Pareser ba Komisaun B – Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Siguransa Nasional Parlamentu Nasionál Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste Kona-bá Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2016 ba Setor Siguransa

Pareser ba Komisaun B – Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Siguransa Nasional Parlamentu Nasionál Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste Kona-bá Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2016 ba Setor Siguransa post thumbnail image
(Foto: Lao Hamutuk 2015)

(Foto: Lao Hamutuk 2015)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 16 Novembru 2015

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 105 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2016, Governu submete ona ba Parlamentu Nasionál iha loron 29 Outobru 2015 no dadaun ministériu relevante sira audensia ho komisaun espesializada. Proposta ne’ebé Governu hato’o ba setor siguransa, partikularmente Ministériu Defeze tokon US$ 7,140, F-FDTL tokon US$18,672, Institutu Defeza Nasionál (IDN) US$ 959,000.00, Ministériu Interior tokon US$ 9,902, PNTL tokon US$ 28,160, Servisu Nasional Intelijênsi tokon US$ 2,477 no PSIK tokon US$ 1,184.

Maske nune’e Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nia leitura nota katak programa ne’ebé Governu aprezenta programa balu duplu entre instituisaun siguransa sira. FM mos konsidera ida ne’e hanesan polítika sobre-pozisaun no hatodan deit despeza estadu nia ba programa ne’ebé hanesan. Iha área investigasaun kriminal nian, entre PNTL no Polisia Sientifika Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIK). Maske PSIK tutela deit ba kazu ne’ebé kompleksu no organizadu maibe FM nia leitura ba proposta ne’ebé aprezenta la iha diferente entre instituisaun rua ne’e nian.

Ironiku liu tan programa balu interfere serbisu instituisaun seluk nian. Iha Ministériu Interior liu husi Diresaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitaria (DNPKK) ho nia proposta halo sosializasaun ba kna’ar polísia komunitaria. Maske serbisu polísia komunitaria la’o to’o ona iha nivel suku no aldeia ho estrutura polisiamentu ne’ebé involve kamada sosiais tomak iha munisipiu sanolu resin-rua no Rejiaun Espesial Oe-cusse. Maibe DNPKK koko atu kompriende hodi sosializa ba komunidade.

FM mos dúvida oituan ho ezistensia Gabinete Polísia 2030 iha Ministériu Interior. Portantu gabinete ne’e funsiona atu halo saida? Karik atu implementa Planu Estratéjiku Siguransa Interna 2030? Ka sei hamosu estudu seluk ba Polísia 2030? Karik kopia modelu seluk Gabinete Forsa 2020 iha Ministériu Defeza ne’ebé implementa Estudu Forsa 2020. Maibe Estudu Forsa 2020 liu husi prosesu ne’ebé naruk hafoin estabelese gabinete ne’e hodi implementa. Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional husu justifikasaun husi Ministériu Interior kona-bá ezistensia gabinete ne’e nian.

Pontu rekomendasaun seluk husi FM ba Parlamentu Nasional apoiu proposta mai husi Ministériu Defeza no F-FDTL ne’ebé iha tinan 2016 sei elebora no finaliza esbosu Polítika Defeza Nasional, Konseitu Defeza no Siguransa Nasional, Konseitu Estratejiku Militar no lejislasaun importante seluk. Maske nune’e iha tinan 2016 sei rekruta asesor na’in ualu (asesor nasional haat no internasional haat) ho montante orsamentu US$ 600,000 hodi finaliza dokumentu hirak ne’e. Sai hanesan duvida ba FM serake presiza asesor na’in ualu maka bele finaliza?


Hodi funsiona diak Parlamentu Nasional no Governu nia papel iha ezekusaun orsamentu, FM aprezenta rekomendasaun rua maka tuir mai ne’e. Tanba FM fiar katak diskusaun orsamentu sei la rigorozu no aprova ho konsensu ida. Ho ida ne’e FM preokupa oituan iha ezekusaun orsamentu tinan 2016 nian.

1. Rekomenda ba Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional atu halo fiskalizasaun ba ezekusaun OJE hahu husi planeamentu, prosesu aprovizionamentu no implementasaun ka realizasaun projetu sira.

2. Rekomenda ba Governu no instituisaun relevante seluk komprimenta lei no pratika diak aprovizionamentu nian iha ezekusaun orsamentu sira ne’ebé relasaun ho projetu fiziku no akizisaun no kompras ba material sira.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737 4222 ka (+670) 77561184

Submission to Committee B – Foreign Affairs, National Defense and Security and National Parliament Republic Democratic of Timor-Leste over the proposed 2016 State General Budget for the Security Sector.

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), November 16th 2015

Press Release

The Government has submitted a proposal for the 2016 State General Budget (OJE) to the National Parliament on October 29th 2015, and recently relevant ministries had an audience with the Specialized Commission. The Government has requested for the security sector: the Ministry of Defense US$7.14 million; the F-FDTL $18.672 million; the National Defense Institute (IDN) $959,000; The Interior Ministry $9.902 million; the PNTL $28.16 million; the National Intelligence Service $2.477 million; and the Scientific Police of Criminal Investigation (PSIK) $1.184 million.

Within this funding envelope, Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) has raised concerns over possible duplication of programs and expenditures between the security institutions. Particularly, FM has identified a need for clarification in the area of criminal investigation between the PNTL and PSIK, as although PSIK is responsible for the complex criminal cases, the proposed expenditure does not distinguish between these two institutions.

Furthermore some of the proposed programs potentially interfere in existing services of security institutions. The Ministry of Interior through the National Directorate for Community Preventive Conflict (DNPKK) has outlined a proposed program to socialise community policing, even though the community policing service already operates within PNTL’s operational structure in villages and hamlets in the 12 municipalities and three special regions of Oecusse. There are therefore concerns that the involvement DNPKK will simply further complicate the PNTL’s socialization of this existing program.

FM voices further concerns around the lack of clarity surrounding the role of the proposed 2030 Office of Police. Will it be implementing the 2030 Internal Security Strategic Plan, or will its function be determined by a separate study for the police? If it copies the model of the Office for the Implementation of Forsa 2020 under the Defense Ministry that was created as a result of the Forsa 2020 study, then shouldn’t a similar Police Study be commissioned before the creation of the Office of Police? FM therefore asks that the National Parliament seeks justification from the Interior Ministry before this Office is created.

Finally, FM has asks the national parliament to consider the need to recruit 8 highly paid consultants (4 National and 4 Foreign) as advisors to finalize the National Defense Policy, Concept of National Security and Defense, Concept of Military Strategy and other legislation and policies at a cost of $600,000 as outlined in the proposed budget as FM has doubts whether such an expense is justified or delivers value for money to the Timorese people.


For the good functioning of the National Parliament and Government’s role in discussing, analyzing, clarifying and finally executing the budget, FM presents two general recommendations:

1. Recommends the Committee B of the National Parliament supervises the execution of OJE from the start of the planning and procurement process to the implementation or realization of the projects.

2. Recommends the Government and relevant institutions obey law and good practice of Procurement in executing budgets for the security sector.

For more details on this issue please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director
Phone: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

6 thoughts on “Pareser ba Komisaun B – Negósiu Estranjeiru, Defeza no Siguransa Nasional Parlamentu Nasionál Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste Kona-bá Proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu 2016 ba Setor Siguransa”

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