Progresu no Dezafiu Kooperasaun Defeza Timor-Leste

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Foto: Julio Tomas Pinto

Fundasaun Mahein, 27 Setembru 2013

Komunikadu Imprenza

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 59 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun tetum,pdf) (English Version.pdf) halo analiza kona-bá Kooperasaun defeza Timor-Leste ne’ebé durante ne’e la’o, intensifikasaun kooperasaun ho viziñu sira hanesan Australia no Indonezia no nasaun sira seluk iha rejiaun ASEAN, paízes potensia ekonomiku sira inklui bloku komunidade ko’alia lian Portuges ka Comunidade das Países Lingua Portugues – CPLP no nasaun sira iha rejiaun Asia Pasifiku nian.

Kooperasaun hirak ne’e Timor-Leste ativu tebes no kontinua hametin iha area formasaun sira ne’ebé nesesita ba F-FDTL no husi knáal bilateral sira nia tulun kontinua promove instituisaun F-FDTL iha nivel komunidade internasional. Maibe presiza rekuiñese mos katak kooperasaun defeza ne’ebé halo sei iha liña entre progresu no dezafiu nia laran.

Kooperasaun defeza entre Timor-Leste ho nasaun ASEAN no paizes potensia ekonomiku sira iha rejiaun no pasifika nian seidauk asina nota intedementu, iha deit akordu entre instituisaun milítar. Ida ne’e sai preoukupasaun ba lideransa masimu F-FDTL no husu Governu fo konsideransaun kona-bá prosedementu legal ba kooperasaun defeza Timor-Leste ho nasaun estranjeiru sira.

Tanba, kestaun legal (MoU) maka sei define kona-bá kooperasaun ninia lala’ok no garante ba atividade saida deit ne’ebé hala’o entre nasaun Timor-Leste no nasaun sira iha area kooperasaun defeza nian. Maske atinji progresu lubuk ida iha kooperasaun ne’e rasik.


1. Rekomenda ba Governu atu kontinua hametin kooperasaun bilateral ho nasaun sira iha rejiaun ASEAN, Azia Pasifiku no nasaun Bloku CPLP hodi dezenvolve instituisaun F-FDTL. Governu presiza define didiak konseitu polítika treinamentu ne’ebé avansadu ba instituisaun F-FDTL atu nune’e bele responde ameasa global iha rejiaun ASEAN no Azia Pasifiku.

2. Rekomenda ba Governu atu halo revizaun ba akordu SOFA entre Timor-Leste no Estadus Unidus Amerika inklui mos lori MoU ne’ebé asina ona ba Parlamentu Nasional atu halo aprovasaun.

3. Rekomenda ba Governu presiza halo mudansa husi soft cooperation ba hard cooperation ne’ebé foka ba estratéjia milítar atu nune’e F-FDTL bele iha kapasidade naton ho milítar husi nasaun sira iha rejiaun ASEAN no Azia Pasifiku.

Atu hatene kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretur Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp: +670 7737 4222

Fundasaun Mahein, 27 September 2013

Press Release

Progress and Challenges for Timor-Leste’s Defense Cooperation Efforts

This report examines defense cooperation efforts between Timor-Leste and neighboring countries such as Australia and Indonesia, countries in the ASEAN region, countries in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLC), and other countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Timor-Leste has active partnerships with countries in these areas and hopes to strengthen cooperation in F-FDTL related activities through bilateral channels, to continually help promote the F-FDTL’s visibility and presence in the international community. However, it should be recognized that defense cooperation has been achieved along with challenges.

Defense partnerships among ASEAN countries and other economic-partnership countries in the ASEAN and Asia Pacific region have not yet been officially recognized through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). To date, they have only been agreed upon between military institutions. This has concerned the F-FDTL’s leadership, who have requested that the government consider legal agreements to recognize Timor Leste’s defense cooperation with foreign countries.

The legal agreements (MoU) will decide the form of cooperation and guarantee all activities that are to be conducted by Timor-Leste and partnership countries. Though certain progress has already been achieved in defense cooperation, this legal agreement will provide official recognition and legitimacy to these activities.


1. Recommend to the government to continue strengthening bilateral cooperation with countries in the ASEAN region, Asia Pacific region and countries in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLC) in order to further develop the F-FDTL. The government should create a clearly defined F-FDTL advanced training policy in order to better respond to global threats in the ASEAN and Asia Pacific region.

2. Recommend to the government to review the Status of Foces Agreement (SOFA) accord between Timor-Leste and the United States, which includes approving the signing of an MoU by the National Parliament.

3. Recommend to the government to change from soft cooperation to hard cooperation, specifically with regard to the military’s strategy to increase the F-FDTL capacity to equal the military capacity of other countries in the ASEAN and Asia Pacific region.

For more information about the subject above contact:

Nélson Belo
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlf: +670 7737 4222

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