Aktu Oknum Polísia no Militár Ameasa Grave ba Profesionalizmu?

Aktu Oknum Polísia no Militár Ameasa Grave ba Profesionalizmu? post thumbnail image
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(Foto: Internet)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia monitorizasaun ba siguransa iha rai laran partikularmente ligasaun ho atetude husi oknum Polísia no Militár nian. Asaun sira ho violentu uza kilat no agresaun fíziku hasoru nia sidadaun sira. FM nia monitorizasaun nota insidente sira involve atetude siguransa akontese lor-loron iha komunidade nia le’et. Husi artigu ne’e FM rejista deit kazu sira ne’ebé fo sai tiha ona iha públiku no prosesu sira ne’ebé ema hotu akompania. No limita iha fulan Novembru nia laran tinan ida ne’e, iha Munisipiu Baucau no Kapital Dili.

Hanesan insidenti ne’ebé akontese iha loron finadu (02 Nov 2015) iha Eskuadra Quelicai. Joven nain rua ho inisial “AdS” no “SG” hetan kanek tan tiru husi oknum Polisía iha Eskuadra Quelicai Munisipiu Baucau. Vítima inisial ‘AdS’ tiru iha nia kelen karuk borus no ida seluk ho inisial ‘SG’ hetan tiru iha nia kabun mamar parte los inklui nia liman sikun. Iha ne’ebé kazu ne’e iha ona prosesu investigasaun Ministériu Públiku (MP) nian.
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(Le’e Jornal INDEPENDENTE, 06/11/2015).
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(Foto: Internet)

Nune’e mos iha Kapital Dili, loron 13 Novembru oknum militar hamutuk ho funsionariu ida husi Ministériu Edukasaun baku señora ida ho inisial “ADP” to ran inklui estragus sasán. Husi kronolojia kazu ne’e hateten katak oknum sira ba hemu tua iha Bar no depois baku vitima Bar nain too inus no ulun kanek. No kazu ne’e tama ona iha prosesu investigasaun PSIK nian.

(Foto: Timor Post)

(Foto: Timor Post)

FM nia haree kuandu insidente sira hanesan ne’e akontese bei-beik maka públiku sei lakon konfiansa iha institusaun siguransa nian hotu. Lideransa setór siguransa no governu tenki konsidera insidente sira hanesan ne’e nu’udar ameasa grave ba dezenvolvimentu insituisaun siguransa. Iha ne’ebé aktu husi oknum Militár no Polísia dala barak sai sasidik ba dezenvolvimentu profesionalizmu iha instituisaun siguransa inklui desvaloriza tiha esforsu sira ne’ebé governu no sosiedade sivil sira hari’i ho konfiansa públiku hanesan sosializasaun, formasaun iha aktividade sira dezenvolve insituisaun siguransa.

Sorin seluk FM nia hanoin atu públiku no iha konfiansa iha investigasaun nomos institusaun sira siguransa nian rasik, prosesu ba kasu ne’e rasik públiku tenke hatene no medida saida maka komandu tenke foti hasoru sira hodi nune’e públiku bele akompaña ho hatene insidenti ne’e nia finalidade lolos.

Ikus liu FM rekomenda ba instituisaun siguransa tenki foti medida ne’ebé rigorozu hasoru oknum ne’e lahala’o tuir Lei no viola direitus umanus. Nune’e mos rekomenda atu foti prosesu disiplinar no mos aplika prosesu penal atu kombate aktu indisiplinadu oknum iha insituisaun siguransa nia laran.

Are the Acts of Police and Military Members Posing a Serious Threat to the Professionalism of Security Institutions?

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(Foto: Internet)

Fundasaun Mahein’s monitoring of internal security is particularly focused on the attitudes of police and military members, due to the recorded instances of police and military acts of brutality involving guns and physical aggression against Timorese citizens. FM’s monitoring has noted that incidents involving security members are now occurring daily amongst local communities. FM has only registered those cases that have been published and whose processes have been made public, and FM has focused specifically on cases in November this year, and particularly in Baucau and Dili.

An incident took place on November 2nd 2015 (Saint Day) in Quelicai station, in which two youths (identified in official incident reports by the initials ‘AdS’ and ‘SG’) were shot and injured by police officers in the Quelicai-Baucau municipality. The victim ‘AdS’ was shot in his left leg, and ‘SG’ was struck in the right side of his stomach and his hand. This case is now under investigation by the Public Ministry (Read Jornal Independente, 06/11/2015).

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(Foto: Internet)

In Dili, an incident took place on November 13th, 2015, wherein a military member, together with a civil servant from the Ministry of Education, hit and injured an older woman (identified as ‘ADP’) and destroyed personal property. The chronology of the case has shown that these members had gotten drunk in a bar and then hit the bar’s owner, causing injuries to her nose and head. The case is under investigation by PSIK.
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(Foto: Timor Post)

(Foto: Timor Post)

FM concludes that if such acts continue to occur at this rate, the public will lose confidence in their security institutions. The leaders within the security sector and the government should consider such incidents as serious threats to the development of the security sector, wherein the (military-security members) attitudes and actions of brutality and violence among military and security members undermine professional development within security institutions and devalue ongoing efforts of the government and civil societies to establish public confidence in the socialization and training activities in the development process of Timorese security institution.

In another vein, FM suggests that for the public to have confidence in the investigation as well as in the security institutions, the processes for handling these cases of abuse need to be known by the public. The public must also be made aware of what mechanisms exist for command to apply to its members to ensure discipline within the institutions, so that public can follow and understand the context of the case processes.

Finally, FM recommends that security institutions establish rigorous penalties against those members who disobey the law and violate human rights, and FM also recommends the establishment of a disciplinary process and application of a penal process in order to combat those unjust actions of members of Timorese security institutions.

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