Timor-Leste Tenki Halo Diskusaun ba Terorismu Global

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Problema bar-barak ne’ebe mosu kona-ba dezenvolvimentu terorismu iha forum publiku sai hanesan isu ne’ebe dala barak hamosu atu hakarak sensasionaliza ka politiza ba objeitivu sira nian rasik, tamba ne’e maka dala barak laiha razaun ruma atu halo debate. Kontenti duni Timor-Leste sai hanesan nasaun ne’ebe adopta liberdade espresaun, diversidade ho fiar oin oin kuda hela iha konstitusaun nasaun nian ho lala’ok moris/ life stillu, no laiha gravasaun passadu sai hanesan ameasa terorismu organiku, ne’e sorin ida.

Sorin seluk, Timor-Leste nasaun ki’ik, i laos autor/kolegasaun ba jogu “funu global kontra terorimu”, nune’e mos hakotu iha nia politika rasik atu hadok an hosi problema ida ne’e. Maske faktu nune’e, FM fiar katak iha eventu daudaun ne’ebe akontesementu barak, maka sai politika ida ne’ebe diak liu ba Timor-Leste tenki aseita isu terorismu global ho rasional hodi halo diskusaun ba tentativa implikasaun ba nasaun siguransa.

Tinan ida ne’e mundu tomak rona istoria barak los kona-ba hahalok aat hosi organizasaun terorismu ISIS (naran koinesidu bolu “Estadu Islamiku”). Foin daudaun ne’e organizisa Estadu Islamiku ISIS ta’a kotu ema sivil husi nasaun boot sira ne’ebe sira kaer nia ulun fatuk no sira fo sai iha video hodi bolu nudar kilat ba “Islamiku atu oho Amerikanu, Kanadan sira, Europianu ho Australianu sira, tantu ema sivil ka militar ho posibilidade saida deit. Lala’ok ne’e mosu nudar responde ba komitmentu ida mai hosi Estadu Unidus da Amerika halo koalisaun militar ho nasaun sira seluk atu halo agresaun militar hosi airu hasoru ISIS iha knua-knua sira iha Siria ho Irakia nian ba. Ida ne’e fo atensaun ba nasaun sira barak maka halo vizilansia boot hodi halo antisipasaun hasoru ameasa terorismu.

Iha momentu ne’eba, semana kotuk ba iha Melbourne, Australia membru ISIS nain rua hetan kaer hosi Polisia, tamba sira iha relasaun ho buat ne’ebe maka identiku nudar planuamentu “ demonstrasaun oho nian” hasoru sidadaun sivil depois (video tiha atu publika sai), ne’e lidun ida. Lidun seluk, iha Australia mos, foin sae ida tiru mate hosi polisia, tamba koko ataka polisia ho tudik. Insidente rua iha ligasaun maka’as ba politika ISIS nian atu haboot atakes ba ema sivil sira ne’ebe labele fiar ba rai boot sira.

Iha ka lae insidente sira iha leten ne’e iha influensia ba politika siguransa iha Timor-Leste? FM fiar katak governu tenki komvoka deskusaun ka debates balun konaba potensia implikasaun hosi vonurabilidade siguransa ne’ebe ita iha.

Isu balun bele mai hosi terorita maigrante sira. Sira ne’e maka hanesan organiza krime organizadu hanesan trafiku droga, no seluk-seluk tan. Terorista sira ne’e sempre buka meus halo tarjet ho esploita ba lakunas ne’ebe esiste iha estrutura sosial ho siguransa entre nasaun. Ida ne’e faktus forte organizasaun ISIS ho nia simpatikus sira dezemvolve sira nia an iha nasaun vizinas sira ne’ebe besik liu Timor-Leste, inklui Indonezia, Malazia, ho Australia. Tamba ida ne’e mak lojika duni atu halo forte lala’ok implementasaun lei nian iha nasaun vizinas sira atu funu hasoru terorista sira.

Timor-Leste relativamente fraku kona-ba lala’ok siguransa nian iha fronteira maritima ho rai ketan ne’e bele sai biban boot atu sai tarjet hodi atraku ba terorita sira atu bele tama sai-fasil, nune’e mos bele hases an hosi kontrollu autoridade siguransa nian. Skenariu hanesan ne’e uluk fo sai iha tinan 2012. Meus (cara) hanesan ne’e dala ruma ladeteta didiak, no ikus mai terorista bele utuliza Timor-Leste hanesan fatin halai ses ka subar fatin, depois halo atakes ba nasaun vizinas sira, ne sorin ida. Sorin seluk, hanesan foin lalais ita hotu hatene katak, krime organizadu hanesan groupu krime droga ne’ebe mai exploita Timor-Leste halo importa narkotika hosi Azia Central ba merkadu Indonezia.

Ameasa seluk ne’ebe posible ho signifikante maka liga liu ba Timor-Leste nia relasaun servisu, seluk ida tan mos konaba akordu siguransa ho nasaun sira ne’ebe ita halo direitamente ne’ebe sai ameasa ba organizasaun terorista sira, hanesan (Amerika, ho Australia no seluk seluk tan). Akordu kona-ba relasaun forsa estranjeiru sira ne’e sai esensial atu dezemvolve kapasidade forsa siguransa nasional nian, atu harii koperasaun servisu hodi hasoru siguransa trans-nasional. Maibe mos, relasaun ne’e mos sai risku boot ne’ebe bele komvida terorista nia atakes iha Timor-Leste. Ida ne’e bele mos tarjet ba interese/ aset estranjeiru nian ho direitamente iha Timor-Leste. Tamba ida ne’e mak Timor-Leste iha responsabilidade boot atu fo protesaun ba ema estranjeiru sira ne’ebe servisu iha Timor-Leste, ne’ebe bele sai risku ba tarjet hosi terorismu global.

FM laiha intensaun atu haboot ka halo ezezerasaun kona-ba ameasa terorismu global hodi deskuite isu ida ne’e. Maibe FM hakarak provoka promosaun ba diskusaun diak nian. Ikus nian, ita husu ba governu tenki responde ho asaun ruma ba insidente sira ne’ebe foin dadaun akontese. Ho ida ne’e saida mak ita tenki halo?

FM hakarak fo rekomendasuan balun tuir mai ne’e:

1. Fahe informasaun intelejensia nian hosi nasaun vizinas sira, hosi nivil rejional konaba anti terorismu nian.

2. Halo planuamentu diak kona-ba hakur fronteira nian, skrini oinsa mak iha kontekstu hapara terorista hodi halo terror ba atividades terror nian nebe tama mai teritoriu nasional.

3. Halo asesmentu ba lalaok siguransa nian, karik iha posibilidade terorista nia tarjet iha teriroriu nasional nia

4. Salva guarda no halo planuamentu anti-teror nian ne’ebe efektivu nune’e mos halo servisu integradu ho institusaun sira ne’ebe iha mandatu kna’ar ba seitor seguransa nian.

Alternativa, ho lala’ok politika governu nian ne’ebe low profile sai politika ne’ebe efektivu liu? ikus liu FM husu oinsa governu halo nia pozisaun ba ameasa terorista rejional/ global hodi halo debates ka diskusaun liu tan.

Timor should discuss implications of global terrorism.

The problem with raising terrorism in a public forum is that the issue is often hijacked those wishing to sensationalise or politicise it for their own ends, and it is therefore sometimes difficult to have a reasoned discussion. (Thankfully) Timor is a nation with freedoms of speech, diversity and belief enshrined in its constitution and way of life, and has no recorded organic terror threat. Timor is also a small nation, not a player in the ‘global war on terror’, and has actually distanced itself from this issue. However despite these facts, FM believes that in light of recent events it is wise for Timor to acknowledge the issue of global terrorism and to rationally discuss its possible implications for the nation.

This year the world has heard many stories of atrocities committed by a terrorist organisation known as ISIS (also known as IS, ISIL or Daesh). Recently the Organisation beheaded a number of western civilian hostages and issued a call to arms for “Muslims” to kill American, Canadian, European and Australian soldiers or civilians in any way possible. These developments, along with the commitment of an American led coalition of nations to attack ISIS in its strongholds in Syria and Iraq have led to many nations raising their terror threat alert levels.

Since then, last week in Australia two arrests were made in relation to what has been described as a planned ‘demonstration killing’ (broadcasting the killing of a random civilian). And this week in the same country, a young man was shot and killed after attacking two police officers with a knife. Both these incidents appear directly linked to the ISIS policy of spreading attacks to “non believers” in western nations.

Should these events have any affect on security policy in Timor? FM believes that they should at least lead to discussion of potential vulnerabilities.

One issue could be the migration of terrorists. Similar to organised crime and drug trafficking, terrorists target and exploit weaknesses in social and security structures within and between countries. There is strong evidence that ISIS organisations and sympathisers have established a foothold in some of Timor’s nearest neighbours including Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia. It is therefore logical to assume that as law enforcement in neighbouring countries is strengthened to fight terrorism, Timor’s relatively weak security environment in areas such as land and maritime border enforcement along with its proximity to ‘target’ countries make it increasingly attractive for terrorists wishing to escape scrutiny – in fact a similar scenario to this was reported in 2012. In this way it is not unforeseeable that terrorists could use Timor as a safe ‘jumping point’ for committing terrorist acts in neighbouring nations, perhaps similar to how we have recently experienced organised crime groups exploiting Timor as a means of importing narcotics from Central Asia into the Indonesian market.

A separate possible threat lies in Timor’s close working relationships and agreements with security forces from nations that have recently been directly threatened by terrorist organisations (e.
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g. US, Australia). Such relationships with foreign forces are essential to develop the capacity of local forces and to build cooperative working relationships to address transnational security issues. However, these ties also increase the risk of a terrorist attacks occurring on Timorese soil, even if the targets are directed at foreign interests and not the Timorese directly. Timor clearly has a responsibility to actively protect foreigners currently working in Timor who may be at an additional risk from global terrorists.

FM is not seeking to exaggerate or overplay the threat of global terrorism by raising these issues, rather, we only seek to promote rational discussion. Ultimately, we ask whether the Government should implement a response to recent events, and if so what should it be?

FM feels that a measured response should include:

1. A commitment to working with our regional neighbours to share anti-terrorism intelligence.

2. A plan to improve boarder crossings and customs screenings in the context of stopping terrorists or those planning terrorist activities from entering the country.
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3. An assessment of security arrangements for possible terror targets inside Timor (including foreign groups/organizations).

4. Ensuring effective anti-terror planning and cooperation between security sector agencies.
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Alternatively does the Government feel that a keeping a low profile is the most effective policy? At the very least we ask that the Government outlines its position on the threat posed by regional/global terrorism for further debate.

6 thoughts on “Timor-Leste Tenki Halo Diskusaun ba Terorismu Global”

  1. Terorismu hanesan problema global, no presiza interese global moos hodi halakon nia ezistensia, tanba nee ita hanesan nasaun iha dever atu kontribui ba iha siguransa global hodi asegura ameasa saida deit husi terorismu, maibe ita labele haree dook demais liu, depois ita la haluha ou la tau inportansia ba ita nia rama ambon sira iha rai laran.

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