INSTITUISAUN POLISIA BARAK IHA TIMOR-LESTE Saida maka halo sira diferente? post thumbnail image
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Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 Setembru 2015

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 103 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version.pdf) Temi kona-bá “polisia” iha Timor-Leste ema hanoin ba los Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL). Portantu PNTL maka loron-loron la’o iha komunidade nia leet no hare bebeik husi populasaun sira. Polisia ida seluk kuiñesidu mos iha sidade Dili maka Polisia Militar (PM) FALINTIL-Força Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). Portantu PM mos sempre la’o bebeik iha komunidade nia leet no atua problema ruma wainhira hetan kontaktu husi populasaun sira. Nune’e, populasaun sira prefere liu kontaktu ba PM ho intervensaun ka atuasaun ne’ebé rapidu ba problema ruma kompara ho polisia seluk ka PNTL, liu-liu populasaun balu iha sidade Dili.

Nune’e iha interpretasaun oin-oin kona-bá polisia. Ho hanoin ida katak polisia konseitu ida luan la refere deit ba PNTL no instituisaun seluk mos ne’ebé hala’o kna’ar polisial ho nia natureza rasik. Hanesan introdus tiha ona iha leten PNTL populasaun sira kuiñesidu tebes ho fardadu ho kilat inklui ekipamentu seluk ne’ebé harii iha tinan 2000.

Sai duvida liu-tan, tinan hirak liu ba investigador sira Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) nian treinu kilat husi PNTL. Nune’e mos Polisia Sientifika Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIK) mos mai ho nia natureza hanesan korpu superior polisia kriminal ida. Tuir lei ne’e rasik hatete elementu PSIK bele lori kilat tuir termu sira uzu nian. Serake KAK no PSIK hanesan mos polisia? Ho hanoin ida katak Timor-Leste Nasaun kiik maibe instituisaun polisia barak.

Naturalmente instituisaun polisia oin-oin ho interpretasaun oin-oin mos maibe saida maka halo sira diferente? Nune’e diferensia sira ne’e lei maka difine sira nia diferensia tuir natureza, misaun no kompetensia instituisaun nian nu’udar haktuir tiha ona iha Estatutu Organika instituisaun idak-idak nian. Nune’e PNTL hanesan forsa siguransa ida ne’ebé iha misaun atu defende legalidade demokrátiku, garante seguransa sidadaun no bens nian no proteje direitu sidadaun nian tuir termu ne’ebé estabelese iha Konstituisaun no iha Lei sira.

Enkuantu KAK nu’udar órgaun polisia kriminal espesializada, ne’ebé independente, halo intervensaun tenke tuir deit kritériu legalidade no objetividade ne’ebé lei haruka. Iha ninia kualidade nu’udar órgaun polisia kriminal nian, Komisaun atua ho diresaun husi autoridade judisiária kompetente tuir lei haruka. No kompete ba KAK atu halo prevensaun no investigasaun ba kazu korupsaun.

Nune’e PSIK hanesan korpu superiór polísia kriminál, ne’ebé organiza tuir ierarkia iha Ministru Justisa nia mahon ho autonomia administrativa, finanseira no patrimoniál. PSIK nia misaun atu fó tulun ba autoridade judisiál sira, dezenvolve no promove asaun prevensaun, detesaun no investigasaun hirak ne’ebé hola parte iha ninia kompeténsia ka hirak ne’ebé autoridade judisiál kompetente sira fó ba nia, hanesan asegura sentralizasaun nasionál ba informasaun kriminál no koordenasaun operasionál ne’e rasik no kooperasun polisiál internasionál. Partikularmente ba kazu sira kompleksu no organizadu.

Iha sorin seluk, PM konstitui unidade ida iha F-FDTL ho dependénsia direta ba Chefe Estado Maior General das Forças Armadas (CEMGFA), ho destinu atu asegura orden no disiplina interna F-FDTL nian, nune’e mós atu garante seguransa infrastrutura, materiál no pesoál militár nian. Simplesmente, PM hanesan polisia ba militar sira.

Ho ida ne’e FM rekomenda:

1. Ba Parlamentu Nasional no Governu presiza kria lei ne’ebé difine kona-bá instituisaun investigasaun kriminal sira ka polisial sira ne’ebé idak-idak ho nia natureza polisia.

2. Rekomenda ba Governu presiza sosializa kna’ar instituisaun polisial sira nian ba komunidade hodi labele kria konfuzaun. Iha ne’ebé instituisaun idak-idak ho nia natureza polisial maibe diferensia iha sira nia kna’ar no kompetensia sira ne’ebé kompete ba instituisaun idak-idak.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 30 September 2015

Press Release

What Makes Them Different?

The term “police” in Timor-Leste makes people think only of the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), because the PNTL works in and amongst the community every day. Another police force operating in Dili is the Military Police (PM) of FALINTIL-Defense Force of Timor-Leste (F-FDTL). Because the PM is often seen within the community, it is sometimes contacted by the population to provide police services. Indeed, people often prefer contacting PM because of its perceived rapid intervention compared to other police, including the PNTL (particularly in Dili). With various active forms of ‘police’ beyond the PNTL, the concept deserves further discussion.

As already mentioned the PNTL is well known amongst the population in terms of uniforms, weapons and other equipment which it has used since it was established in 2000.

However, more confusion was created in the last few years, when investigators from the Commission of Anti-Corruption (KAK) received weapons training from the PNTL – and thus being perceived more as a police force. Furthermore, the Scientific Police of the Criminal Investigation (PSIK) has recently been established and is considered as the supreme corps of the criminal police. According to its organic law members of PSIK can carry and use their weapons. So KAK and PSIK can also be considered as Police? Timor-Leste presents both as a small nation, yet one that possesses many police institutions.

With many police forces comes many interpretations of duty, so what makes them different? Only the law defines the difference according to their nature, mission and competency of the institution as written on the organic statute of each institution: The PNTL is a security force with the mission to defend the democracy legality, ensure security ad rights for citizens based on the established terms on the constitution and laws.

KAK is an organ of the specialized criminal police independently to intervene based on the legality criteria and objectivity ordered by the law. It possesses the qualities as the criminal police organ and focuses on the prevention and investigation of corruption.

PSIK is the criminal police corps that organized according to the hierarchy under the Ministry of Justice. PSIK’s mission is to support judicial authorities develop, promote, coordinate and centralize preventative action, detention, investigations and criminal information, including working with international police (particularly in complex cases).

On the other side, PM constitutes a unit inside the F-FDTL directly responsible to the Chief State Major General of the Army Force (CEMGFA) with a clearly defined legal jurisdiction to secure order and internal discipline of the F-FDTL and also to ensure the security of infrastructure, material and military members. Simply put, the PM is designed as a police force for the military only.

Therefore, FM recommends to:

1. The National Parliament and Government to create a law in order to define and distinguish the nature of each criminal investigation institution or “police” force.

2. The Government to socialize and clarify the role of each police institution in the community, to resolve confusion and allow for better interaction.

For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

6 thoughts on “INSTITUISAUN POLISIA BARAK IHA TIMOR-LESTE Saida maka halo sira diferente?”

  1. Relatorio nee halo publiku konfuzaun no la klaru tamba hakerek nain copy paste det lei sira no la halo interpretasaun didiak; labele hakerek buat ruma nebe la klaru depois publika halo ema konfusaun deit; husu ba ema nebe hakerek relatoriu ne’e atu halo peskiza ho klean antes fo sai ba publiku……

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