Peska Ilegal: Ameasa no Obstaklu ba Instituisaun Siguransa

Peska Ilegal: Ameasa no Obstaklu ba Instituisaun Siguransa post thumbnail image
Peska Ilegal (Foto: UPM-PNTL)

Peska Ilegal
(Foto: UPM-PNTL)

Fundasaun Mahein, 13 Fevereiru 2014

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 69 (Relatoriu Kompletu Versaun Tetun.pdf), (English Version.Pdf) Peska Ilegal: Ameasa no Obstaklu ba Instituisaun Siguransa, nia fokus análiza kona-bá peska ilegal sira ne’ebé durante ne’e halo esplorasaun ilegal rekursu (ikan) iha Tasi-Timor. Maritima Timor-Leste ne’ebé luan maibe ho ninia frajilidade siguransa fo oportunidade luan ba peskador ilegal sira husi nasaun estranjeiru. Atividade husi peska ilegal ne’e fo ameasa ba ekonomia Timor-Leste tanba kada tinan Estadu lakon ikan ho istimasaun kuaze miloens dollar amerikanu.

Tanbasa maka peska ilegal kontinua na’ok riku-soin iha Tasi-Timor to’o ohin loron no oinsa ninia impaktu ba ekonomia Timor-Leste iha futuru wainhira peska ilegal kontinua halo esplorasaun no na’ok ikan? Perguntas hirak ne’e bele hetan iha relatoriu ida ne’e. esforsu balun ne’ebé Governu halo ona liu husi investimentu instituisaun Estadu nian hodi hasa’e rekursu umanu, infra-estrutura, fasilidade no seluk tan maibe seidauk bele kombate movimentu peska ilegal iha Tasi-Timor.

Fundasaun Mahein nia relatoriu ida ne’e tenta atu esplika kona-bá impaktu husi atividade peska ilegal ne’ebé kaer ikan ho hahalok ne’ebé la prezerva (lakuidadu) hanesan uza bomba, veneno hodi estraga ahu-ruin inklui mos ambiente Tasi-Timor nian. Nune’e mos relata area ka zona maritima sira ne’ebé sai trajetu no sai fatin ba movimentu peska ilegal sira hodi na’ok ikan. Relatoriu ida ne’e mos lekar sai ba públiku kona-bá difikuldade ka obstaklu sira ba Timor-Leste atu kontrola ninia riku-soin, liu-liu kbi’it instituisaun relevante sira ne’ebé serbisu iha area maritima intermuz rekursu umanu no infra-estrutura, ne’e sorin ida.

Sorin seluk, relatoriu ida ne’e mos esplika kona-bá investimentu no dezafiu Governu nian hodi fortifika instituisaun Estadu atu bele kombate peska ilegal. Ikus liu, relatoriu ne’e rekomenda ba Governu hodi hamosu ona politika no lejislasaun ba kriasaun Autoridade Nasional Maritima Timor-Leste hodi koordena kooperasaun no operasaun instituisaun relevante sira tuir lei siguransa nasional.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 77374222 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 77561184

Fundasaun Mahein, 13 February 2014

Press Release

Illegal Fishing: Threats and Obstacles for the Security Sector

Mahein’s Voice report No. 69, “Illegal Fishing: Threats and Obstacles for the Security Sector”, discusses the problem of illegal fishing in the Timor Sea. Timor-Leste holds a large maritime area, and its inability to monitor it all gives an opportunity for fishermen from other countries to fish illegally in Timor’s waters. Illegal fishing activity threatens the economy of Timor-Leste as the state misplaces millions of dollars in resources annually.

How is illegal fishing in the Timor Sea still able to occur, and what is its impact on Timor-Leste’s economy both today and in the predictable future? This report addresses these questions. The government has made some effort by investing in state institutions to increase human resources, infrastructure, facilities, and other aspects of institutional operations, but these efforts have yet to show results as the problem of illegal fishing in the Timor Sea is as prevalent as ever.

This FM report seeks to explain the impact that illegal fishing activities such as using explosives and poisons have had on the coral reefs and aquatic environment of the Timor Sea. The report highlights the area of the maritime zone, which has become the focal point of illegal fishing activities. This report also discusses the connection between stopping illegal fishing and the difficulties and obstacles Timor has faced in controlling its wealth, particularly in the area of building institutions, including providing human resources and supplies for patrol of Timor’s maritime area.

This report offers insight into the investments the government has made and challenges the government has faced in trying to develop the capacity to combat illegal fishing. Included in the report is a recommendation to the government to more effectively plan policy and draft legislation surrounding the creation of the National Maritime Authority of Timor-Leste, so that it is better able to cooperate with relevant security sector institutions.

For further details about this report pleas contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Contact Number: (+670) 77374222 or (+670) 77561184

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