Elisaun Presidensial 2017: Maturidade Politika Haforsa Seguransa Nasional

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Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 22 Marsu 2017

Komunikadu Imprensa

Eleisaun Prezidensial 20 Marsu 2017 nu’udar eleisaun dahuluk ne’ebé organiza husi Timor-Oan rasik hafoin eleisaun sira antes 2012, 2007, 2002 no 2001 ne’ebé hetan suporta husi Nasoens Unidas no organizasaun internasional sira seluk. Progresu boot ida iha Eleisaun Jeral 2017, Eleisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika konsege realiza mos iha rai liur ne’ebé hala’o iha Sidney no Darwin – Australia nomos Portugal. Maibe mos kritika balu husi Timor-Oan sira ne’ebé estuda iha Indonézia no servisu iha Korea do Sul la konsege partisipa tamba eleisaun la realiza iha nasaun rua ne’e.

Pontu prinsipal seluk ne’ebé sai atensaun husi sosiedade tomak kona-bá seguransa ba eleisaun 2017 no kompara buat seluk husi akontesementu sira iha tinan 10 (sanolu) liu ba iha eleisaun 2012 no 2007. Resposta husi autoridade seguransa sira ho mobilizasaun ba rekursu seguransa ida ne’ebé estraordinariu no koordenasaun forsa seguransa no defeza nian hodi asegura seguransa iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2017. Alarma hodi garante seguransa ba eleisaun liu husi komunikadu imprensa autoridade instituisasun rua ne’e nian ho lian ne’ebé kro’at, bainhira ema ruma tenta kria instabilidade durante kampañia to’o anunsiu rezultadu eleisaun nian.

Nune’e kandidatu sira iha Eleisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika 2017 hamutuk kandidatu na’in 8 (ualu) no husi kandidatu sira ne’e kandidatu feto 1 (ida) no mane na’in 7 (hitu) nu’udar susesor Timor-Oan tomak nian kompostu husi (1) Antonio Maher Lopes “Fatuk Mutin” (2) Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo” (3) Amorin Viera (4) Jose Neves “Sama Larua” (5) Jose Luis Guterres “Lugu” (6) Maria Angela Freitas (7) Luis Alves Tilman “Mauhunu” no (8) Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan”. Kandidatu na’in 6 (neen) hanesan kandidatu independente no kandidatu na’in 2 husi partidu nian maka kandidatu númeru sorteiu 2 (rua) husi Partidu Frente Revolucionario Timor-Leste Independente (FRETILIN) no kandidatu númeru sorteiu 8 husi Partidu Demokratiku (PD).

Períodu kampañia nian

Kampañia ba kandidatu sira hala’o dahuluk liu iha loron 3 Marsu no ramata iha loron 17 Marsu 2017 ho debate ikus liu entre kandidatu sira ne’ebé organiza husi Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE). Durante kampañia prezidensia nian rejista insidenti ida iha loron primeiru husi apoiante kandidatu númeru 2 no 8 nian iha Rai-Kotu – Comoro, Dili. Husi insidente ne’e estraga komunidade nia uma, viaturas balu, ema na’in 1 (ida) hetan kanek no insidente ne’e hetan kedas atuasaun husi Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL).

FM nia observasaun identifika aleinde insidenti iha loron primeiru kampañia nian, rejista mos insidenti seluk akontese iha Rejiaun Oe-cusse husi militante Partidu FRETILIN no Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timor (CNRT) lori bandeira partidu nian hodi partisipa iha kampañia kandidatu númeru sorteiu 8 Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan” nian. Insidenti ne’e resposta kedas husi Partidu FRETILIN no CNRT nomos militante sira ne’ebé involve iha insidente ne’e kaptura husi PNTL hodi hasai bandeira husi militante hirak ne’e nia liman no hafoin ne’e husik fila-fali militante sira ne’e mos.

Rejista mos iregularidade sira seluk hanesan violasaun ba orariu no fatin kampañia nian ka espasu públiku nomos labarik sira involve maka’as iha atividade kampañia nian durante períodu kampañia husi kandidatu sira. Buat seluk observasaun FM nian nota mos katak durante kampañia husi kandidatu sira nian, apoiante balu uza atributu arte marsial nian ne’ebé Rezolusaun Governu 2013 bandu ka taka total ona sira nia atividade. Nune’e mos la’os ona segredu katak arte marsial balu iha ligasaun forte ho partidu polítiku balu ka nia baze organizasaun husi grupu arte marsial.

Loron votasaun nian

Observasaun FM nian durante loron eleisaun nian 20 Marsu 2017 iha teritoriu tomak Timor-Leste nian la’o ho susesu ho partisipasaun maka’as husi komunidade ka votante sira. FM mos rejista katak vizibilidade maximu husi PNTL no la rejista insidenti grave ruma durante loron votasaun nian. Maske sei menus apoiu lojistika maibe ne’e prova ida lolos kona-bá sira nia misaun no promove kondisaun seguransa ba povu hodi ezerse sira nia direitu ba votu.

Husi observasaun ne’e rejista katak durante loron votasaun nian, votante balu utiliza atributu partidu nian hodi ba tuir votasaun maske nune’e fiskais sira la autoriza hodi tama ba sentru votasaun. Hafoin rai hela tiha atributu partidu nian, ikus mai autoriza hikas tama ba sentru votasaun hodi ezerse nia direitu ba votu. Kazu ne’ebé hanesan ho forma ne’ebé diferente votante balu hatais kamizola arte marsiais Kera Sakti nian hodi tama ba sentru votasaun maibe fiskais sira la autoriza no haruka fila hafoin troka tiha kamiza refere no autoriza hikas hodi fo nia votu.

Insidenti seluk akontese iha Hera – Dili, membru Komponente Naval FALINTIL-Força de Defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) diskute malu ho votante sivil seluk, haksesuk malu ida ne’e tamba membru F-FDTL hakarak sira maka tenke vota uluk maibe votante seluk la satisfaz ho situasaun ne’e. Ikus mai mosu haksesuk malu entre sira no insidente ne’e rezolve kedas iha loron ne’e mos no prosesu votasaun la’o ho kontroladu.

Ikus liu, Eleisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika 2017 hatudu ona buat diferente ida husi presepsaun no dúvida sira antes ne’e mosu iha públiku kona-bá paz no estabilidade. Prova ona katak susesu no maturidade Timor-Oan nian hodi realiza eleisaun refere iha ambiente ida livre no demokratiku hodi eskolla sira nia susesor hanesan Prezidente Repúblika ba períodu 2017 – 2022.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 ka 77561184
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org

Presidential Election 2017
Success and Maturity of the Timorese People in Democratic Culture

The Presidential Election conducted on March 20 2017 was the first election organized by the Timorese people, with the previous elections in 2012, 2007, 2002 and 2001, organised and supported by the United Nations (UN) and other International organizations. It was also notable in that Timorese citizens living in Australia and Portugal were also able to vote remotely. However, Timorese citizens studying in Indonesia and working in Northern Ireland and South Korea were unable to participate in the election, something which should be remedied for the July Parliamentary elections.

That the election was conducted safely and securely was of great importance to Timorese society, especially when compared to security incidents that occurred during the 2007 and 2012 elections. Security authorities executed an extraordinary mobilisation of security forces, coordinating the operations of both the National Police (PNTL) and Defence Force (F-FDTL), who provided for a safe and secure 2017 Presidential election. The leaders of both institutions made it clear during press conferences preceding the election that any attempts to create instability during the electoral period would not be tolerated.

There were eight (8) candidates for the 2017 Presidential election, seven (7) men and one (1) woman; They were (1) Antonio Maher Lopes “Fatuk Mutin” (2) Francisco Guterres “Lú Olo” (3) Amorin Viera, (4) Jose Neves “Sama Larua” (5) Jose Luis Guterres “Lugu” (6) Maria Angela Freitas (7) Luis Alves Tilman “Mauhunu” no (8) Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan”. Six (6) candidates were independent and two (2) candidates were representing political parties. Fransisco Guterres Lu-Olo ran for the Revolutionary Front for an Independent Timor-Leste (FRETILIN) whilst Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan” ran for the Democratic Party (PD).

Campaign Periods

The campaign period for Presidential candidates ran from 3 March to 17 March 2017, with a final debate amongst candidates organized by the National Electoral Commission (CNE). During the presidential campaign, an incident occured on the first day between supporters of candidate’s number 2 and 8 in Rai-Kotu-Comoro, Dili. This incident resulted in the burning of several homes and vehicles, and a man being injured, but a rapid response by the PNTL defused the situation.

Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) also oberserved another incident on the first day of the campaign in Oe-cusse district, where some militants affiliated with FRETILIN and CNRT used party flags in support of candidate number 8, Antonio da Conceição “Kalohan”s campaign activity. This was despite the official national party line of both FRETILIN and CNRT, which called on supporters to vote for Dr Lu Olo. This resulted in the brief arrest of the militants by PNTL, and the confiscation of their party flags.

FM also notes that other irregularities occured during the electoral period, including violations of the stipulated campaiging scheduele and designated campaiging locations, as well as the involvement of children in campaiging activities. Additionally, FM observed that during the electoral period, some party supporters were wearing uniforms and other attributes affiliated to Martial Art Groups (MAG’s), which were forbidden by Government decree in 2013. It also common knowledge that some MAG’s have strong relations with with some political parties, who draw their support base from MAG’s.

Voting Day

FM observed on the election day (20 March 2017) that the election was being conducted safely, and voter participation was high. PNTL visibility was high, and no serious incidents tool place during election day, despite a lack of available logistic support. The PNTL was able to execute their mission and provide for a safe and secure environment
in which people were able to exercise their democratic right to vote.

Some voters were also observed to be displaying politcal party identification and attributes when entering voting facilities. This was despite the wearing of such public affiliations of party loyalities being banned by party officials. Party officials present objected to this, and insisted that such party attributes be removed before voting. Another incident occured in which some voters wore the t-shirts of a proscribed MAG (Kera Sakti), and were not allowed to vote by party officials until they had changed their clothing.

Another incident took place in Hera-Dili, where members of the Naval Component of the Defence Force (F-FDTL) quaralled with some voters. This occured due to F-FDTL members wanting to vote first, which caused dissatisfaction amongst voters present, leading to a heated argument. However, following some debate between the conflicting parties, elections officials and secuirty providers, the incident was resolved and all present were able to vote safely.
Finally, FM has found that the 2017 Presidential election has proven somewhat different from the concerns and perceptions that were raised by civil society over safety and security preceding the election. It has proven that the Timorese people have developed more maturity around the democratic process, and are able to engage in safe and positive behaviour during elections.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184
Email: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Website: www.fundasaunmahein.org

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