Inisiativa Ministériu Interior liu husi Dirasaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitria (DNPKK) hamutuk ho organizasaun sosiedade hamutuk iha Rede Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu (RNPK) organiza sorumutu ida ho lider partidu polítiku sira ho tema “Prevensaun Violênsia Eleitoral” iha loron 7 Juñu 2017. Ikus mai asina dekrasaun ida husi lider partidu polítiku sira hamutuk ho orgaun eleitoral nian Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) no Ministériu Interior, Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no Igreija Katólika ho naran Paktu Unidade Nasional. Objetivu husi deklarasaun ne’e hodi garante estabilidade no seguransa nasional durante periodu kampañia eleisaun parlamentar 2017 nian.
Hafoin asina tiha deklarasaun ka Paktu Unidade Nasional no besik loron ida atu hakat ba kampania parlamentar nian públikasaun Diariu Timor Post loron 19 Juñu 2017 iha headline news hato’o katak “Defende Óbra Proklamador RDTL, ASDT Ameasa ‘Boikota’ Eleisaun” ne’ebé hato’o husi Sekretariu Jeral Partidu Associação Social Democrata (ASDT) Norberto Pinto. Alerta ne’ebé hanesan husu militante no simpatizante sira “la tuir eleisaun no la vota ba partidu seluk” konforme públikasaun diariu ne’e nian.
Deklarasaun ida ne’e mosu wainhira partidu ASDT rasik la prinxe rekezitu sira ne’ebé tuir lei nia haruka nune’e Tribunal Rekursu la admite hodi partisipa iha Eleisaun Parlamentar ne’ebé sei hala’o iha loron 22 Jullu 2017. Maske antes ne’e Partidu ASDT rasik kompremete ona katak sei garante estabilidade no seguransa nasional durante eleisaun husi deklarasaun ka Paktu Unidade Nasional ne’ebé temi iha leten ne’e, Partidu ASDT asina liu husi ninia reprezentante Sr. Feliciano Alves de Fatima.
Portantu “alerta” sira nune’e, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) fiar katak sei implika ba prosesu eleisaun ne’ebé la’o dadaun tamba alerta ida ne’ebé ninia konteudu atu “boikota” eleisaun no husu militante no simpatizante sira “la tuir eleisaun”. Ne’e atu hatete katak “boikota” no “alerta la tuir eleisaun” hanesan buat ida ne’ebé kontra hasoru kedas interese Estadu nian no vontade popular nian ne’ebé konstituisaun no lei haruka.
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FM la iha kapasidade interpreta lei no Kodigu Penal Timor-Leste nian no la iha kbiit seluk hodi julga katak “alerta” sira nune’e hanesan elementu ida prátika krime iha âmbitu “krime eleitoral”. Nune’e FM husu orgaun eleitoral hanesan CNE no autoridade seguransa sira hodi estuda no foti medida sira tuir dalan legal nian ba “alerta” sira nune’e portantu ho alerta ne’ebé atu “boikota” no “husu militante sira la tuir eleisaun”.
Iha lidun seluk, FM husu ulun boot sira Partidu ASDT nian respeita desizaun Tribunal nian portantu ita boot sira kompremete ona katak sei respeita desizaun sira husi povu, inklui desizaun Tribunal Rekursu nian hodi la admite Partidu ASDT tuir eleisaun. Nune’e mos husu ulun boot sira Partidu ASDT nian hola mekanismu ka medida seluk tuir lei, hodi soslusiona problema sira ne’ebé partidu ASDT hasoru, tuir deklarasaun ka Paktu Unidade Nasional ne’ebé asina tiha ona loron 7 Juñu 2017.
Ikus liu, FM husu ba lider partidu polítiku hotu-hotu ne’ebé sei halo kampañia ka propaganda eleitoral durante fulan ida hale’u iha Timor-Leste tomak kontinua hatudu responsabilidade ba komprimisiu ne’ebé ita boot sira kompremete ona hodi hametin paz no estabilidade durante periodu eleisaun nian.
Pact of National Unity and the 2017 Parliamentary Election
“Promises and Actions of Political Parties”
An initiative of the Ministry of the Interior organized through the Directorate for the National Prevention of Community Conflict (DNPKK) saw collaboration between Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) part of the National Conflict Prevention Network (NKPN) and political parties during a seminar on June 7 2017. The theme of the seminar was Prevention of Electoral Conflict, and resulted in a signed agreement between all participating political parties, the National Election Commission (CNE), the Ministry of the Interior and the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), known as the National Unity Pact. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure stability and security during the campaigning period for the 2017 Parliamentary Election.
A few days after the signing of the National Unity Pact, the Timor Post reported on June 19 that the ‘Timorese Social Democratic Association (ASDT) was threatening to boycott the election, according to the Secretary General of the ASDT, Norberto Pinto’. The Timor Post also reported that ASDT supporters made similar declarations that ‘they would not participate in the election and vote for other parties”.
This is in breach of ASDT’s legal obligations, and the Court of Appeals has consequently prohibited the ASDT from participating in the Parliamentary Election on 22 July 2017.
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This is despite the ASDT pledging to contribute to stability and security under the National Unity Pact, which was signed by ASDT representative Feliciano Alves de Fatima.
Regarding this, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) believes this may have implications for the electoral process, as such declarations are against the interests of the State, as well as contravening the Law and Constitution. However, FM is not able to determine if this constitutes an electoral crime under Timorese law.
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Therefore, FM urges CNE and security actors to determine any legal ramifications for ASDT’s boycott of the 2017 Parliamentary Election.
FM urges the leaders of the ASDT to respect the decision of the Court of Appeals regarding its decision to prohibit the ASDT from participating in the Parliamentary Election, due to its declaration to support stable and secure elections under the National Unity Pact. FM also urges the leaders of ASDT to find other legal mechanisms to address their grievances, in accordance with the National Unity Pact.
Finally, FM calls upon all political parties currently campaigning to uphold their responsibilities and pledges to uphold stable and secure elections towards ensuring a safe, democratic and peaceful Parliamentary Election.