Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 27 Novembru 2014
Komunikadu Imprensa
Relatoriu Mahein Nia Lian Nú 91 (Versaun Tetun) (English Version.pdf) kona-bá Siguransa Kilat Problematiku: Instituisaun Sivil Kontinua Forma ho Kilat, sai fila fali hanesan atensaun ba asuntu kilat iha Timor-Leste. Portantu kilat tuan sira husi instituisaun siguransa seidauk rezolve lolos. Hanesan deskreve tiha ona iha relatoriu dahuluk seluk kona-bá auditing ba kilat, paradeiru kilat ne’ebé lakon iha krize 2006, prosesu sira akizisaun kilat foun ba instituisaun siguransa no utiliza sala husi pesoal siguransa sira.
Maske prosesu investigasaun kilat iha Timor-Leste seidauk iha finalidade lolos, maibe iha tempu hanesan Estadu Timor-Leste forma tan instituisaun sivil foun seluk ho kilat. Instituisaun hirak ne’e mak instituisaun investigasaun kriminal forma ho kilat hanesan Polisia Sientifika Investigasaun Kriminal (PSIK) ne’ebé ho nia natureza hanesan korpu superior polisia kriminal.
Relatoriu ida ne’e la ho intensaun atu haboot ka soe boatus kona-bá kilat iha Timor-Leste. Maibe hanesan pontu rekomendasaun ida ba Governu hodi konsidera aspetu sira temi iha leten, ne’ebé durante ne’e públiku preokupa kona-bá kilat sira iha instituisaun siguransa. Pontu prinsipal seluk mak públiku presiza debate asuntu krusial sira hanesan kilat. Tanba periodu naruk ne’ebé povu Timor-Leste hakat liu, esperiensia tiha ona efeitu husi konflitu relasiona ho kilat
Relasiona ho Instituisaun rua ne’ebé forma ho kilat, hamosu pergunta siples katak tipu kilat saida maka PSIK no KAK sei utiliza? Iha momentu hanesan Timor-Leste seidauk iha lejislasaun ruma difine kona-bá tipu kilat ba autoridade siguransa Estadu nian. FM nia hanoin presiza difine iha padraun legal ruma kona-bá tipu kilat ba autoridade siguransa sira.
FM nia tauk ita sei repete saida maka akontese tiha ona iha pasadu. Portantu jestaun ka kontrolu kona-bá kilat durante ne’e seidauk hetan tratamentu ida diak. Iha momentu hanesan Timor-Leste harii tan instituisaun sivil seluk la ho estudu viabilidade, hetan prevelejiu utiliza kilat iha nia atividade sira.
Ida ne’e bele sai tentativa ba situasaun siguransa nasaun nian. Tanba esperensia barak ona akontese iha mundu katak wainhira ema sivil barak maka kaer kilat sei fo konsekuensia ba estabilidade nasional. Relatoriu The Small Arms Survey halo estimativa katak 75% husi kilat ki’ik no kilat kmaan iha mundu ne’e iha ema sivíl sira nia liman. Situasaun hirak ne’e bele akontese iha Timor-Leste enkuantu mekanizmu kontrolu seidauk la’o diak. Nune’e mos konsekuensia husi lejislasaun Timor-Leste ne’ebé sei fraku tebes. Intermus regula kona-bá utiliza kilat, oportunidade utiliza sala.
FM fiar katak kleur ka lalais pesoal investigador sira sei utiliza kilat. Iha ne’ebé konsidera pesoal investigador sira iha risku boot wainhira kondus investigasaun ruma hasoru kriminozu ida. Tanba ne’e presiza konsidera mos rekomendasaun sira tuir mai ne’e:
1. Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional husu Ministériu Justisa no Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa klarifika kona-bá kriasaun instituisaun investigasaun kriminal ne’ebé forma ho kilat.
2. Rekomenda ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa no Ministériu Justisa presiza kria uluk lejislasaun sira kona-bá utilizasaun no kontrolu kilat antes pesoal investigador sira utiliza kilat.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Telefone (+670) 7737-4222 ka (+670) 77561184
The Problem of Security Weapons:
Civil Institutions Continue to Form with Weapons
Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 27 November 2014
Press Release
This FM report is about the problematic status of security weapons in Timor-Leste. Civil institutions continue to be established with weapons, which further contributes to the ongoing weapons issue in Timor-Leste. In fact, existing weapons dilemmas of the security institution have not yet been fully resolved. This report follows-up on previous FM reports, which have discussed the audit process for weapons, the missing weapons in 2006 crisis, the acquisition process of new weapons, and the misuse of weapons by individual security personnel.
Even though the investigations for weapons in Timor-Leste have not yet been finalized, Timor-Leste continues to form new civil institutions with weapons. Many of these institutions, such as the Scientific Police of Criminal Investigation (SPCI), are related to criminal investigation.
This report does not aim to provoke conflict over the issue weapons in Timor-Leste but, rather, to provide policy recommendations and public concerns for the government to consider for the present and future. This report also encourages public debate surrounding the crucial issue of weapons, because people of this state have endured a long history of weapons.
The public has expressed its desire to know which types of the weapons will be used by the SPCI and KAK, two new security institutions. Timor-Leste does not have any legislation that designates the types of weapons appropriate for state security authorities. FM believes that the government should legally define the types of the weapons permissible for security authorities.
Fundasaun Mahein worries that Timor-Leste may soon face conflicts similar to those in the past. The control systems for weapons have not yet been fully developed, yet Timor-Leste wants to establish additional civil institutions whose personnel are permitted to use weapons. Holistic viability studies should be conducted before establishing these new departments.
This issue contributes to the tentative state security situation in Timor-Leste. Many historical examples around the world have demonstrated that the use of arms by citizens poses significant threats to national stability. A report by The Small Arms Survey estimates that 75% of small and light weapons in the world are used by civilians. This situation could appear in Timor-Leste if the control mechanisms for weapons are not developed. Furthermore, Timor-Leste’s legislation must be strengthened, especially as it pertains to the regulation and usage of weapons.
FM believes that sooner or later, investigative personnel will misuse weapons. As such, these personnel may pose grave risks to professional investigations. Therefore, relevant security authorities must consider the following recommendations:
1. The National Parliament should urge the Ministry of Justice as well as the Ministry of Defense and Security to clarify the creation policies of investigative units that use weapons.
2. The Ministry of Security and Defense and the Ministry of Justice should create controls systems and concrete regulations for weapons before investigators use these weapons.
To learn further, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone (+670) 7737-4222 or contact to (+670) 7756 1184
Triste tebes lee relatoriu husi ida ne’e, komentario husi FM la hun ladikin, liu-liu kona-ba KAK….Relatorio ne’e halo peskisa ka hakerek Opinaon? informasaon ne’ebe hakerek ona ulang2 hela deit. Kiak tebes ho refrencia, komentario mos la los tan…hau concorda FM nia esistencia hodi halo controlasaun maibe tenke mos hakerek ne’e ho dadus, peskisa ne’e tenke tama crieria outuan ba, laos hakarek hanesan opiniuan.
FM ne’e atu hadia instituisao militar no polisia, maibe relatorio barac maka koalia kilat hela deit, asunto politik hela det. Sujere ba FM atu labele sai NGO politic
Instituisaun Civil forma ho Kilat;
iha instituisaun Civil hanesan CAC, Jaksa, no Juiz sira, iha nasaun nebe konflito sira iha kilat hodi depende ka fo siguranca ba sira nia an, maibe molok atu aplika sistema ida ne’e Estato persira kria uluk kondisaun, portantu kria uluk Lei, kriteria ruma ba ema pesoal nebe merese atu hetan kilat, depois mak sei aplika atu nune’e sira (Civil) uja kilat ne’e atu halo saida, wain hira sira uja iha situasaun ida nebe lai.? maibe ligadu ba konteks Timor nian hau hanoin ita la persisa ema civil atu iha kilat, tamba iha 2009 parlamento Nasional konsege debate ona lei ida konaba ema civil sira bele uja kilat, maibe iha tempo neba la konsege aprova, se agora mak iha hanoin atu forma instituisaun civil iha kilat ne’e hau hanoin sei fo infacto negativo ba povo no nasaun ida ne’e iha futuro, karik ita iha lei nebe fo biban ba ema civil atu iha kilat, tamba bele fo oportunidade ba ema sira nebe riku no criminozu sira aprobeita lei ne’e hodi oho ema arbiru deit. ema nebe sai vitima ba futuro mak Timor oan nebe kbiit laek atu sosa kilat, karik ne’e hau nia opsaun deit, kompetensia iha estado nia kabas, hakarak povo ida ne’e moris hakmatek no seguro entaun diak liu mak lalika kria buat nebe ita la persisa, diak liu hanoin atu hadia sistema politika estado no Governo hodi hadia povo nia moris, atu nunee sira mos bele senti nasaun nia ukun an ida nee. Obrigado…!!