Fundasaun Mahein “Honra” iha Kuartél Jeral PNTL

Fundasaun Mahein  “Honra” iha Kuartél Jeral PNTL post thumbnail image
(Foto: Audensia ho KOMJE PNTL)

(Foto: Audensia ho KOMJE PNTL)

Depois iha mudansa estrutura lideransa ba Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste – PNTL, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) ne’ebé durante tau matan ba seitor seguransa hetan oportunidade hodi halo audensia ho Komandante Jeral PNTL foun Komisariu Julio Hornai, iha semana dahuluk fulan Abril tinan 2015. Objetivu prinsipal husi sorumutu ida ne’e atu bele hametin parseira serbisu hodi dezenvolve instituisaun polisial iha Timor-Leste.

Nu’udar sosiedade sivil ne’ebé durante ne’e halo monitorizaun, peskiza no advokasia ba seitór defeza no seguransa sai ajente importane mos iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu instituisaun PNTL. Komandu Jeral konsidera prezensa FM sai parseiru importante no promote atu serbisu hamutuk hodi hadia no dezenvolve diak liu tan Instituisaun PNTL nia serbi ba povu no nasaun.
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Konsiderasaun ida ne’e nu’udar pontu pozitivu ida husi sosiedade sivil iha Timor-Leste, partikularmente FM.

Pontus prinsipal hirak ne’ebé sai tópiku sentral ba FM toka durante sorumutu maka asuntu disiplina, transparansia no akauntabilidade, serbisu intelejensia, asuntu promosaun, problema jestaun fronteira, implementasaun planu estratejiku PNTL 2014 – 2018 no asuntu seluk ne’ebé ninia relevansia ho dezenvolvimentu Instituisaun PNTL. Komandante Jeral PNTL konsidera problema hirak ne’e pretente duni no sei halo esforsu hodi hadia no kompleta durante ninia mandatu.

Komandu PNTL rasik mos rekuinese katak Instituisaun PNTL sei infrenta hela problema barak intermuz profesionalizmu instituisaun, transparansia no akuntabilidade, disiplina membru polisia sira ne’ebé sai hanesan notas mean ba dezempeñamentu Instituisaun PNTL. Pontu pozitivu ida husi Komandu Jeral foun maka apresia ba sosiádade sivil nia krítika ba Instituisaun PNTL nu’udar hanoin ida atu fanu lideransa instituisaun no governu hodi hadia erru ne’ebé mosu iha Instituisaun PNTL durante ne’e.

Ho ida ne’e, Komandu Jeral kontinua husu krítika konstrutivu husi FM nu’udar ajente kontrolu ida ne’ebé bele fo hanoin hodi hadi’a faillansu hirak ne’ebé akontese iha Instituisaun PNTL nia laran. Husi rezultadu enkontru ne’e mos Komandu Jeral husu ajuda FM atu apoiu ba tradusaun lei seguransa nia ne’ebé maioria hakerek iha lian Portugues ba lian Tetun atu bele hafasil Komandu no membru PNTL sira kompriende.

Konkulzaun husi sorumutu ne’e hatudu katak Komandu Jeral iha vontade diak hodi koopera ho sosiedade sivil hodi hadi’a diak liu tan serbisu polisial iha komunidade, intermuz atuasaun no implementasaun lei no orden.

Husi preoukupasaun no sujestaun hirak ne’e, FM mos rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL maka hanesan tuir mai ne’e;

1. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu funsiona diak Sentru Nasional Operasun – SNO hodi nune’e bele update situasaun seguransa iha rai-laran hodi nune’e bele minimiza rumores hirak ne’ebé halo povu senti tauk no moris la seguru.

2. Rekomenda ba Komandu Jeral PNTL atu kontinua hadia dezempeñamentu instituisaun no promove transparansia no akuntabilidade iha Instituisaun PNTL nu’udar asaun ida hodi kontribui ba boa-governasaun.

3. Rekomeda ba Komandu Jeral atu foti medida maka’as hasoru elementu sira ne’ebé viola lei no regulamentu hodi prosesa tuir presedementu legal.

4. Rekomenda mos ba Komandu Jeral hadia sistema promosaun iha PNTL atu nune’e labele hamosu diskriminasaun no Korupusaun Koluzaun Nepotizmu – KKN iha futuru.

Fundasaun Mahein “Honored” at the PNTL General Quarter

As the PNTL General Command is finalizing its restructuring, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) was invited for a meeting with the new PNTL General Commander Julio Hornai on April 10th, 2015. The meeting’s purpose was to strengthen the partnership between FM and the PNTL in order to continue the law enforcement agency’s development.

As a civil society organization that focuses on monitoring, research, and advocacy for the defense and security sectors, FM is greatly interested in developing the institution of the PNTL. The General Commander considers FM’s work important, and promises to strengthen cooperation in order to develop the PNTL institution. These considerations are positive points for the civil societies in Timor-Leste, particularly FM.

The main points that FM addressed during the meeting are discipline, transparency, accountability, the intelligence service, officer promotion, border security issues, and the implementation of the PNTL strategic plan, among others. The PNTL General Commander considers those mentioned issues significant, and promised he will personally see that they are addressed.
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The PNTL commander himself recognized that the institution is still facing various problems in terms of professionalism, transparency, accountability and discipline-the last of which is still a blemish on the force’s record. However, FM was pleased that the new commander is showing appreciation for civil society’s constructive criticism of his institution.

Regarding this, the general commander asked for continued constructive criticism from FM as a watchdog that may provide ideas to improve those failures that emerge within the PNTL. The General Commander also urged FM to support the translation of security law, which is written in Portuguese, into Tetun, in order to make it more accessible to members of the PNTL and public.

The biggest take away of the meeting was that the General Commander wishes to cooperate with civil society to improve the police’s services in the field in terms of action and implementation of law and order.

Regarding concerns and suggestions, FM recommends to the PNTL general commander as follows;

1. In order to assist the force with the maintenance of law and order, that the General Commander establish a National Operations Center to issue press releases in order to keep the public updated on the internal security situation, and lessen the effects of harmful rumors;

2. That the PNTL General Commander continue improve the institution’s performance and promote transparency and accountability inside the institution as an action of good-governance;

3. That the PNTL General Commander undertake strong action against those members who violate law and to process them according to the legal framework;

4. That the PNTL General Commander improves the promotion system inside the PNTL, so it does not sanction discrimination, corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) in the future.
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1 thought on “Fundasaun Mahein “Honra” iha Kuartél Jeral PNTL”

  1. .obrgdo barak tebes ba FM nbe durante nee esforsu aan hdi serbisu hamutuk PNTL .hdi bele hadia ita nia POLISIA nia serbisu. maske POLISIA nasional timor leste sei hasoru desafius oin” iha parti implementasaun no iha POLISIA barak serbisu la profesionalizmu .maibe husi organisaun parte governo no nongoverno sr nia tulun .ita nia polisia sei sae profesional iha futuru. ita hamutuk ita bele avansa ba oin .
    sucesu ba FM.

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