Membru Parlamentu Nasional (PN) Lakohi Aprova Lei Eleitoral

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Eventu votasaun prezidensial primeiru ronde iha Timor-Leste.

Jeralmente Eleisaun Prezidensial tinan ida ne’e la’o susesu, maibe iha redusaun husi partisipasaun eleitor sira. Total votus ba permeira volta 78,20% depois tun ba votus total 73,12% iha segunda volta eleisaun prezidensial nian. Ne’e tren ida ne’ebe hatauk los hatudu katak povu Timor-Leste barak mak la uza sira nia direitu ba vota. Redusaun ba partisipasaun vota ida ne’e tanba lei obriga votante sira tenki ba vota iha fatin ne’ebe sira registru ba, iha ne’ebe barak liu mak registu iha sukus no distritus sira. Ida ne’e fo todan ba votantes sira atu selu trasnporte no akomodasaun.

Tanba ne’e mak, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) rekomenda katak presiza iha amandementu ba lei eleitoral atu fasilita ema ba vota iha ne’ebe deit sira hakarak iha nasaun ne’e’ hanesan eleisaun iha 2007. Parlamentu Nasional (PN) tenki muda lei eleitoral ne’e atu fo biban ba votantes sira hodi pratika sira nia direitu politika vota nian.

Maibe, tuir observasaun FM nian iha loron Sesta liu ba proposta amendementu ba lei eleitoral labele realiza tanba korum lato’o atu halo plenaria ba amandementu lei refere.

FM lamenta tebes ba membru Palamentu Nasional katak sira laiha atensaun ba realidade ema barak iha nasaun ne’e hasoru maibe sira dahuluk liu interese sira nia partidu politiku.

Ses hosi realidade ne’e membru Parlamentu Nasional barak maka hakruk liu ba interese partidu politiku no ignora povu ne’ebe sira reprezenta iha uma fukun parlamentu. Ne’e mos hatudu katak durante draft lei sira ne’e iha diskusaun labarak no laiha peskiza ida antis Parlamentu Nasional aprova lei ne’e. Wainhira draft lei dadaun ne’e obriga ema barak vota iha sira nia sukus ka distritus, iha ka membru Parlamentu Nasional hanoin impaktu aat husi lei ne’e ba ema sira ne’e nia moris loron-loron? Katak povu agora ne’e ladun terus ona konaba vida moris agora dadaun ne’ebe susar liu atu moris, no selu tan transporte ho akomodasaun ba sira nia sukus iha distritus sira atu hili sira nia reprezentantes sai hatodan tan sira nia moris? Lei eleitoral ida ne’e hanesan viola povu nia direitu atu vota, maibe frankamente tenki atende interese partidu.

Exemplu ida ne’e regista lamentasaun barak los no hetok at liu liga ba prosesu halo lejizlasaun sira. FM rekomenda ba membru Parlamentu Nasional wainhira halo diskusaun ba lei saida deit, husu atu halo konsultasaun ho sosiadade sivil ho komunidades sira. Ho ida ne’e sei fo biban boot halo diskusaun ida ne’e kle’an ba lei ida no halo peskiza kle’an ba implikasaun futuru, atu bele ses hosi problema hanesan ba lei eleitoral daudaun ne’e. Ikus nian FM rekomenda iha futuru draft lei hotu-hotu tenki traduz iha lian Tetun atu fo biban ba partisipasaun no asesu ne’ebe boot husi ema hotu antes halo aprovasaun.
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MPs Refuse To Amend The Electoral Law

This year’s presidential election was an overall success, however it was marred by a worrying reduction in participation. Turnout during the first round was 78.20% and reduced to around 73.12% in the second round. This is a worrying trend as it shows that a growing number of Timorese are not exercising their political right. This reduction in participation can be put down to the current electoral law which forces people to vote in their original place of registration, for which for many is in their home villages in the districts.
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This places a burden on many as it means organizing and paying for transportation and accommodation.

Therefore, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) recommends that there needs to be a change in the electoral law to enable people to vote anywhere in the country as was the case in 2007. The National Parliament should amend the current electoral law so to facilitate people to vote and therefore to exercise their political right.

However, FM has observed that a proposed new electoral law last Friday could not be passed due to the lack of a quorum. A large number of MPs failed to turn up to parliament to vote on the legislation, which meant that a vote on the amendment could not be undertaken.

FM is very disappointed by the actions of these MPs, as it seems that some MPs are not willing to respond to the hard realities a large number of people face in this country, but are instead responding to their political party’s interests.

Apart from the fact that many MPs work first and foremost in the interest of their political party instead of the people they are meant to represent, this also goes to show that little research and discussion is undertaken before our National Parliament approves laws. When drafting the current electoral law, forcing people to go back and vote in their home villages, did our MPs not think of the repercussions on the everyday people of this country?
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Are the people of this country not struggling enough as it is to simply get by and survive, and forcing people to pay for their transport and accommodation to their home villages represent not an additional burden? The current electoral law as it stands violates people’s right to vote but must obviously serve some party interests.

This example also raises more general concerns in relation to the legislative process. FM recommends that MPs when discussing a draft law, should consult more with civil society and the community. This would allow a more elevated discussion on the draft law and the conduct of more research on its implications before it is approved, so to avoid similar problems as the current electoral law. Finally FM recommends that all future draft laws should be translated into Tetun so to allow greater access and discussion by people before being approved.

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