Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 27 Janeiru 2017
Komunikadu Imprensa
Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 118 (Versaun Tetun. pdf) (Englis Version.pdf) kona-bá iha tinan 2010 relatóriu Fundasaun Mahein (FM) identifika ona kanal ka odamatan iha fronteira Repúblika Indonézia (RI) no Repúblika Demokratika Timor-Leste (RDTL) nian ne’ebé utiliza husi grupu krime organizadu hodi tama-sai liu husi aereo, terestre no maritima. Portantu grupu krime organizadu haree katak kanal sira ne’e fasil liu tama-sai, tamba kontrolu husi autoridade seguransa sei fraku, menus ba ekipamentu no fasilidade sira hodi kontrola no dektekta. Problema ida ne’e FM rekomenda ona katak parte rua RI-RDTL presiza jestaun no kontrolu fronteristiku ida ne’ebé rigorozu liu-liu kanal ka odamatan sira ne’ebé risku ba atividade illegal sira no husi grupu krime organizadu.
Iha tinan rohan 2016 monitorizasaun FM nian iha Munisipiu Covalilma kona-bá operasaun krime organizadu ne’ebé involve suspeitu ho sidadaun Atambua – Indonézia no Covalima – Timor-Leste. Tipu husi krime organizadu ne’e ho forma fo kreditu sasan ba kliente sira ne’ebé hakarak simu kreditu sasan hodi loke loja ka kios. Maibe antes simu kreditu refere tenke sai uluk membru ho nia kriteria tenke hatama uluk osan administrasaun nian. Iha ne’ebé, ema ne’ebé fo kreditu mai ho kompañia ne’ebé nia baze sentral iha Atambua – Indonézia ho naran COMPANHIA MITRATIN GROUP, Lda lidera husi sidadaun Indonézia ida (Timor-oan ne’ebé uluk refujiadu iha Atambua) hanesan komisariu ba kompañia no nia ramu iha Timor-Leste nia baze iha Dili lidera husi sidadaun Timor-oan ida hanesan Jestor Programa no nia kliente sira iha munisipiu sira hanesan Ainaro, Bobonaro no Covalima. Hodi hala’o kompañia nia atividade fo kreditu ba kliente sira, kompañia refere rekruta mos ninia funsionariu sira hodi buka nia kliente. Maske nune’e, FM identifika katak kompañia refere la iha lisensa ba atividade nian ka kompañia ilegal hodi lohi ema sira ne’ebé hakarak simu kreditu nune’e hetan lukru husi atividade refere.
Nune’e mos FM identifika mos viaturas ilegal hanesan kareta no motor hamutuk 6000 husi Indonézia tama ilegalmente iha Timor-Leste desde tinan 2000 to’o 2016. Husi total viaturas hirak ne’e, maioria tama liu husi dalan legal ka odamatan seguransa no fasilita husi autoridade seguransa sira iha fronteira. Rezultadu monitorizasaun FM identifika viaturas sira ne’e naok husi grupu krime organizadu sira iha Indonézia husi kareta rental ka kareta sira ne’ebé fo aluga iha Java no hatama liu husi Provinsia Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) – Indonézia mai iha Timor-Leste liu husi fronteira terrestre RI – RDTL.
Viaturas sira ne’e balu nu’udar rezultadu husi atividade naok husi grupu krime organizadu no suspeitu husi kazu ida ne’e balu konsege kaptura husi autoridade seguransa Indonézia nian wainhira sira tenta lori sai kareta husi Java mai iha Kupang NTT – Indonézia no barak konsege hakat fronteira RI – RDTL. FM identifika forma seluk husi atividade grupu krime organizadu nian la’os deit naok maibe ho maneira seluk ho kreditu ba dealear ka fa’an na’in sira iha Java – Indonézia. FM identifika katak rede krime organizadu nia sentru iha Jogjakarta no Kupang – Indonézia. Autor sira husi krime organizadu iha ninia ezekutador iha kampu ka terenu hodi ezekuta. Kareta sira ne’ebé naok husi grupu krime organizadu identifika ho tipu Avanza no Xenia no distinasaun ikus liu maka iha Dili – Timor-Leste. Hafoin viaturas sira ne’e to’o iha Dili, fa’an na’an sira sira fa’an fila fali ba públiku. Identifika mos katak viaturas sira hanesan kareta ho marka Avanza no Xenia nia folin entre US$ 7,500.00 to’o 12,000.00 no nia sapa matrikula troka ona ba sapa matrikula Timor-Leste nian.
Tuir autoridade Polisia Timor-Leste nian, PNTL rekuiñese viaturas sira ne’ebé naok husi grupu krime organizadu sira hatama ilegalmente mai iha Timor-Leste. Nune’e husi kareta hirak ne’ebé fa’an mai iha Timor-Leste no ida konsege autoridade seguransa Indonézia nian kaptura fila fali bainhira tama ba area Atambua – Indonézia iha tinan 2016 husi ema ne’ebé sosa kareta sira ne’e. Nune’e mos Autoridade seguransa Timor-Leste PNTL iha ona koordenasaun ho POLRI hodi kombate atividade kontrabandu iha fronteira RI – RDTL. Maibe susar identifika lolos paradeiru viaturas hirak ne’e nian maske ita hatene katak viaturas iha ne’e dadaun ne’e iha Timor-Leste. FM identifika katak kareta hirak ne’ebé husi atividade kontrabandu iha fronteira RI – RDTL la’os deit sosa husi pesoal balu maibe involve mos grupu boot sira husi ema ne’ebé iha poder. Hanesan fo sai ona husi relatóriu media lokal Indonézia nian katak kareta hirak hatama iha tempu kalan bainhira odamatan seguransa taka ona no tama liu husi odamatan legal fronteira RI – RDTL, Mota-Ain. Signifika katak autoridade seguransa RI – RDTL iha kuiñesementu ba movimentu ne’e nian no la’os ona segredu katak autoridade seguransa sira maka fasilita.
Aleinde fasilita husi autoridade seguransa iha fronteira, sosa na’in sira husi Timor-Leste involve mos “grupu boot seluk” hodi hetan fundu ba interese seluk mos. No ida ne’e PNTL presiza buka tuir paradeiru kareta hirak ne’e nian, liu-liu kareta sira ho marka Avanza no Xenia ninia paradeiru agora iha ne’ebé? Husi ne’e bele identifika ona grupu boot ne’ebé hanesan sosa na’in ba kareta ilegal sira ne’ebé hakat fronteira RI – RDTL ne’ebé dadaun ne’e kareta hirak ne’e nia sapa matrikula troka ona ba Timor-Leste nian. Nune’e mekanismu sira hodi identifika aleinde liu husi Diresaun Nasional Transporte Terreste (DNTT) Ministériu Obras Públika, Transporte no Komunikasaun (MOPTK) nian no importante mos verifika iha Diresaun Nasional Patrimoniu Estadu – Ministériu Finansa nian hodi konfirma katak kareta sira ho marka Avanza ho Xenia tama duni iha pakote ne’ebé Governu Timor-Leste sosa no dadaun hakerek iha lolon “Kareta Estadu” nian.
Nune’e mos medida kontinuasaun husi parte rua autoridade seguransa RI – RDTL nian hodi kombate krime transnasional ne’ebé hakat fronteira kontinua hametin koordenasaun no kooperasaun hanesan parte ida husi implementasaun ba Nota Intendementu (Memorandum of Understanding) ne’ebé POLRI no PNTL asina ona iha tinan 2009 no MoU sira tuir mai hodi halo monitorizasaun, prevene no kombate krime transnasional sira hakat fronteira RI – RDTL nian.
1. Rekomenda autoridade Seguransa RI – RDTL presiza haforsa koordenasaun no kooperasaun iha âmbitu jestaun no kontrolu fronteristiku nian iha fronteira terrestre RI – RDTL.
2. Autoridade seguransa Timor-Lese hodi kontinua halo investigasaun kle’an liu tan ba kazu sira ne’ebé deskreve iha leten ba krime sira hakat fronteira RI – RDTL husi grupu krime organizadu sira.
Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:
Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 78316075 no 77561184
Transnational Crime Activities at the International border between Timor-Leste and Indonesia
Press Release
In 2010, a report by Fundasaun Mahein (FM) identified the land border of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (RDTL), as an area which is used by organized crime groups (OCG’s) for their illegal activities. This has included cross-border infiltration by air, land and sea, as these OCG’s know that the border territory is porous and easy to cross, due to a lack of control by security authorities, who lack the equipment, facilities and capacity for detecting and preventing illegal border crossings. FM has previously recommended that both the RDTL and RI enact stronger joint border control mechanisms to deter and counter the activities of OCG’s engaging in transnational crime across their shared border.
At the end of 2016, FM’s monitoring in Covalima identified supects from Atambua-Indonesia and Covalima-Timor-Leste, where an OCG created a credit system for clients requiring local currency to establish businesses. However, before they receive such credits they have to fulfill the criteria to be a member by providing an administation fund. The credits are leant from a company based in Atambua – Indonesia called COMPANHIA MITRATIN GROUP Lda, run by an Indonesian citizen (a Timorese refugee who lives in Atambua ) who works as the commissary for the company, and its board is Dili is led by a Timorese man working as program manager. Their clients are based in Ainaro, Bobonaro and Covalima Disctricts. This company while lending credits to its clients, also seeks to recruit new ones. Yet, FM has determined that the company has no licence for performing such activities, and consider it to be illegal, as it manipulates its clients in order to gain its own benefit.
FM identified as well around 6000 vehicles (cars and motorbikes) imported from Indonesia illegally to Timor-Leste from 2000 through to 2016. The majority of these vehicles cross the border at security checkpoints, facilitated by security authorities at the border. FM understands that these vehicles are being stolen by OCGs in Indonesia, who rent the vehicles in Java then transport them to the province of Nusa Tengara Timur (NTT), from where they are moved across the RI-RDTL border.
Indonesian security authorities have arrested numerous suspects purported to be involved in these activities, who were arrested when attempting to send the vehicles from Java to NTT, Kupang. FM understands these OCG networks to be based in Yogyakarta and Kupang. Once these stolen vehicles (Xenia and Avanza models) arrive in Dili, they are sold for between US $7500 and $12 000, with their number plates changed from Indonesian registration to that of Timor-Leste.
The PNTL has an agreement with Indonesian National Police (POLRI) to combat contraband activities on the RI-RDTL border. However, it has proven difficult for them to identify those stolen vehicles once they have been smuggled into Timor-Leste. FM also believes that these vehicles are not only purchased by individuals, but by powerfully placed individuals and groups within Timor-Leste. That the majority of vehicles pass through security checkpoints on both sides of the RI-RDTL border signifies that the elements within the security forces on both sides of the border are complicit in these illegal activities, and directly facilitate the movement of contraband goods by OCG’s.
This illegal importation racket may be being used to generate additional income for customers buying these vehicles in bulk orders in Timor-Leste. Therefore, the PNTL should be actively seeking to identify the vehicles involved in these transactions, in order to identify those individuals and/or groups who are taking advantage of this for their own self-interest. Increased monitoring of cross-border vehicle traffic would be the best means of determining their delivery locations, those responsible for distribution and their customers.
It also essential that the agencies responsible for vehicle registration, and the purchase and distribution of state vehicles, The National Directorate of Land Transportation (DNTT) and The Ministry of Pubic Reconstruction, Transport and Communications (MOPTK), use the mechanisms available to them to verify that vehicles delivered with “Kareta Estadu” (State Car) markings are actually purchased legitimately.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2009, between the POLRI and the PNT to combat transnational crime along the border also needs to be strengthened, towards effective implementation on both sides of the border.
1.Security authorities of RI and RDTL need to strengthen coordination and cooperation, in terms of management, detection and control along the border territory between RI and RDTL.
2.Security authorities of Timor-Leste must continue to investigate the cases described above, towards identifying those involved, inclusive of OCG members, complicit security actors, and purchasing agents and customers knowingly engaging in illegal activities
For more details on this issue, please contact:
Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184