Fundasaun Mahein, 30 Setembru 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Iha Mahein Nia Lian Nu 87 (Relatoriu Versaun Tetum,pdf) (English Version.pdf) sei ko’alia kona-bá operasaun krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste. Ho forma sira hanesan falsifiksaun dokumentu ofisial Estadu nian, droga, sirkulasaun osan falsu, lavagem dinheiro (money laundering) no forma krime sira seluk.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) alerta dahuluk tiha ona iha relatoriu sira ne’ebé públika ona iha tinan 2010 kona-bá operasaun krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e mos iha tinan 2013, FM públika relatoriu kona-bá forma foun krime organizadu. Relatoriu hirak ne’e iha relasaun ho forma organizadu, krime taransnasional nian ho rede internasional sira ne’ebé sai ameasa ba Timor-Leste. Iha ne’ebé autor prinsipal mak sidadaun timor no ema estranjeiru.
Kazu hanesan iha 05 Setembru 2014 autoridade seguransa halo operasaun ba grupu distributor droga hanesan morfin no sabu-sabu iha suspeitu Xineza ho inisia “A”, ho “CL” husi Singapura ne’ebé halo ligasaun ho sidadaun timor oan balun.
Iha mos kazu seluk hanesan iha loron 26 Setembru 2014 autoridade seguransa Timor-Leste kaptura timor oan no estranjeiru balu iha Dili tanba halo falsifikasaun dokumantu hanesan sertidaun batismu, sertidaun RDTL, karta kondusaun no kartaun rejistu veikulu nian ka STNK, kartaun inspesaun veikulu nian, diploma eskola nian ka Ijasah, sertifikadu kursu nian, kartaun eleitoral no dokumentu ofisial sira seluk. Lukru husi falsifikasaun dokumentu kada loron grupu ne’e hetan entra US$ 100.00 to’o US$ 500.00.
Relatoriu seluk husi kazu ida ne’e nian FM públika dahuluk tiha ona hanesan sirkulasaun osan falsu iha Timor-Leste. Iha altura ne’eba FM alerta katak sidadaun hotu tenki atensaun no tenki identifika didiak osan sira ne’ebé simu iha kontratu ka negosiu sira iha merkadu no iha dalan ninin sira.
FM nia analiza ida ne’e nu’udar frakeza fundamental ida husi situasaun seguransa iha Timor-Leste ne’ebé sei frajil. iha parte seluk menus rekursu ekipamentus atu deteta no kontrola odamatan tama-sai nian hanesan aero portu, portu no fronteira terestre nian.
Kestaun seluk mak hanesan menus koñesimentu husi autor seguransa ba forma krime organizadu nian. Dalan úniku seluk tuir relatoriu serbisu informasaun siguransa nian hato’o katak area Marítima Timor-Leste nian ne’ebé luan, menus kontrola husi autor siguransa, rede krime organizadu sira dalabalu aproveita hodi halo transaksaun ilegal.
1. Rekomenda ba autoridade siguransa Timor-Leste nian katak presiza fahe informasaun intelejensia nian ba malu no husu rai viziñu sira kona-bá movimentu terorista no grupu kriminozu sira nian iha nivel rejional.
2. Halo planeamentu diak kona-bá hakur fronteira nian, oinsa iha kontestu hapara terorista hodi halo atividade terror ba atividade nian ne’ebé tama mai teritoriu nasional.
3. Rekomenda ba autoridade siguransa no ministeriu relevante sira Timor-Leste nian tenki halo inspesaun imediatu ba empreza sira ne’ebé halo atividade negosiu iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e mos ba sidadaun estranjeiru sira ne’ebé serbisu iha Timor-Leste.
4. Rekomenda ba autoridade siguransa no ministériu relevante sira presiza halo planu integradu ida ho fiskalizasaun regirozu ba movimentu tama-sai iha aero portu, portu no fronteira terestre ba sasan no ema sira ne’ebé tama no sai husi rai laran
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) 30 September 2014
Press Release
Security Gaps of Timor-Leste: Attracts the Organized Crime
Mahein’s voice No.87 will talk about the operation of organized crime in Timor-Leste and will discuss aspects such as: falsifying the state’s documents, the drug trade, and circulation of counterfeit money, money laundering and other crimes.
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has in the past, in reports that published in 2010, alerted the public of the presence organized crime in Timor-Leste. In addition to this in 2013, FM also published a report about new forms of the organized crime in Timor-Leste. These reports have all reported on the organized form of crime, transnational crime and the international networks that pose a threat to the Timor-Leste public.
Evidence of this threat is shown by incidents such as the following. On the 5th September 2014, security forces halted the operation to a group that distributed drugs such as morphine and Chrystal hydrochloride from suspects “A” and “CL”, these drugs were from Singapore and were connected with Timorese citizens.
A similar connected with organized crime in Timor-Leste occurred on the 26th September 2014. On this date the security forces of Timor-Leste arrested some Timorese citizens and foreigners in Dili charged with falsifying documents such as; baptism and the RDTL certificates, driver license and vehicle inspection documents (STNK), electoral card and other official documents. The amount of profit these groups is said to be able to earn by falsifying these documents is estimated between US$100.00 to $500.00 per day.
FM has also reported in the past of the presence of Counterfeit money another indicator of the presence of organized crime in Timor-Leste (Osan Falsu 02/09/14). At that time FM alerted that all citizens should pay attention and identify the money that they are receiving is legal tender, whether via a contract or from the market or anywhere else.
FM’s analysis has in the past noted that the main weakness of the security situation in Timor-Leste is its fragility and the security forces lack of equipment and resources to detect and control movement across the border or through the nation’s airports. The large maritime area around Timor-Leste poses another threat as the Navy also lacks sufficient capacity to effectively patrol such a vast area.
It is FM’s opinion that Timor-Leste risks becoming a major hub of organized crime in the region unless the security forces acknowledge the threats posed by organized crime’s and take action against it.
1. Recommends to the security authorities of Timor-Leste that they need to share the intelligence information with all others including Timor’s neighbor countries for an integrated approach of tackling terrorist and criminal groups at a regional level.
2. Prepare better plans in regards to patrolling Timor-Leste’s borders in order to prevent criminal groups from infiltrating in the nation.
3. Recommends to the security authorities and the relevant ministries of Timor-Leste to conduct direct inspections of any international entrepreneurs that are conducting business activities in Timor-Leste, as well as foreign citizens that are working in Timor-Leste.
4. Recommends to the security authorities and the relevant ministries to make an integrated plan for the rigorous supervision of import/export activities at the airport, seaport and the border posts.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or (+670) 77561184
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