Fundasaun Mahein (FM) staff members making a presentation to the National Parliament Committee B on the allocation to the security sector of the 2012 State Budget.
Parlamentu Nasional (PN) Komisaun B (ne’ebe trata asuntu Siguransa ho Defeza no Negosiu Estranjeiru) orgaun ida ne’ebé iha responsabilidade ba fornese monitorizasaun ba lejizlasaun ba seitor siguransa nian, no mos halo lei oan sira ne’ebé iha relasaun ba defeza siguransa ho institusaun sira. Problema konaba siguransa naturalmente manas liu durante periodu eleisaun, maibe PN Komisaun B la senti hakfodak no nonok deit ba dadaun ne’e.
Tensaun sae as entre militantes husi Kandidatus Prezidenti nain rua nian kontinua akontese to iha kampaña segunda volta. Insidente ka konfrontasaun ki’ik balun kontinua akontese iha semana hirak ne’e nia laran, iha tempu ikus-ukus nian ne’e, liu-liu iha parte lorosa’e nian iha nasaun ne’e. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) foin dadaun ne’e publika relatoriu ki’ik ida konaba kondisaun PNTL, Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF) no mos simu ekipamentu ne’ebé la adekuadu maka Komandu PNTL distritus sira simu. Nune mos, rumores ne’ebé espailla tuir media ne’ebé ladun hetan fontes kredibel ne’ebé pontensial boot ba konflitus.
Maske isu sira ne’e mosu, maibé Parlamentu Nasional Komisaun B ne’ebé trata asuntu refere kontinua nonok. Instituisan ida ne’e lolos halo supervizaun no halo relatoriu konaba Seitor Siguransa nian, no mos fornese supermasaun sivil ba PNTL ho F-FDTL nia opersaun ho atitividades hotu. Maibé sira la halo intervensaun ida ba asuntu refere, inklui ba esteitmentu ne’ebé nukunu ho violensias ne’ebé fo sai husi Komandu PNTL ho F-FDTL nian fo ordem atu tiru mate iha fatin kuandu ema ruma estraga eleisaun.
FM lamenta ho PN Komisaun B konaba saida mak sira halo durante periodu eleisaun. Sira nia nonok iha tempu kritiku iha historia nasaun ne’e nian, ne’e triste tebes. Povu iha nasaun ne’e persiza duni informasaun klaru no kredibel nian konaba siguransa i ne’e PN Komisaun B nia papel atu fornese. Dadaun ne’e tempu difisil tebes ba ita nia autor Siguransa nian no supervizaun sivil sira atu halo relatoriu ba operasaun autor siguransa sira nia atividades ne’ebé persiza tebes ba dahuluk nian. FM husu atu PN Komisaun B vokal no ativu liu ba asuntu sira ne’ebé iha tempu sira dadaun ne’e.
Where is the National Parliament Committee B?
The National Parliament (NP) Committee B (for National Defence, Security and Foreign Affairs) is the body responsible for providing legislative oversight of the security sector, as well as for developing legislation relating to defence and security issues and institutions. Security concerns are naturally high during this current electoral period, yet NP Committee B has been worryingly silent recently.
Tensions have been running high between militants of both presidential candidates in the lead up to the second round, with a small number of confrontations erupting in recent weeks, notably in the eastern parts of the country. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) recently reported on the poor conditions within which the Border Patrol Unit has to operate and the inadequate resources our PNTL District Commanders receive. Furthermore, rumours have been growing with unreliable information being spread in the media due to poor reporting. Misinformation is a potential source for conflict.
Yet despite these significant issues arising, the people’s representatives within the National Parliament have been very quiet. This institution is meant to be supervising and reporting on security matters and providing civilian oversight over PNTL & F-FDTL operations and activities. However, they have not intervened on any of these matters, including on the recent violent statements made by the PNTL & F-FDTL commanders ordering those who compromise the elections to be shot on sight.
FM is concerned about what the NP Committee B has been doing during this election period. Their silence, in such a critical time in this country’s history, is worrying. The people of this country need clear and credible information on matters of security and it is the role of NP Committee B to provide it. These are tough times for our security forces and civilian oversight and reporting over their operations and activities are needed more than ever. FM would like the Committee to be more vocal and visible in these challenging times.
Correction, intentionally or unintentionally