Fundasaun Mahein (FM) alerta maka’as tiha ona kona-bá rede krime organizadu iha Timor-Leste iha tinan hirak liu ba. Hanesan relatoriu dahuluk seluk ne’ebé hasai iha tinan 2010 to’o 2014. Rede hirak ne’e ho forma oin-oin no utiliza Timor-Leste hanesan fatin transit hodi distribui ba rai viziñu sira no serkula mos iha Kapital Dili.
FM nia monitorizasaun hare katak transportasaun droga liu husi aeroportu, tasi no terestre husi autor rede krime organizadu nian. Nune’e mos forma sira ikus ne’e utiliza ajensia sira ne’ebé haruka no simu sasan husi no ba rai liur. Ironiku liu tan, rede krime organizadu ne’ebe autoridade siguransa kaptura, hetan mos makina ne’ebé produs droga. Iha ne’ebé droga sira husi rai liur hodi halo prosesamentu ikus iha Timor-Leste hafoin distribui. Siginifika katak Timor-Leste la’os deit fatin transit maibe fatin ba produs droga nian mos.
Rede hirak ne’e involve Timor oan balun no sidadaun estranjeiru ne’ebé hela iha Timor-Leste no balun hanesan turista. Autor siguransa identifika katak sidadaun estranjeiru hirak ne’e hanesan traballador iha empreza privadu sira ne’ebé halo operasaun iha Timor-Leste. Iha ne’ebé autor sira ne’ebé responsabiliza ba kazu ida ne’e balun iha ona prizaun preventiva no balun halai sai husi prizaun to’o agora lahatene nia paradeiru.
Operasaun ne’ebé boot liu iha tinan klaran 2014. Iha ne’ebé autoridade siguransa kaptura autor droga iha loron 5 Setembru 2014 iha Dili. Nu’udar rezultadu operasaun konjunta husi operasaun serbisu informasaun polisia no militar nian. Operasaun kontinuasaun iha loron 14 Outobru 2014, kaptura tan droga ho tipu sabu-sabu, kokaine no ekstasi iha autor ho inisial “A” nia rezidensia Kapital Dili. Autor ba kazu ida ne’e nafatin husi kazu dahuluk nian ne’ebé kaptura iha loron 5 Setembru 2014.
Iha operasaun ne’e mos autoridade siguransa hetan mos makina ne’ebé durante ne’e produs droga, iha ne’ebé transfere husi rai seluk hodi halo prosesamentu ikus iha Timor-Leste hodi distribui. Nune’e hetan mos munisoens pistola nian kaixa ida no ekipamentu siguransa nian iha autor nia rezidensia. Maske kaptura ona minisoens pistola nian maibe la hetan pistola refere nia isin lolon. FM nia deskonfia pistola ka kilat sei iha. Portantu monisoens iha signifika utiliza ba pistola ka kilat ruma. Munisoens pistola nian to’o agora seidauk identika mai husi ne’ebé? Ka pistola tuan sira husi pistola sira ne’ebé distribui iha tinan 1999 ba kotuk husi milisia sira? Nune’e mos pistola sira polisia nian ne’ebé lakon iha tinan 2006, to’o agora seidauk rekolla hotu?
FM nia hare, Timor-Leste dadaun ne’e iha perigu boot krime organizadu nian operasaun. Iha ne’ebé autor krime organizadu la’os deit halo transaksaun ba droga maibe iha mos kilat. FM nia tauk Timor-Leste bele monu ba situasaun deskontroladu husi atividade krime organizadu nian. Nune’e mos krime organizadu bele rekruta autor siguransa sira. Iha momentu autoridade siguransa sira ho kondisaun minimu tebes no ejijensia nesesidade moris nian aumenta maka’as liu tan.
Ikus liu, ameasa krime organizadu aumenta maka’as ho forma oin-oin maibe autoridade siguransa iha limete oin-oin tantu fasilidade, ekipamentu no finanseira. Portantu atu detekta rede krime organizadu la’os buat fasil hanesan ulun boot sira ko’alia iha media maibe asaun sira iha terenu hetan difikuldade boot liu hasoru krime organizadu no kazu kompleksu sira seluk.
Tanba ne’e FM rekomenda ba Governu no autoridade siguransa presiza fahe informasaun intelejensia nian ho nasaun sira iha rejiaun kona-bá krime organizadu nia operasaun no forma sira ne’ebé dadaun ne’e ameasa ba Nasaun idak-idak.
Rekomenda ba Governu no autoridade siguransa presiza fortifika kontrolu sira iha Aeroportu, Portu no Terestre. Iha ne’ebé dadaun ne’e krime organizadu utiliza fatin hirak ne’e hodi tama sai.
Rekomenda ba Governu investe maka’as liu tan iha serbisu intelejensia nian iha area espesifiku sira hanesan operasaun hasoru krime organizadu no investigasaun kriminal nian.
Rekomenda ba Governu aseleira ona diskusaun lei kona-bá droga nian, iha ne’ebé dadaun ne’e prepara husi Ministériu Jusitisa.
Timor-Leste is in a Dangerous Situation from Drug Transactions and Weapons
Fundasaun Mahein has become aware of organized crime networks in Timor-Leste in the last couple of years. As explained in reports spanning from 2010 to 2014, these networks have taken many forms, and they have utilized Timor-Leste as a distribution hub. These networks have brought drugs here both in transit to neighboring countries and also for distribution here in Dili city.
FM’s monitoring has shown that the drugs have been transported by air, sea, and land from the directors of these organized crime networks. Lately, crime syndicates are utilizing import/export agencies to move goods in and out of Timor-Leste. Interestingly enough, security authorities in Timor-Leste have also detected a machine that is used to produce and process drugs from abroad before distribution. This seems to signify that Timor-Leste is not only a transit place but also a center for drug production as well.
These networks have involved Timorese citizens, foreign expatriates living here in Timor-Leste, and even tourists. The security authors have identified that the guilty foreign citizens are workers in private enterprises in Timor-Leste. The leaders of these enterprises have been deemed guilty of involvement in these networks. After being sent to preventative prison, some of these individuals have escaped and remain on the run, hidden from the public eye.
During the operation carried out in 2014, the security authorities captured the drug crime boss on 5th September 2014 in Dili. This success was the result of a conjoint operation between the military and police information services. The operation continued on 14 October 2014, at which point security actors confiscated some drug items, such as methamphetamine (sabu-sabu), cocaine, and ecstasy from the residence of Suspect “A” in Dili. The individual is the same boss captured initially on September 5th, 2014.
During the operation, the security authorities found a machine that is used to produce drugs. These drugs are transferred here from abroad, processed with this machine, and then distributed both at home and abroad. The operation team also found pistol bullets in a box with security equipment at the suspect’s residence. However, these authorities just acquired the bullets and not the type of the pistol itself. FM suspects that weapons still exist, because these bullets are used for pistols and other weapons. These bullets have not yet indicated their place of origin. Where did they come from? Do they belong to old pistols that were distributed in 1999 by militias? Or do they belong to the missing pistols of the 2006 police crisis?
FM views that Timor-Leste is now facing dangerous situation, because the authors of this organized crime are not only involved in drug transactions but also use illicit weapons. FM worries that these criminal activities could leave Timor-Leste in an uncontrolled situation. Criminal networks could even recruit security actors, who at present lack conditions, resources, and some necessities of life.
The organized crime networks are increasing, while security authorities face limitations in facilities, equipments, and finances. As stated by many national leaders through the media, detecting these criminal activities is not easy. Even more difficult and more complicated still is the process of acting against them.
Therefore, FM recommends that the government and the security authorities share intelligence information with other countries in the region regarding these organized crime networks that pose threats to each nation in the region.
FM recommends that the government and the security authorities fortify the control systems at airports, ports, and land borders, because these criminal networks are currently operating at through these points.
FM recommends that the government invest a greater percentage of intelligence services in certain areas, such as organized crime detection and criminal investigations.
FM recommends that the government accelerate its discussions regarding drug laws, so that they may be put into action by the Ministry of Justice.
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