Fundasaun Mahein, 30 Janeiru 2013
Komunikadu Imprenza
Governu submete ona proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan 2013 nian ba Parlamentu Nasional no oras ne’e dadaun iha prosesu audensia nia laran no sei halo diskusaun iha inisiu fulan Fevereiru tinan 2013.
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nu. 45 (Relatorio kumpletu versaun tetum,pdf) halo analiza kona-bá alokasaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2013 ba Ministériu Defeza no Siguransa (MDS) husi Perspetiva Sosiedade Sivil. Proposta orsamentu ne’e, iha tinan 2013 OJE ba MDS hamutuk tokon $ 107,259. Orsamentu ne’e mai husi Fundu Konsolidadu-FK tokon $ 64,506, Fundu Espesial–(FE) Fundu Infra-estrutura tokon $ 20,899.72 no Apoiu Parseiru Dezenvolvimentu-APD tokon $ 21,852. Alokasaun Fundu Konsolidadu ba MDS hetan tokon $ 64,506; hanesan fundu ida ne’ebé administra husi estrutura MDS nian.
Alokasaun orsamentu ne’ebe preve ba MDS tuir kategoria despeza kontempla iha rubrika Salariu no Vensimentu hamutuk tokon $ 25,870, Bens no Servisu tokon $ 31,771, Tranferensia Públika tokon $ 200, Kapital Minor tokon $ 5,541, no Kapital Dezenvolvimentu iha tokon $ 825. Iha sorin seluk alokasaun kada instituisaun maka Gabinete MDS hamutuk tokon $ 3,066, Sekretaria Estadu Defeza (SED) tokon $ 3,046, F-FDTL tokon $ 24.686, Sekretaria Estadu Siguransa (SES) tokon $ 8,461, no PNTL tokon $ 24.648.
Husi OJE 2013 ne’ebé aloka ba MDS tuir Fundasaun Mahein (FM) katak orsamentu ne’ebé preve iha sasidik balu ne’ebé FM nota iha rubrika orsamental ne’ebé aloka ba despezas públika sira iha instituisaun MDS. Gabinete MDS nian iha rubrika transferensia públika hamutuk $ 200 hodi halo pagamentu pesoais sira maibe la iha esplikasaun iha livru orsamentu, osan ne’e hodi se los no ba ema na’in hira?
Rubrika seluk ne’ebé FM nota iha alokasaun ba SES, aloka orsamentu hamutuk tokon $ 211 ba Dirasaun Nasional Prevensaun Konflitu Komunitariu (DNPKK) no Departamentu Polisia Komunitaria – PNTL la iha alokasaun orsamentu rasik. FM husu ba SES reforsa inisiativa Komando Distrital sira hanesan inisiativa Komandu Distrital Bobonaro no Aileu ne’ebé ho nia inisiativa hari Konsellu Polisiamentu Komunitariu (KPK) no Distritu Likisa hari Siguransa Voluntariu ne’ebé involve autoridade lokal, joventude feto no mane, lia na’in no arte marsiais. Maibe implementasaun KPK no Siguransa Voluntairu, durante ne’e hetan deit apoiu orsamentu husi doador sira. Tanba ne’e, SES presiza tau orsamentu ba polisia komunitaria atu mellora diak tan servisu iha baze no sai pontu forte ba implementasaun atividade maka polisia komunitaria iha rekursu umanu to’o nivel suku kompara ho DNPKK.
Rubrika seluk ba manutensaun veikulu nian iha F-FDTL ba manutensaun veúkulu (kareta, motor no ró) hamutuk tokon $ 2,181 no iha PNTL alokasaun ba rubrika manutensaun ba veúkulu hamutuk tokon $ 1,203. Hare ba alokasaun rubrika manutensaun ba veukulu hetan konsikuensia tanba laiha polítika uniformizasaun ba sosa kareta no motor hodi utiliza veukulu hirak ne’e hodi rezulta estragus ne’ebé boot no ikus mai hatodan deit despeza públiku ba manutensaun.
Asuntu seluk sosa ekipamentu siguransa ba PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé preve iha livru orsamentu sei sosa kilat ba Unidade Patrullamentu Fronteira (UPF) hamutuk 100 no ba F-FDTL hamutuk 250. FM kestiona ba asuntu sosa kilat presiza involve peritu hodi halo estudu no analiza ba prosesu ida ne’e no presiza iha akordu entre estadu no estadu no kompañia no estadu kona-bá kontrolu kilat nian.
Rekomendasaun Fundasaun Mahein:
1. Rekomenda ba Paralmentu Nasional Komisaun B, atu hala’o fiskalizasaun rigor hodi bele asegura katak ezekusaun orsamentu tuir duni planu ne’ebé trasa ona.
2. Rekomenda ba governu atu define polítika manutensaun ba ekipamentu ne’ebé instituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL no instituisaun siguransa sira seluk, liu husi kriasaun emprensa públika ida atu responsabiliza ba manutensan no uniformizasaun sosa veukulu sira.
3. Rekomenda SES hodi tetu fila fali kriasaun DNPKK, tuir FM nia hare hanesan aktu inefisiente no efikasia, ho hamosu deit sobre pozisaun iha operasionalidade.
4. Rekomenda ba SES no SED presiza estabelse ekipa ida ne’ebé involve mos peritu sira hodi halo estudu no analiza sosa kilat nian atu bele asegura katak kilat ne’e kualidade duni. Estabelese mos akordu ho kompañia ne’ebé fornesedor kilat hodi bele garantia ba kontrolu kilat nian.
Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Telemovel: +670 7737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein, 30 January 2013
Press Release
Analysis of State Budget 2013 for Ministry of Defense and Security Civil Society Perspective
Government has submitted the proposal of State General Budget (SGB) 2013 to the Parliament National and it is in the hearing process and to be discussed in February 2013.
Mahein Voice No 45 analyzes the allocation of State General Budget for Ministry of Defense and Security according to Civil Society Perspective. The proposed budget of SGB 2013 allocate $ 107, 259 million to the Ministry of Defense and Security. This budget derives from Consolidate Fund (FK) $64,506 million, Special Fund (FE) and Infra structure Fund $20,899.72 million and Donor Money $21,852 million. Allocation of Consolidate Fund to Ministry of Defense and Security totaling $ 64, 506 million; this fund is administered from the structure of Ministry of Defense and Security.
The Budget allocation to Ministry of Defense and Security in the expense category shown in the rubric of Salary and payment totaling $ 25,870, goods and services totaling $31,771, Public Transference totaling $200, Minor Capital totaling $5,541, and development capital $ 825. On the other hand, the budget allocation to each institution range from Cabinet of Ministry of Defense and Security $ 3,066, Secretary State of Defense $ 3,046, F-FDTL $ 24. 686, Secretary State of Security $ 8,461, and PNTL $ 24,648.
From State General Budget 2013 that allocate to Ministry of Defense and Security, Fundasaun Mahein (FM) argue there are some hindrance in the budget for the public expenses. In the Cabinet of Ministry of Defense and Security, there is $ 200 for individual payment, however there is no explanation in the budget book, therefore who and how many people shall be paid with this money
Fundasaun Mahein notes that SES allocate $ 211 to National Direction of Community Conflict Prevention (NDCCP) however there is no budget allocation to Community Police Department from PNTL. Fundasaun Mahein appeal to SES to reenforce the initiatives of District Commanders such the initiative of Bobonaro and Aileu District Commander to establish Council of Community Police (CCP) and District Liquisa established Security Volunteer that involved local authorities, youth groups, local leaders and martial arts groups. However the implementation of CCP and Security Volunteer is funded by donors. Therefore, SES needs to allocate money for Community Police to improve their services and human resource of Police community to carry out activities of conflict prevention to the village unlike NDCCP.
Another issue is vehicle maintenance. The budget for vehicle maintenance in F-FDTL totaling $2,181 and PNTL totaling $1,203. Fundasaun Mahein notes that there is no uniformity of vehicle purchase and usage which resulted in much damage that at the end burden the public expense and maintenance.
Another issue is to purchase security equipments for PNTL and F-FDTL for instance it is prescribed in the budget book to purchase 100 guns for Border Patrol Unit (BPU) and 250 guns for F-FDTL. Fundasaun Mahein question this act needs to involve the gun experts to carry out comprehensive study and analyze about the guns and it requires an agreement between government to government and government to company about the gun purchase.
Fundasaun Mahein Recommends;
a. To National Parliament Commission B, to conduct a rigid budget fiscalization to guarantee the execution of budget according to the plan.
b. To government to define a maintenance politic for the equipment in the PNTL and F-FDTL and other institution to create state public company to undertake maintenance and uniformity of vehicle.
c. To SES to rethink the duty and responsibility NDCCP, Fundasaun Mahein view this act as inefficient and inefficacy, also create the confusion in operation position.
d. To SES and SED to establish a team to involve the expert to conduct comprehensive study about gun to guarantee the quality of guns. and to establish an agreement between government and company to guarantee the gun control mechanism.
For further information, please contact:
Nélson Belo Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Website: HYPERLINK “”
E-mail: HYPERLINK “”
Telemovel: +670 7737 4222
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