Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 29 Abril 2016
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 110 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá nomeasaun no exonerasaun ba Chefe Estado Maior General Força Armada (CEMGFA) no nia Vise entre Prezidente da Repúblika no Governu iha fulan hirak liu ba. Governu aprezenta hikas proposta foun ida ho pakote rua ba nomeasaun CEMGFA ho nia vise iha fulan ida ne’e. Pakote primeiru nomea fila-fali ka rekondusaun ba mandate Major General Lere Anan Timur no Vice-CEMGFA Brigadeiro General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus no pakote segundu Kapitaun de Mar e Guerra Pedro Klamar Fuik ba CEMGFA no Koronel Coliati ba Vice-CEMGFA. Maske Governu nia preferensia ba pakote primeiru no pakote segundu hanesan rezerva maibe Prezidensia da Repúblika hili opsaun segundu (rezerva) hodi nomea ba CEMGFA no Vice-CEMGFA.
Opsaun ne’ebé Prezidenti da Repúblika hili no fo sai liu husi komunikadu Prezidensia nian, liu deit loron ida hetan resposta husi CEMGFA atual Major General Lere Anan Timur ho veteranus ne’ebé sei ativu iha F-FDTL. Hanesan fo sai ona iha komunikadu imprensa iha loron 16 Abril 2016, Major General Lere Anan Timur hanesan veteranus FALINTIL “la simu” desizaun Prezidente da Repúblika nian. Konsidera desizaun ne’e la dignifika veteranus sira no ironiku liu-tan desizaun ne’e trata sira hanesan kriminozu ida. Nune’e iha semana tuir mai Major General Lere Anan Timur ho nia maluk veteranus hato’o mos petisaun ba Prezidente da Repúblika.
To’o agora polêmika ne’e seidauk iha solusaun lolos no opiniaun ne’ebé la’o iha media nia kobertura husi ulun boot sira kontinua ho idak-idak nia pozisaun ba nia desizaun ho nia razaun rasik. Buat fundamental liu ne’ebé aprezenta maka estabilidade nasional no tranzisaun jerasional. Kona-bá razaun estabilidade Fundasaun Mahein (FM) enkoraza halo diskusaun setor siguransa tuir evidensia rasional tantu husi parte interna no esterna instituisaun Estadu nian.
Nune’e mos reforma ba veteranus sira, FM iha ona pozisaun ne’ebé konsistente katak Estadu tenki halo buat hotu-hotu ne’ebé razoavel hodi garante dignidade ba veteranus Timor-oan sira wainhira reforma. Maibe importante mos ema hotu, inklui veteranus, tenki komprimenta ba lei no respeita institusaun Estadu nian, liu-liu iha gabinete públiku hatudu exemplu diak ba povu nu’udar lideransa sira iha komunidade. Tamba ne’e presiza intedementu ida entre lideransa orgaun soberania sira hodi buka solusaun ida ne’ebé bele akumula diferensia sira ne’e iha lian ida hodi solusiona polêmika ne’ebé dadaun ne’e sai preokupasaun ba públiku. Nune’e FM mos husu ulun boot sira katak polêmika ne’ebé dadaun ne’e la’o labele utiliza hodi promove-an ka hodi serbí ba agenda pesoal ruma iha eleisaun jeral 2017.
Bazeia ba análiza kona-bá asuntu ida ne’e, FM rekomenda katak:
1. Governu no Prezidente da Repúblika hamutuk avalia ba prosesu no sistema sira kona-bá nomeasaun tuir estatutu: Hodi garante katak proposta nomeasaun hotu-hotu sira ne’e sempre konsistente ho lei ne’ebe relavante; hodi klarifika papel no konvensaun ba parte rua maka Prezidente da Repúblika no Governu relasaun ho nomeasaun ne’e; no garante katak kuiñesementu ne’ebé efetivu, planeamentu no komunikasaun iha Departamentu Governu nian no Gabinete Prezidente da Repúblika iha relasaun ho nomeasaun, hodi nune’e potensia ba problema sira bele rezolve ho proativu, serbisu hamutuk no antes nomeasaun ida akaba.
2. Major General Lere Anan Timur no veteranus FALINTIL sira seluk iha F-FDTL laran hatudu lideransa no tau ezemplu poder tomak ida ba públiku ne’ebé sempre hakruk ba lei.
3. Veteranus sira no Governu hasa’e sira nia esforsu hodi mai hamutuk no to’o fin estabelese Konselu Kombatentes ba Libertasaun Nasional hodi unifika veteranus sira nian lian no ofisial ida iha Nasaun, povu no vida polítika.
4. Parte hotu-hotu, Governu no membru Parlamentu sira, Prezidente da Repúblika no Major General Lere Anan Timur pasensia no lideransa ne’ebé metin, hodi lakohi husi buat ne’ebé la nesesariu no kontra-produtivu komentariu públiku nian, hasees, rumoris no akuzasaun sira iha media.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Poor Governance:
How the controversy over the leadership of the F-FDTL was entirely avoidable
After the conflicts over the nomination and exoneration of the Chief State Major General of the Army Force (CEMGFA) and his vice-chief by the President of the Republic during the last few months, the government presented a new proposal offering two packages for potential nominations for the CEMGFA and Vice-Chief this month. The first package offered a reappointment to the position for Major General Lere Anan Timur, and to his Vice-CEMGFA, Brigadier General Filomeno Paixão de Jesus. The second package proposed a nomination of Captain of Sea and War, Pedro Klamar Fuik, for the CEMGFA post and of Colonel Coliati for VCEMGFA. The government had shown a preference for the first package for reappointments, but President Taur Matan Ruak ultimately selected the second option for nominations for CEMGFA and VCEMGFA.
Following the president’s announcement of his decision, CEMGFA Lere Ana Timur published a press release on April 16th with other veterans still active in the F-FDTL, voicing their disagreement with the president’s decision. Lere stated in the press release that he did not believe the decision properly dignified veterans, and ironically treats them as criminals and law-breakers. In accordance with these statements, Lere and his supporting veterans presented a petition to the president.
To date, this conflict has not reached a full resolution, and debate continues to grow in the media around the action of the state’s leaders and their rationales during this political entanglement. A fundamental concern voiced in the media and public has been that continuing this conflict will endanger national stability and generational transition within the government. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) encourages the state to hold discussions on the security sector utilizing rational evidence and arguments from internal government sources and external sources.
FM maintains its position that the state should do everything within its reasonable limits to ensure proper respect and dignity is accorded to retiring Timorese veterans. However, adhering to law is of paramount importance—veterans and government officials must show respect for state institutions, particularly while holding public office, to provide a leading example of good governance for the people of Timor-Leste. Therefore, an accord must be reached between the various branches of the state in order to find a solution to the ongoing conflict and assuage public concerns. FM urges the state leaders involved to avoid utilizing the conflict in a self-serving capacity, especially as the political tensions around the coming 2017 general election begin to rise.
Based its analysis of this issue, FM recommends that:
1. The Government and President jointly review the processes and systems for statutory appointments: to ensure that all proposed appointments are always consistent with relevant laws; to clarify the conventions and roles of both the Executive and Government with regards to appointments; and to ensure that there is effective expertise, planning and communication in both Government Departments and the Office of the President in regards to appointments, so that potential problems are resolved proactively, cooperatively and prior to the expiry of each appointment.
2. That Major General Lere Anan Timur and other FALINTIL veterans within the F-FDTL show leadership and set a powerful example to the public by always complying with the law.
3. That the veterans and Government increase their efforts to come together and finally establish the Council of the Combatants of National Liberation, to give veterans a unified and official voice in the nations public and political life.
4. That all parties, the Government and Members of Parliament, the President and Major General Lere Anan Timur show restraint and strong leadership by refraining from releasing unnecessary and counter productive public commentary, leaks, rumours and accusations in the media
For more details on this issue, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184
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