Fundasaun Mahein nia Sistema Arkivu

Fundasaun Mahein nia  Sistema Arkivu post thumbnail image
(Foto: Logo FM)

(Foto: Logo FM)

Nu’udar parte ida husi ita-nia atividade investigasaun no peskiza ba setor seguransa iha Timor-Leste, ita iha FM halibur total dadus ida ne’ebé estraordináriu, artigu sira no informasaun hodi ajuda no prepara baze ida ba ami-nia analiza.

Hodi mantein ita nia valor ba transparensia, akuntabilidade no objetivu hodi involve ema barak liu iha diskusaun kona-bá setor seguransa ne’e, ami hakarak fahe informasaun ida ne’ebé ami halibur ona.

Buat hotu-hotu ne’ebé ita-boot atu halo mak vizita no sesaun arkivu iha ami-nia sitíu no download XL ne’ebé namkari ba mai husi periodu tempu ne’ebé ita-boot sira investiga ba, husi ne’e hetan informasaun karik ho nia kronolojia ka uza Conrol+F feature; kopia numeru referensia no visita ami iha FM hodi le’e artigu kompletu.

Kona-ba númeru informasaun ne’ebé barak ami servisu ba, iha deit informasaun to’o Novembru 2014 ne’ebé mak dadauk ne’e disponivel maibe dadauk ne’e servisu hela kona-ba reformasaun ba sistema tomak hodi sai dinámiku no fasil atu bele fo dalan.

Iha kazu seluk ami espera atu haree ita-boot sira vizita ami iha FM ho lalais.

Fundasaun Mahein’s Archive system

As part of our activities investigating and researching the Security Sector in Timor-Leste, we here at Fundasaun Mahein collect an extraordinary amount of data, articles and information to help provide a basis for our analysis.

In keeping with our values of transparency, accountability and our goal of involving as many people in the discussion of the Security Sector, we would like to share this information that we have collected.

All you have to do is to visit the Archive section on our website and simply download the XL spreadsheet from the time period you’re investigating, from there find the information either chronologically or by using the Control+ feature; copy the reference number and visit us at FM to read the full article.

Due to the large amount of information we are dealing with, only the information up until November 2014 is currently available but are currently working on reforming the entire system to be more dynamic and easier to navigate.

In any case we hope to see you visiting us here at FM very soon

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