(Fontes: Foto Fundasaun Mahein, 2014)
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Jullu 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Irregularidade Involve Membru F-FDTL – PNTL Presiza Atensaun Sériu
“labele hateke matan sorin deit”
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 113 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-bá Relatóriu ida ne’e kontinua aviza ba ulun boot sira husi Instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL tau atensaun maka’as ba disiplina membru sira husi instituisaun rua ne’e nian. Iha ne’ebé ikus-ikus ne’e rejista insidenti lubuk ida relata ba membru husi Instituisaun F-FDTL no PNTL nian.
Monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nota durante tinan hirak ikus ne’e membru sira husi instituisaun rua ne’e nian hatudu iha públiku hanesan pesoal no grupu ida ne’ebé iha poder no forsa seguransa ida ne’ebé povu tenki tauk. Nune’e mos husi atuasaun sira ne’ebé halo wainhira tenta hapara no prevene krime uza forsa ne’ebé la ho nesesariu tuir padraun legal sira ne’ebé Timor-Leste adopta.
Relata ba insidenti sira ne’e FM alerta dalabarak ona kona-bá disiplina husi membru instituisaun rua ne’e nian ne’ebé presiza atensaun seriu husi komandu, departamentu no seksaun sira instituisaun nian. Maibe problema ida ne’e kontinua la hetan atensaun ne’ebé siriu no sai pior liu-tan iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e. Rejista membru husi instituisaun rua ne’e fila asaltu malu no resposta balu husi ulun boot insituisaun nian ho lian kro’at mos hanesan aviza no motiva liu-tan hahalok ne’ebé kria tensaun entre membru instituisaun rua ne’e nian. Prova ba ida ne’e akontesimentu iha Maiu 2016 membru husi PNTL Batallaun Ordem Públika (BOP) baku membru ida husi F-FDTL no hetan resposta ne’ebé kro’at husi Vice-Chefe Estado Maior General F-FDTL Brigadeiru Jeneral Filomeno Paixão de Jesus liu husi Konferensia Imprensa iha loron tuir mai hafoin insidenti ne’e. Insidenti ne’ebé hanesan iha fulan Juñu 2016 membru husi F-FDTL halo agresaun hanesan hasoru membru PNTL ida iha munisipiu Ainaro. Susar atu justifika insidenti rua ne’e nia ligasaun, karik hanesan insidental deit maibe mosu ona presepsaun seluk husi públiku katak membru husi instituisaun rua ne’e nia komesa kria ona inimigu ba malu. FM nia tauk kuandu asaun sira ne’e tolera bebeik sei implika ba disiplina husi membru sira F-FDTL no PNTL sai aat liu-tan no kria ona presedente ba tempu sira tuir mai.
Nune’e, FM suporta dezisaun sira ne’ebé hatur tiha ona husi institusaun rua ne’ebé dadaun ne’e tau regra forte atu hametin disiplina iha sistema no fo suspensaun ba pesoal sira ne’ebé viola regra sira ne’ebé aplika iha Timor-Leste. Maibe mos FM hakarak iha aplikasaun regra ida ne’ebé maka’as liu tan maka sansaun no prosesu penal ba autor sira ne’ebé hakat liu lei ho ordem iha sistema disiplina nian.
Dezisaun suspensaun ba autor indisplina iha setor seguransa nian sei efektivu liu husi aspetu tolu: Dahuluk, kualker membru autor ne’ebé maka viola lei tenke ba hatan tribunal atu fo justisa mos ba ema vitima sira. Daruak, sala saida deit la iha toleransia nu’udar konsekuensia la iha lealdade no disiplina, hodi nune’e maka bele prevene asaun indisplina seluk iha setor seguransa nian. Ba ikus liu, regra rigorozu sira ne’e hotu, sei halo PNTL ho F-FDTL halo sira nia kna’ar ho kompetente, profesional, onestu ho lealdade ba instituisaun sai buras ho profesional.
FM fiar katak ho meus sira ne’e, sei iha disiplina ida ne’ebé rigorozu iha Timor-Leste tomak, sei iha benefisiu diak atu ita hetan balansu ba justisa ho disiplina hodi hasa’e profesionalismu iha institusaun polisia ho militar nian.
1. Governu ho Komandu F-FDTL no PNTL presiza avalia empeñamentu husi membru instituisaun rua ne’e nian no lalaok sira disiplinar nian.
2. Komandu F-FDTL no PNTL presiza aplika medida disiplinar ida ho rigorozu tuir lei ne’ebé aplika tantu ba kazu infrasaun disiplinar no kazu sira nia natureza kriminal.
3. Presiza ezersisiu konjuntu entre membru F-FDTL ho PNTL hodi hametin no harmoniza relasaun instituisional.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org
Irregularities Involved Members of F-FDTL – PNTL Need Serious Attention
“Do not Ignore”
Press Release
This report is to call attention for leaders of the institutions of F-FDTL and PNTL to pay strong attention to its members, where lately a few incidents have occurred.
Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) monitoring noted that for the last few years, members of these institutions, whether individual or a groups, acted as a security force that was feared by the people, and undertook their role by using force which is not necessary according to legal law of Timor-Leste. FM has raised many times that discipline by members of state security institutions need a serious attention by the relevant commands. However, it appears that these problems do not get serious attention, and have continued in the last few years.
Indeed, members of these institutions are still even attacking each other, and the tensions between the organisations are inflamed further by the respective leaderships. For example, in May 2016, members of the PNTL, Battalion of the Public Order (BOP) hit a member of the F-FDTL, and the Vice Chief of F-FDTL, Brigadier General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus only further inflaming the incident through a press conference held the next day. Likewise, an incident occurred on June 2016 where member of the F-FDTL assaulted a member of PNTL in Ainaro.
Such incidents have contribute to the public perception that members of these two institutions have (re)started a war within the security sector. FM is also concerned that seemingly minor incidents, if allowed to continue unabated, will might worsen and possibly lead to more systematic violence.
Therefore, FM supports decisions by the two institutions to strengthen discipline in the system and give suspension for members who violate their rules. FM also feels that good legal principles of consistency, transparency and accountability must be maintained when enforcing such systems. Those guilty of offences in the security sector will be more effective through three aspects; first, any member of security forces who violates the law of Timor-Leste should be referred to a criminal judge in public court; second, all disciplinary proceedings must be independent, without intervention from others either inside or outside of the security institutions; and finally, that the respective laws of the PNTL and F-FDTL will be carried out as intended, with consistency, honesty and integrity.
In order to maintain these principles, and to increase professionalism and confidence both within and outside of the police and military, FM makes the following recommendations.
1. The Government and the Command of F-FDTL and PNTL need to rigorously assess and document the performance members of the two institutions, including maintaining disciplinary files.
2. The command of the F-FDTL and PNTL need to apply consistent and transparent disciplinary mechanism, including rules for carrying out internal proceedings and the process for referring matters to the criminal courts.
3. Where possible, members of the F-FDTL and PNTL should work together to promote consistent values of discipline while at the same time further harmonizing their relationship.
For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org