Komprimentu Disiplinar Dezafiu ba Instituisaun PNTL-F-FDTL

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Dokumentu FM

Dokumentu FM

Fundasaun Mahein, 26 Fevereiru 2014

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú. 71 (Relatoriu kompletu versaun Tetun.pdf), (English Version.pdf) halo análiza kona-bá komprimentu disiplina dezafiu ba insituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL, komprementu disiplina iha instituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL sai hanesan mata dalan ba elementu sira hotu atu hala’o sira nia serbisu tuir regulamentu disiplinar no lei aplikavel sira seluk iha instituisaun nia naran.

Maske regulamentu iha ona maibe realidade hatudu katak elementu PNTL no F-FDTL balun seidauk kumpri didiak regulamentu iha instituisaun hodi komete krime. Hahalok violensia hanesan sadik ema no baku ema iha bar, hatudu jeitu premanizmu iha komunidade nia leet sai fatór ne’ebé hamosu odiu no vigansa iha komunidade nia hanoin hodi baku elementu balun iha militar no polisia, fora husi oras serbisu nian.

Tuir Fundasaun Mahein nia monitorizasaun hatudu katak akontesementu barak ne’ebé involve ema sivil hodi halo asaun krime hasoru membru Polisia ou militar no konsege rezulta elementu PNTL no F-FDTL balun mate tanba hetan baku no oho husi ema deskuiñesidu. Hanesan iha tinan 2012 elementu F-FDTL ida hetan agresaun fiziku husi ema deskuiñesidu ne’ebé rezulta vitima hakotu iis iha Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV). Nune’e mos iha 2012, elementu PNTL ida hetan oho husi grupu deskuiñesidu iha Suku Tashilin Sub-Distritu Zumalai, Distritu Covalima.

Husi kazu hirak ne’ebé FM relata iha leten ejize Governu hodi trasa politika kontrolu ne’ebé efetivu inklui kontinua dezenvolve rekursu umamu. No, tenki aplika sansaun forte ba elementu PNTL no F-FDTL ne’ebé hakat lei disiplinar nian.

Fundasaun Mahein nia Rekomendasaun:

1. Rekomenda ba Ministeiru Defeza no Siguransa liu husi Sekretariu Estadu Defeza no Siguransa hamosu kontrolu polítika ida ne’ebé efikasia ba dezenvolvimentu iha intituisaun PNTL no F-FDTL, partikularmente iha area rekursu umanu, nune’e bele reforma mentalidade elementu sira.

2. Rekomenda ba Komandu PNTL no F-FDTL hametin aplikasaun lei disiplinar nian no aplika prosesu disiplinar seriu ba elementu PNTL no F-FDTL sira ne’ebé komete infrasaun disiplinar.

Atu hatene kle’an li’u kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Direktur Ezekutivu FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Telefon (+670) 7737 4222 ka bele kontaktu (+670) 7756 1184

Fundasaun Mahein, 26 February 2014

Press Release

Obedience and Discipline in the PNTL and F-FDTL

Mahein’s Voice report No.71 examines the levels of obedience and discipline exhibited by members of the PNTL and F-FDTL. Analyzing these aspects allows for a greater understanding of the capabilities of the PNTL and F-FDTL as institutions.

Although both organizations have policies and regulations in place, some PNTL and F-FDTL members choose to ignore their mandate. Violations that have been committed include provocations and physical altercations at bars. Such incidents are frowned upon heavily by community members, and pose a retribution threat by people seeking to attack military and police members when they are off-duty.

FM’s monitoring has identified numerous incidents in which disputes between civilians and police or military officers led to violence. In some cases that have yet to be solved, unidentified attackers killed PNTL and F-FDTL members. One such case took place in 2012, when unidentified perpetrators attacked a F-FDTL member. He died in the National Hospital Guido Valadares. In another case in 2012, a PNTL officer was attacked and killed by an unidentified group in Tashilin village, in the Zumalai sub-district of Covalima.

In response to this problem, FM urges the government to prioritize a policy response to this declining discipline, and to continue to develop human resources in security sector institutions. In addition, strong penalties must be enacted against PNTL and F-FDTL members who do not obey disciplinary protocol and regulations.

Fundasaun Mahein’s Recommendations:

1. Recommend to the Ministry of Defense and Security through the Secretary of State for Defense and Security to create a mechanism for political control over the development of the PNTL and F-FDTL institutions, particularly in the area of human resources, which would have a positive impact on the mentality of the members.

2. Recommend that the command of the PNTL and F-FDTL strengthen disciplinary measures to ensure that PNTL and F-FDTL members who break regulations are punished accordingly.

For further information on this topic please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Web: www.fundasaunmahein.org
E-mail: direktor.mahein@gmail.com
Contact Number: (+670) 7737 4222 or (+670) 7756 1184

9 thoughts on “Komprimentu Disiplinar Dezafiu ba Instituisaun PNTL-F-FDTL”

  1. Saudasoes ba maluk sira…!
    hau atu fo komentariu ointwan konaba, membro PNTL ho F.FDTL, liu-liu ba atitude pesoal nebe durante ne’e hatudo ba komunidade iha pais ida ne’e;
    1. mentalidade patriotisme no nasionalisme laiha ba membro ka oknum nebe kada sira idak-idak (pesoal) iha.
    2. recursu humanus nebe limitado, liu-liu ba konhesementu konaba Lei, no fungsaun ne’ebe sira hhaknar-an ba
    3. konhesemento ba formasaun la dun maksimo
    4. estado persisa hadia lei kodigo prosesu penal liu-liu konaba knar no funsaun PNTL nian
    5. persisa loke akademia militaria hodi fo informasaun ba kada cidadaun timor oan nebe hakarak servi nasaun ho povo liu husi PNTL ka F.FDTL, atu nune’e sira remata estudo molok rekruta ba sai membro PNTL ka F FDTL.

    karik liu husi mekanismo hirak ne’e iha ita hotu espera katak garantia siguransa no justica iha ita nia rai sei lao ho diak tuir povo ida ne’e sira nia hakarak .

  2. Hau mos Nudar cidadaun Timor Nebe dala barak assiste ita nia Forca FDTL,PNTL hahalok barak liu hatud an hanesan Algem/preman gosta uja forca atu intimida ema,gosta patrolia Halo cobransa ba loja2,bainhira halao patrolia Grupo ho Lori Tua iha kareta laran.attitude hahalok sira hatudu laiha vokasaun atu servi povu,contrario ho Lei Nebe vigora iha ita nia Forca percisa kapasita sira an liu husi treino,kursu ,escola ,atu nune iha oin ita bele iha PNTl mo Fdtl Nebe professional ba sira nia servicu.obrigado.viva Timor leste

  3. tuir hw nia hanoin lei nebe regula membro PNTL k FDTL sira ne ladun forte,, maske ita here iha sira nia instituisaun lei ne iha atu regula sira mybe iha sira nia servisu fatin dt,,,sekuandu iha liur PNTL no FDTL sira mos fiar an ktak sira lutu ba nasaun ema seluk tauk sira, mybe lae,,,katak o forsa so iha fardadus mak halo o forte maybe iha tempu sai ba liur ema seluk bele hakotu o nia vida,,,,ne mk ita dhn,, Forsa sira labele fiar an no foti an tenki hakraik an ba ema,, atu nune ema seluk labele rai odio, no vigansa,,,iha parte seluk sira mos gosta halimar ema nia oan feto, gosta halo kobransa ilegal, no gosta tama sai bar,,,, oinsa mak ema labele rai odio ba sira,,,? krk sira rsik la regula sira nian, tuir lei nebe maromak fo sira wainhira sira moris iha mundu ida ne’e,,,,,?

    kontenti ba sira nebe haraik-an, no tanis ba sira nebe foti-an.

  4. Nudar sidadadun, estudante no Joventude hau hakarak hato hau nia komentrio

    1. Ita nia membru Policia no Militar, agora dadaun ne falta iha moral disiplina ba an rasik, sira laos halo ema atu respeito sira maibe tauk fali, tmba atu estraga.
    Self dicipline importante.

    2. Militar no Policia lolos serve povu, maibe onseluk fali iha ita nia rai, ita mak serve fali, pocu tauk fali kuandu hare sira, exemplu iha nasaun seluk hanesan USA, ema kontenti wainhira hare sira nia Policia no Militar, tamba serve povu ho diak, ema respect tebes sira,

    3. Utilizasaun armas mor arbiru deit, lori fali ba kasa animal fuik, tama festa lori hotu, ne lolos labele, exemplu ida tan, Policia no Militar iha Nasaun Kik SINGAPORE, ita la hare sira nia militar kuandu lao iha estrada babain leba kilat bot. Depois ema mos la presija halo sira nia militar to isin bot, maibe ema prepara ema nia Policia no Militar nia KAKUTAK no MATENEK mak bot.
    Isin bot maibe kakutak kik hanesan deit.

    Ita presija Policia no Militar nebe bele sai Heroi ba Povu, hanesan ita nia Veteranus sira nebe servi duni ba Povu no Nasaun.

    Kmanek Wain

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