Sumariu – Sosiedade Sivil no Transformasaun Seitor Seguranza

Sumariu –

English version below



Seminar Treinumentu, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) ho ISSAT organiza kolokiu loron 3 konaba seitor seguransa ho nia tema Transformasaun Seitor Seguransa nian ba Sosiedade Sivil, hahu hosi loron 13-15 Outubru 2009 iha Dili Timor-Leste.

Presidente Komisaun B iha Parlementu Nasional, ba asuntu Seguransa ho Defesa Sr. Duarte Nunes mak halo abertura ba kolokui ne’e, depois ikus mai remata ho Sek. Estado Defeza Sr. Julio Tomas Pinto asiste antis kolokui ne’e taka FM ho ISSAT lori peritu international nian ba area seguransa hosi Indonezia, Filipina, ho mai hosi ISSAT rasik.

Participante sira ne’ebe’e participa iha kolokiu ne’e mai hosi Sociedade Sivil iha Timor-Leste. (Participante sira mai husi ONG LABEH, Forum Tau Matan, JSMP, HAK, PDHJ, UNTIL – Centru Pas, Tempo Semanal ho sira seluk tan). Durante kolokui ne’e participante sosiedade sivil sira mos rona no halo debate, hodi uza exemplu konaba papel sosiedade sivil ba asuntu seitor seguransa nia hosi Filipina, Indonezia ho Nepal, oinsa atu sai sasukat ba sosiedade sivil iha Timor-Leste, atu bele ba nate tuir hodi kontrola hosi ema sivil ba asuntu seguransa.

Antis de remata, participante sira iha kolokui ne’e halo konkordansia informal atu estabelese rede soceidade sivil ba asuntu seitor seguransa iha Timor-Leste.

FM sei halo inisiativa atu sai sekretariadu ba Rede ka Centru nebe’e establese iha tempu mai, atu oinsa sociedade sivil iha Timor-Leste bele haberan malu atu halo kontrolu sivil ba asuntu seitor siguransa.

Atu hatene liu tan konaba asuntu ne’e halo favor contaktu FM liu hosi direktor.mahein[@] telemovel : +670 737 4222.



Training Seminar, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) and ISSAT organised a 3 day workshop with regards to security sector with the theme of Security Sector Transformation and Civil Society, starting from 13 October until 15 October in Dili, Timor-Leste.

The President of The National Parliaments Committee B (for Security and Defence) Sr. Duarte Nunes opened the workshop, and at the end of the workshop Sec. State Defence Julio Tomas Pinto came to close the workshop. ISSAT brought civil society security sector experts from Indonesia and the Phillipines.

Participants in the workshop came from Timorese civil society (including LABEH, HAK, PDHJ, Forum Tau Matan, UNTIL – Peace Centre, Tempo Semanal JSMP and others). During the workshop the civil society participants contributed to a debate in which examples were drawn from the role of civil society in Indonesia, the Phillipines and Nepal on the role of civil society in the security sector, and how use these examples for civil society in Timor-Leste, and how to be able to use these examples to bring civilian control in security affairs.

Finally, participants reached an informal agreement to establish a civil society network relating to security sector affairs in Timor-Leste.

FM will take the inititative to create a secretariat to support the possible establishment of such a network as appropriate in the near future.  So as to empower civil society in Timor-Leste to exert civilian control in the security sector in Timor-Leste.

To learn more about these matters please contact FM via direktor.mahein[@] or mobile: +670 737 4222.

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