FM NIA ALERTA BA SEGURANSA: Violensia GAM iha Estrada Dili Nian

FM NIA ALERTA BA SEGURANSA: Violensia GAM iha Estrada Dili Nian post thumbnail image
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(Foto: Internet)

Update: FM nia Alerta ba Siguransa

FM update ka alerta sai informasaun ne’ebe publika iha loron Tersa (05/05) kona-ba violensia entre Grupu Arte-Marsias (GAM) sira iha Dili.

1. FM simu infomasaun katak daudaun ne’e polisia halao hela patroila iha area ne’ebé afeta violensia no mos FM rona violensia kontinua akontese iha estrada dezde FM nia testu sai horiseik.

2. Obrigadu ba Rev. Smyth nia informasaun hodi halo klaru kona-bá insidenti ne’ebé akontese; Fundasaun Mahein hadia ona ka halo ona koresaun ba informasaun ne’ebé publika horseik.

FM konkorda ho Rev. Smyth hodi husu lider no membru grupu GAM tenki iha responsibilidade hodi labele provoka insidente ne’ebé hanesan liu husi baku malu iha publiku hodi halo filmajen.

Tanba FM fokus kona-bá seitor siguransa, FM mos foti assuntu seluk kona-bá akontesimentu ne’e. FM husu tanba sa polisia la halo investigasaun ba akontesimentu hirak ne’e no antisipa problema no mos halo asaun hodi resolve.

Update: FM Security Alert

FM provides the following update on the alert issued on Tuesday (05/05) warning of violence between rival Martial Arts Groups (MAG) in Dili.

1. FM understands that in response to our alert police have increased their presence in some areas of Dili as a precaution to any further violence. FM has received no further reports of violence since the weekend.

2. Thank you to Rev Smythe and others who provided corrections and further information clarifying the causes of the violence.
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FM has corrected our original alert.

FM agrees with Rev Smythe that the leaders and members of the Martial Arts Groups must prevent provoking such situations by stopping fighting in public and/or publishing films.

As FM’s focus is on the security sector, we feel that there are also questions for the PNTL arising from this incident. FM asks why the PNTL did not initially investigate this well-known video and anticipate potential problems between the groups. FM also questions the time that it took the PNTL to respond to the violence.

Fundasaun Mahein nia alerta ba seguransa kona-bá violensia entre Grupu Arte-Marsiais (GAM) sira iha Dili.

Iha fin-de-semana kotuk mosu baku-malu entre rivál rua husi Grupu Arte Marsiais – GAM (deskonfia entre PSHT no Kera Sakti), iha dalan sira hanesan Farol, Aimutin, Bebonuk no area sira-seluk.

Violensia ne’e trasu ona iha video ida iha Inglatera kona-bá membru grupu rivál sira baku-malu ne’ebé rezulta mane ida hetan tuku maka’as. Deskonfia katak insidente baku-malu iha fin-de-semana kotuk iha Dili, hanesan “selu-fali” husi grupu ne’ebé hanesan ba mane ida ne’ebé hetan baku.
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FM alerta kona-bá posibilidade insidente baku-malu ne’ebé akontese dadauk iha dalan-dalan entre grupu arte marsiais iha area Farol, Aimutin no Bebonuk, karik PNTL seidauk halo kontrola ba situasaun hirak ne’e.

Ba sidadaun hotu-hotu no ema estranjeiru-sira tenki sensibiliza kona-bá potensia ba violensia ne’ebé mosu iha area hirak ne’e, liu-liu iha tempu kalan, no persiza foti alternativa ne’ebé nesesariu hodi garante ba sira-nia seguransa pesoal.
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Fundasaun Mahein sei lansa “FM nia alerta ba seguransa” wainhira ami simu informasaun ne’ebé kredibel kona-bá ameasa seguransa loos ba seguransa públiku. Alerta ne’e sei dezena kona-bá informasaun relevante ba ameasa-sira, hodi nune’e membru sira husi komunidade bele responde tuir buat ne’ebé iha.

FM SECURITY ALERT: MAG Violence on the Streets of Dili

This Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Security Alert warns of violence between rival Martial Arts Groups (MAG) in Dili.

Over the weekend fighting broke out between two rival Martial Art Groups (believed to be the PSHT and Kera Sakti), in the streets of Farol, Aimutin, Bebonuk and surrounding areas.

The violence has been traced to a video filmed in England of members of the rival groups fighting which resulted in one male is punched. It is believed that the fighting in Dili over the weekend began as “payback” by members of the same group as the man who was punched.

FM warns of the likelihood of ongoing street fights between the groups in and around Farol, Aimutin and Bebonuk as the PNTL are yet to take control of the situation.

All citizens and foreigners should be aware of the potential for violence in these areas, particularly at night, and take necessary measures to ensure their personal security.

Fundasaun Mahein will release ‘FM Security Alerts’ when we receive credible information regarding immediate security threats to public safety. The alerts will outline relevant information regarding the threat(s) so members of the public can respond accordingly.

4 thoughts on “FM NIA ALERTA BA SEGURANSA: Violensia GAM iha Estrada Dili Nian”

  1. Ba editor fundasaun Mahein nebe hau respeita,
    Frodingham road riot ne relasiona ho kazu komunidade timor oan iha area Scunthorpe , Inglaterra. Komunidade timor oan iha Irlanda la iha buat ida ho video nebe publika sai iha youtube kona ba ema timor oan nain rua nebe halo duel. Ema nain rua halo duel iha tiha Inglaterra.
    Ami husi Irlanda sente triste ituan tanba temi ami iha Irlanda mak halo video no halo ita nia maluk timor oan sira atu baku malu iha Dili.
    Hau fiar no respeita tebes Fundasaun Mahein nia profisionalismo iha ninia publikasaun sira ne , maibe kona ba ida ne FM sala ituan tanba la iha rigor kona ba news source.
    Karik FM hakarak hatene kona ba aktividade nebe ami iha ne halo ba HALIBUR komunidade timoroan , ami bele hatete. Kazu ema timor oan mate iha Irlanda ne, balu mate tanba moras, no kazu 2 nebe mate tanba homicidio , (ne ida krime pasional e ida tanba asasinu ne ulun la los.) karik FM analiza didiak , kazu sira ne la relasiona ho aktividade ka konflitu entre GAM. GAM sira iha ne iha duni, hau la nega, maibe konfrontu entre GAM iha Irlanda ami seidauk rona. Ita bot sira bele check tok ho Polisia irlanda do Norte PSNI nia dadus
    Obrigadu barak ba ita nia atensaun.

    1. Obrigadu ba komentariu, Fundasaun Mahein hadia ona istoria iha testu orijinal

  2. saran alves nebe koment ne los maibe sira mos iha englatera provoka malu ih U.K mos inklui sorte ema nia lei mk makas, se lai sira ms raut malu, organisasi nebe ema hanaran makanan pokok sira mak hllo hanesan ne,hodi mai fali timor. dala ruma sira iha ema nia rai lakonsege tuku malau maibe rai hodiu ba malu mai timor sira aplika ba malu ho ida ne hau nundar feto husu ba ministru kompatente tenke toma dezisaun ba hahalok nebe artemasias halao ne,ami husu ministru kompatente kria lei ida hodi nune bele haseguru ba arti marsiasi, mai hira sira halo kane malu ou estraga ema nia sasan tenke fo sansaun, hodi nune sira mos hatene an, se lae trenu tiha hanesan aviaun nia liras lolos taka ladiak buka konfronta fatin sira ema halao sra nian vida moris bairro laran ema atu deskanca mos labele,

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