Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 07 Fevereiru 2017
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 119 (Versun Tetun.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Iha tinan 2017 situasaun boot rua Timor-Leste hasoru maka Eleisaun ba Prezidente Republika no Parlamentar. Situasaun atual iha ona faze aprezentasaun Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika to’o loron 5 Fevereiru 2017 no tuir kalendariu ne’ebé Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) fo sai, Eleisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika sei hala’o iha loron 20 Marsu 2017. Ida ne’e bele nota katak iha tinan 2017 eleisaun boot rua ne’ebé Governu presiza mobiliza kbi’it hotu hodi organiza liu-liu bele garante seguransa hodi realiza eleisaun rua ne’e to’o formasaun Governu foun ne’ebé sei mai iha tinan klaran 2017. Portantu Eleisaun Jeral 2017 hanesan teste boot ida ba Governu hafoin misaun Nasoens Unidas nian ramata iha tinan 2012 depois Eleisaun Prezidente Repúblika no Parlamentar.
Opsaun polítika sira ne’ebé FM aprezenta ba Kandidatu Prizidente Repúblika no Partidu Polítiku sira hodi kompriende Setor Seguransa nia lalaok no nia dezenvolvimentu durante tinan sanolu (10) ikus ne’e. Nune’e, Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika no Partidu Polítiku sira presiza tau prioridade ba Polítika Setor Seguransa nian wainhira simu kna’ar no Governu foun ne’ebé sei mai iha tinan ida ne’e nia klaran. Portantu Polítika ba Setor Seguransa hanesan aliserse ba dezenvolvimentu Setor Seguransa nian no nia ezekusaun ba fahe ona ministériu rua maka Ministériu Defeza no Ministériu Interior.
Opsaun polítika sira husi FM ba Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika no Partidu Políka sira hodi konsidera iha sira nia polítika maka hanesan Polítika Seguransa Nasional, Polítika Defeza Nasional, lejislasaun sira instituisaun Seguransa no Defeza nian, inklui polítika sira ba dezenvolvimentu Instituisaun F-FDTL, PNTL no Instituisaun sira ne’ebé iha Seguransa Interna nian.
Setor Seguransa Timor-Leste nian importante tebes iha dokumentu polítika ida hodi orienta ninia dezenvolvimentu no ida ne’e sai prioridade ba Prezidente Repúblika foun ne’ebé sei mai iha nia kualidade nu’udar Xefe Estadu no Komandante Supremu Forsa Armada nian. Inklui Partidu Polítiku sira ne’ebé sei forma Governu iha tinan klaran 2017.
1.Rekomenda ba Kandidatu Prezidente Repúblika sira ne’ebé sei eleitu, wainhira hala’o nia kna’ar la’os asina ka promulga deit númeru orsamentu ne’ebé Governu ho Parlamentu Nasional aprezenta maibe presiza tau importansia ba dokumentu Polítika Setor Seguransa nian.
2.Rekomenda ba Partidu Polítiku sira ne’ebé sei forma Governu iha tinan klaran 2017 presiza tau iha prioridade Polítika ba Setor Seguransa nian hanesan PSN, PDN no dokumentu sira seluk hanesan aliserse ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun defeza no militar, no seguransa interna nian.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 7831 6075 no 7756 1184
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), February 9th 2017
Press Release
Security Sector Policy is not yet a Priority in Timor-Leste
“A Recommendation for Presidential Candidates and Political Parties in the General Election of 2017 – A Civil Society Perspective”
In 2017, Timor-Leste will hold elections for the President of the Republic and the National Parliament. The presentation of Presidential Candidates will conclude by February 5th 2017, and the Technical Secretariat for Electoral Administration (STAE) has stipulated that the election for the President of the Republic will be held on March 20th 2017. This means that the Government will be required to ensure that security is maintained during the General Elections of 2017, and that the rights of Timorese citizens to engage in free, fair and safe democratic elections are upheld. This will be one of the most significant tests for the Government and its ability to uphold the rule of law, since the withdrawal of the United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping mission at the end of 2012.
FM calls on both Presidential Candidates and Political Parties to devote greater attention to the development of security policy and the security sector, and how they will implement this if elected. Policy development within the security sector is still lacking, and will require much greater attention by the incoming government. The new Government must be willing to assume responsibility for both security provision and the development and implementation of more cohesive security and defense policy, to be handled by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense respectively.
Policy development to be considered by the incoming Government must include national security, national defense, institutional development and legislation for both the Timor-Leste Defense Force (F-FDTL) and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), as well as that for other agencies involved in internal security.As the new President of the Republic will be Head of State and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, it is essential they have a thorough understanding of both capacity and policy shortfalls within the security sector, and are able to drive the development of more effective security and defense policy.
1. FM recommends that the new Government prioritize the development of cohesive and effective security and defense policy, rather than continuing with current policy and budgeting.
2. FM recommends that the successful Political Party prioritize the development of the F-FDTL and PNTL, to ensure that they develop the capacity to provide for both national defense and internal security.
For more details on this issue, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184