Lalaok Lejislatura Datoluk Parlamentu Nasional RDTL Komisaun ba Defeza, Seguransa no Negosiu Estranjeiru

Lalaok Lejislatura Datoluk Parlamentu Nasional RDTL Komisaun ba Defeza, Seguransa no Negosiu Estranjeiru post thumbnail image
(Foto: Noticias Sapo TL, 2016)

(Foto: Noticias Sapo TL, 2016)

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 20 Juñu 2016

Komunikadu Imprensa

Lalaok Lejislatura Datoluk Parlamentu Nasional RDTL
Komisaun ba Defeza, Seguransa no Negosiu Estranjeiru

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 112 (Versaun Tetum.pdf) kona-bá Parlamentu Nasionál Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste nian órgaun soberanu ida ne’ebé reprezenta sidadaun timór hotu-hotu no kaer podér lejislativu no podér ba fiskalizasaun no desizaun polítika. PN hala’o ninia mandatoriu tuir lei No. 15/2009 kona-bá Rejimentu Parlamentar nian. Tuir rejimentu interna Parlamentu Nasional artigu 30 define Komisaun B nu’udar “Komisaun Espesializada Permenente – KEP” ne’ebé iha mandatu konstitusional hodi tau matan ba asuntu importante tolu maka hanesan “Negosius Estranjeirus, Defeza no Siguransa Nasional”.

Alende tau-matan ba asuntu negosius estranjeirus, defeza no siguransa, Komisaun B mos tau-matan ba asuntu fundamentu seluk hanesan timor-oan ne’ebé hela iha estranjeirus, politika koperasaun internasional, tratadu no akordu internasional sira, akompañamentu estatutu internasional ba lingua portuges, tau matan ba asuntu CPLP, promosaun interese Timor-Leste ba estranjeirus, asuntu integrasaun rejiaun ASEAN, forum pasifiku, defeza nasional, kooperasaun militar, siguransa publiku, protesaun sivil no migrasaun.

Durante mandatu III lejislatura iha sesaun lejislativu 2014 – 2016 nian, Komisaun B tau ajenda perioridade ba fiskalizasaun no lejislasaun nian. Iha nivel fiskalizasaun Komisaun B halo vizita ba munisipiu sira, kuartel F-FDTL no PNTL. Ba asuntu lejislasaun nian sai mos ajenda importante ba Komisaun B hodi halo audensia públiku ho sosiedade sivil, Governu no Komandante polisia no militar, halo diskusaun, apresiasaun no aprovasaun ba Proposta Lei, Projeitu Lei no Proposta Rezolusaun ba asuntu defeza no siguransa ne’ebé enkamina ba meja Komisaun B.

Maibe tuir Fundasaun Mahein nia monitorizasaun identifika, liu-liu hare ba ajenda traballu Komisaun B kona-bá fiskalizasaun mukit tebes. Indika katak Komisaun B barak serbisu no simu informasaun iha sala-komisaun duke halo vizita fiskalizasaun ba Munisipiu sira. Maske atividade fiskalizasaun ne’e importante ba Komisaun B iha nivel “check and balance” hodi bele evita pratika abuzu poder, garante sustentabilidade politika Estadu ba dezenvolvimentu instituisaun polisia – militar nomos akutabilidade ba siguransa povu nian.

Nune’e mos nivel kuiñesementu membru Komisaun B sira ne’ebé limitadu ba asuntu negosius estranjeirus hafraku serbisu supervizaun nian. Faktus hatudu katak durante tinan tolu nia laran (2014 – 2016) Komisaun laiha ajenda espesifiku kona-bá fiskalizasaun ba serbisu MNEK no produtividade serbisu diplomata Timor-Leste iha nasaun estranjeiru. Tanba durante ne’e dala-balun mosu dezastre diplomasia iha estranjeiru hanesan ema halo pasa-revista hasoru lider Timor-Leste iha vizita ofisial sira.

Nune’e FM Rekomenda

1. Rekomenda ba Komisaun B atu fortifika rekursu umanu internalmente iha area estratejiku sira ne’ebé relasaun ho asuntu negosius estrajeirus, defeza no siguransa hodi mellora liu tan serbisu Komisaun nivel supervizaun no lejislasaun nian.

2. Rekomenda ba Komisaun B atu halo hasa’e fiskalizasaun rigrozu ba politika Ministeriu Negosius Estranjeirus no Koperasaun, liu-liu mandatu diplomata sira iha estranjeirus nu’udar reprezentante Estadu Timor-Leste iha rai-liur.

3. Rekomenda ba Komisaun B atu establese liña komunikasaun ne’ebé regular ho Ministeriu relevante sira nomos sosiadade sivil nu’udar parseiru importante iha nivel kontrolu nian. Nomos publika relatoriu rezultadu fiskalizasaun Komisaun B iha portal ofisial Parlamentu Nasional nian hodi nune’e publiku bele asesu informasaun kona-bá asuntu negosius estranjeirus, defeza no siguransa rai-laran nian.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184

Progress in the Third (3rd) Legislature of the National Parliament (RDTL) and the Committee for Defense, Security and Foreign Affairs

Per its mandate according to Law No.15/2009, the National Parliament of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste represents all citizens of Timor-Leste and holds legislative power in the government, supervising all political decisions made in the administration. Within the internal charter for parliament, Article 30 defines Committee B as the “Specialized Permanent Commission (KEP)” that operates under a constitutional mandate to focus on three issues: foreign affairs, defense, and national security.

In addition to these three issues, Committee B also focuses on issues affecting Timorese citizens abroad: policies on international cooperation: international treaties and accords, CPLP issues, international statues for Portuguese language countries, Timorese foreign promotion interests, integrated ASEAN regional issues, peace forums, national defense, military cooperation, public safety and security, civil protection, and immigration.

During the third (3rd) legislative mandate (2014-2016), Committee B has prioritized supervision and legislation within its agenda. Committee B members have made trips personally to municipalities and headquarters of the F-FDTL and PNTL. The committee has also prioritized legislation, holding public meetings and consults with civil society actors, government, and commanders of the police and military. These meetings include discussions, comments and approval for proposed laws, legislative projects, and resolution of legislation concerning defense and security issues.

However, FM’s monitoring has identified that the committee’s supervision is extremely lacking. Specifically, Committee B has prioritized their work time and commitments in the committee hall in Dili over supervisory trips in the municipalities. This supervision is critical in the committee’s checks and balances of power abuse, sustainability of policy, development of military and state institutions, and accountability to the people.

FM also notes that over the past three years (2014-2016), the committee has not created a specific agenda for supervision of MNEK and Timorese diplomatic services abroad, which has resulted in instances of checkpoint halts against Timorese diplomatic representatives during official visits.

FM Recommends that:

1. Committee B strengthen its human resources internally in strategic areas related to foreign affairs, defense and security issues, and further improve the Commission’s services in supervision and legislation.

2. Committee B increases its supervision rigorously over foreign affairs policy, ministry cooperation, and particularly mandates for diplomats representing Timor-Leste abroad and foreign ministers operating in Timor-Leste.

3. Committee B establishes communication and relations with relevant ministries and civil society actors who should be involved in the supervisory process. The Committee should also report on its supervisory outcomes on the official web portal of the National Parliament so that the public can access information related to foreign affairs, defense, and security issues.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184

2 thoughts on “Lalaok Lejislatura Datoluk Parlamentu Nasional RDTL Komisaun ba Defeza, Seguransa no Negosiu Estranjeiru”

  1. dehan fali Comissao B nee so halo comentario iha media maka la halai, fiscalizasaun laiha, povu barak iha baze hetan intimidasaun no sai mos vitima ba policia no forca, PN lao lakon tiha

    los duni PN comissao B tenke rekrtuta ema deputadu nebe iha kuinsesmentu lei no teoria barac labele ho esperencia deit, mais pior membru comissao B agora mesak ema geracao uluk, barak laiha cualifikasaun husi akademicu nian

    parabens ba Fundacao nia observacao no analija kritiku ba assuntu comissao B nia servicu.

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