Fundasaun Mahein, 13 Fevereiru 2013
Komunikadu Imprenza
Jestaun Fronteira no Kontrolu Migratoriu
Liu Husi Mahein Nia Hanoin Nu. 03. (versaun tetum.pdf) (versaun inglesh.pdf.) halo analiza kona-ba ameasa sira ne’ebe ohin loron ho forma oin-oin hakat liu husi fronteira ne’ebé ho karakter organizadu husi individual sira no grupu. Ameasa ida ne’e bele ho forma trafiku droga, komersiu ilegal, na’ok riku soin, hakur fronteira ilegal, trafiku umanu no forma sira seluk.
Iha kontestu ida ne’e, instituisaun relevante sira presiza jere no kontrola ho misaun espesifika no integradu iha fronteira. Maibe misaun integrada ida ne’e sei infrenta problema rekursu umanu, fasilidade no kondisaun sira seluk ne’ebé sei habelit hela iha Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF), Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM), Servisu Migrasaun (SM), Alfandega no Kuarentina.
Verifika katak iha insidenti sira no atividade kontra-bandu inklui pratika iregularidade sira seluk iha fronteira ne’ebé involve individual sira, grupu organizadu no autoridade siguransa nian (UPF no TNI – Repúblika Indonezia).
Hakait ba atravesamentu fronteira ilegal motivu fundamental ida ne’ebé iha ligasaun familiar, kultural, komersiu, burokratiku no falta kontrolu husi UPF. Frakeza seluk maka implementasaun “Border Pass” seidauk kobre distritu sira iha fronteira no merkadu fronteira iha pakote postu integradu nian abandona hela.
Ameasa kontestual iha kazu Timor-Leste nian, risku makáas ba siguransa públiku no populasaun sira ne’ebé individual no grupu organizadu sira aproveita frajelidade Timor-Leste nian maka iha nivel kontrolu no lei sira. Ne’ebé verifika, droga tama Timor-Leste ho forma oin-oin liu fronteira terrestre no aeroportu, trafiku umanu, prostituisaun no HIV/SIDA. Inklui merkadu tradisional okupa husi negosiante ambulante no kampu traballu okupa husi traballador estranjeiru sira ho utiliza vistu turista.
Buat prinsipal ne’ebé habelit iha Timor-Leste nia problema maka Servisu Migrasaun seidauk verifika lolos ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebé tama sai iha teritoriu nasional ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun okupa to’o iha nivel subdistrital no suku, ne’e sorin ida. Iha sorin seluk, implementasaun lei sei iha dezafiu nia laran ne’ebé sei hakait ba limitasaun orsamentu. Kazu ne’ebé durante ne’e públiku preokupa hanesan “deportasaun” ba ema estranjeiru no Servisu Migrasaun rekuiñese katak Timor-Leste seidauk iha osan atu halo deportasaun. Ho limitasaun hirak ne’e Servisu Migrasaun aplika deit “abandona voluntariu”. Tanba ne’e, individual no grupu organizadu sira aproveita frakeza Timor-Leste nian no motiva sira kontinua viola lei no prosedementu legais sira.
Rekomendasaun :
1. Servisu Migrasaun (SM), Unidade Polisia Fronteira (UPF), Alfandega, FALINTIL-FDTL, Unidade Polisa Maritima, Kuarentina, Komersiu nian no Dirasaun Transporte nian fortifika koordenasaun serbisu iha nivel jestaun no kontrolu nian ho integradu.
2. Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa presiza tau atensaun ba kondisaun UPF nian hanesan transporte, eletresidade, be no saneamentu inklui fasilidade saúde ne’ebé Fundasaun Mahein nia observasaun iha fronteira hare katak iha postu balu la iha eletrisidade no be-mos inklui kondisaun sira seluk hanesan alimentasaun.
3. Ba Ministériu Justisa, Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa no Ministériu Negosiu Estranjeiru koordena lalais ba implementasaun “Border Pass” ba populasaun sira iha fronteira hodi prevene pratika iregularidade sira hanesan hakat fronteira ilegal no kolokasaun autoridade Servisu Migrasaun iha postu fronteira nian hodi legaliza no fo vistu “Border Pass”, dadaun ne’e konsentra deit iha Mota-Ain.
4. Ba instituisaun relevante sira ne’ebé hola parte postu integradu presiza funsiona merkadu fronteira hodi evita komersiu ilegal ka atividade kontra-bandu liu husi fronteira.
5. Rekomenda ba Servisu Migrasaun halo operasaun no kontrolu ne’ebé efetivu ba sidadaun estranjeiru sira ne’ebé tama sai iha teritoriu nasional ne’ebé utiliza vistu turista hodi halo serbisu.
6. Rekomenda ba autoridade sira ne’ebé integra iha postu integradu iha aeropotu, portu no fronteira terestre halo kontrolu no patrullamentu ne’ebé efetivu hodi kombate no prevene atividade kontra-bandu, trafiku droga, trafiku umanu, komersiu ilegal no atividade ilegal seluk ne’ebé oras ne’e dadaun hasulin iha Timor-Leste no buras iha fronteira terestre nian.
7. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B ne’ebé trata asuntu defeza, siguransa no negosiu estranjeiru presiza halo fiskalizasaun ne’ebé efetivu ba serbisu autoridade fronteira nian ne’ebé integra iha postu integradu.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Telemovel: (+670) 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, February 13, 2013
Press Release
Border Issue and Migration Control
Current threats present in various forms of crimes passed through the border either in individuals and groups organized character. These threats could be in form of drugs traffic, illegal commerce, resource theft, illegal entry, human traffic and other forms.
In these context, the relevant institutions are obliged to establish the control with a specific and integrated mission in the border. However this integrated mission is encountering tremendous human resource shortcomings, facilities and other conditions limitation which deeply embedded in Border Patrol Unit (UPF), Maritime Police Unit (UPM), Immigration Service (SM), Custom and Quarantine.
It is verified various unlawful incidents and activities include irregularity practices in the border which involve the individuals, organized groups and security authorities (UPF and Indonesia Military/TNI).
The illegal entry in the border is heavily related to family, culture, commerce, bureaucratic and lack of control from the Border Patrol Unit (UPF). Another problem the weak implementation of “Border Pass” which have not covered all district in the frontier and border market in the integrated post which left unattended.
The contextual threats to Timor-Leste are tremendous risks to public and population security, in which the individual and organized groups take advantage of the fragility of Timor-Leste institutions especially lack of control and unimplemented laws. Therefore, it is verified the severe consequents are drugs enter to Timor-Leste in various forms through land border, airport, human trafficking, easy entry of prostitution and AIDS/HIV. Consequently, the traditional market is occupied by the foreigners and the job employments are taken away by foreign workers that use tourist visa.
The very underlying problem of such threats is the fundamental weakness in the immigration service (SM) which unable to verify the foreigners that enter and leave the country which now widespread in all territory from District to village level. On the other hand, the weakens of law implementation is tightly related to budget limitation. “Deportation” have become public concern and the immigration service (SM) recognized that Timor-Leste is incapable to do so due to budget limitation. Therefore, the immigration service only apply “voluntary renounce”. The individual and organized groups take advantage of these limitations to continue the illegal and unlawful business and violate the law.
1. To Immigration Service (SM), Border Patrol Unit (UPF), Custom, FALINTIL-FDTL, Maritime Police Unit, Quarantine, Commerce and Transport Direction to establish a work coordination to carry out an integrated control in the border.
2. To Minister of Defense and Security to equip the Border Patrol Unit with facilities such as transportation, electricity and health facility. According to Fundasaun Mahein observation, there are some integrated post in the border which don’t have electricity and water sanitation and also maintenance.
3. To Minister of Justice, Minister of Defense and Security and Minister of Foreign Affairs to implement “Border Pass” to the population in the frontier to prevent irregularities such as illegal entry. Also to allocate the authority of immigration service in the border posts to legalize the “Border Pass” in all the border points not only in Mota-Ain.
4. To relevant institutions to implement “frontier market” to avoid illegal commerce and other unlawful activities through the border.
5. To Immigration Service to carry out effective operation and control to foreigners that enter to Timor-Leste using tourist visa for work purpose.
6. To authorities in the integrated post in airport, port and land border to carry out effective control and patrol to prevent unlawful activities such as human trafficking, illegal commerce and illegal activities which currently widespread in Timor-Leste especially in the border.
7. To National Parliament Commission B to conduct a comprehensive study about defense, security and foreign affairs, and effective fiscalization to the work of border authority in the integrated post.
For further information, please contact:
Nélson Belo Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Website: HYPERLINK “”
Telemovel: (+670) 7737 4222
I appreciate the good work you are doing! I’ve really enjoyed reading it. You’ve arouse me a great interest. I’ll investigate it more. Keep up doing it!
Tuir hau nia hare sekretatrio defeza tenki foti decizaun ba’a asunto problema ida ne’e tamba fronteira sai hanesan lotu ba’a nasaun nian, ne’e duni ita persiza kontrola didiak ,tamba iha faktorialidade positivo mak hanesan seguranca lametin ema sei hetan tama liu husi dalan elegal tamba laiha seguranca diak e rekurco humanus laiha benefeciu ba’a seguranca unidade maritima e nomos iha faktorialidade negativo mak hanesan ema bele mai tama foti rekerza nasaun nian e nomos bele lori moras a’at mai iha ita nia nasau.abraco.