Cova-Lima District, only 40 members have been granted a promotion, a number that is noticeably lower than rates of promotion in other PNTL offices. This discrepancy has decreased discipline among the Cova-Lima’s PNTL staff and has undermined the Police Service’s system of hierarchy.
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The absence of morning PNTL parades in Cova-Lima, which is a routine protocol carried out in every other district, demonstrates the lack of respect Cova-Lima’s PNTL commander garners from his subordinates.

How could the PNTL central command allow one of their district offices to exhibit such a blatant disregard for policy and protocol?

Fundasaun Mahein is particularly concerned about Cava-Lima’s law-enforcement capacity given its location on the border. If Cova-Lima’s District PNTL Service continues to exist in its fractured state of operation, the region will present itself as an easy gateway for criminals to infiltrate Timor-Leste and will run a high risk of becoming a safe haven for organized crime. If discipline is not restored to the Cova-Lima District PNTL, a very dangerous precedent will be set and officers from other districts may perceive no repercussions to breaking PNTL polices.

What would happen to Timor-Leste if every border-district PNTL office exhibited the same lack of discipline displayed by the Cova-Lima district PNTL office?

Fundasaun Mahein recommends that the PNTL central office conduct a monthly evaluation of district commanders to monitor performance and stay informed on the challenges being faced by each district. Some factors to be evaluated may include discipline among officers, crime rates, and the overall state of security within each district. Districts falling below a certain performance level should receive assistance. Additionally, district commanders not fit for command should be demoted or relieved from duty.

Fundasaun Mahein also recommends that the government review and revise the PNTL promotion process. The current process, in which the government chooses which officers to promote, is unrealistic and ineffective. Government officials do not work in the PNTL and therefore have no ability to monitor and accurately assess candidates for promotion. Good officers should be promoted based on factors such as merit and experience, not on political connections or luck. Fundasaun Mahein urges the government to eliminate the politicization of promotions by permitting the PNTL autonomy in deciding which of its officers to promote.

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