Fundasaun Mahein (FM) hetan surpresa diak ida wainhira hatene husi Outreach Matrix ba fulan Marsu 2012 ne’e katak vizitantes ne’ebe akompanha FM nian website iha fulan liu ba ne’e sae tan deit. Vizitantes total ba iha fulan Marsu 2012 sae to’o 2270 i ida ne’e hatudu katak dezde tinan ida ne’e komesa vizitantes website nian aumenta tan deit (1497 iha Jan 2012 & 1853 iha Feb 2012).
Durante fulan rua liu ba ne’e FM halo publikasaun rua husi Mahein Nia Lian (MNL) relatoriu MNL No. 31 Estrada A’at Impede Seguransa Elesaun & MNL No. 32 Pratika Money Politika iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2012). Conferência da imprensa ida mak ami hala’o wainhira ami atu halo publikasaun ba MNL ikus liu ne’e iha 28 de Marsu. Sanolu resin ida Hanoin Lisuk (Blog entries) mak ami konsege publika ba iha ami nian website ho komentariu ba various asuntos hanesan Avo Francisco Xavier Do Amaral nain mate too ami nian parabens ba aniversariu PNTL ba tinan 12.
Nune’e, iha Marsu 17, FM halao radio talk show iha Community Radio Centre ne’ebe debate kona ba kordenasaun PNTL ho STAE nian hodi asegura siguransa durante tempu eleisaun. Bainaka iha Talk Show ne’e inlkui mos Segundu Kommandante Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Afonso De Jesus, STAE Adjuntu Diretor Acilino Manuel Branco nomos Diretor FM Nelson Belo. Kopia Radio Talk Show ne’e bele hetan no bele download husi ami nian website.
Iha fulan Marsu nia laran mos, FM hetan intervista husi jornalista nasional hamutuk dala 24 no jornalista internasional hamutuk dala 6, hanesan The Age, ABC TV, Media Trouw husi Holanda, Voa News, Reuters Jakarta, Media husi Brazil no Australia. FM mos hetan record boot konaba atividade FM ne’ebe publika iha media durante fulan Marsu hamutuk 43, publikasaun hirak ne’e hanesan iha radio hamutuk 26, Jornal 8, online 8 inklui TV 1. Publikasaun ne’e la sura ho fulan Janeiru no Febreiru nian.
Ami hakarak agradese ami nian apoiantes sira hotu iha mondu tomak ne’ebe mak supporta ami. Apoiantes barak liu mak mai husi USA, Australia no Timor-Leste. Klaro ke appoiates hirak ne’e mai husi estudantes Timorenses ne’ebe mak agora dadaun istuda iha rai liur nomos kommunidade Timorenses sira iha rai liur ne’eba. Ami nia agradese bo’o ida ba imi hotu tanba imi nian apoiu mak motiva ami hodi kontinua ami nian servisu atu hari’i seitor seguransa ida ne’ebe mak efisienti, transparenti no demokratiku iha Timor-Leste. Bele klik Matriks FM
Outreach March 2012
Fundasaun Mahein (FM) was pleasantly surprised when conducting its outreach matrix for the month of March to see a significant rise in the number of visits onto our website during the past month. The total number of visits amounted to 2270 for March 2012, marking a steady increase since the start of the year (1497 in Jan 2012 & 1853 in Feb 2012).
During the past month, FM undertook the publishing of two Mahein Nia Lian (MNL) reports (MNL No. 31 Bad roads impede the election security & MNL No. 32 The Practice of Money Politics in the 2012 Presidential Election). A press conference was organized to mark the publication of our latest MNL on the 28th of March. Eleven Hanoin Lisuk (blog entries) were also drafted and published onto our website, offering commentary on various issues ranging from the passing away of Francisco Xavier Do Amaral to congratulating the PNTL on their 12th year anniversary.
Furthermore, on the 17th of March, FM produced a radio talk show on Community Radio Centre, debating on the issue of coordination between the PNTL & STAE to ensure security during the elections. Guests included PNTL Deputy Commander, Afonso De Jesus, STAE Director, Tomas Cabral and FM Executive Director Nelson Belo. A copy of the radio talk show ready to be downloaded has been made available on our website.
During the month of March, FM was interviewed 24 times by national journalists and 6 times by international journalists. International media included The Age Newspaper, ABC TV, Voa News, Reuters Jakarta as well as media outlets from Brazil, Holland and Australia. FM publications and activities for the month of March were reported in the national media 43 times (radio: 26, Newspapers: 8, Online: 8, TV: 1).
We would like to thank all our followers from around the world who continue to support us. The bulk of our online followers come from Indonesia, USA, Australia and Timor-Leste. Undoubtedly, Timorese students studying abroad as well as the rest of the Timorese Diaspora make up the bulk of those following us from overseas. A big thank you to all of you as this motivates us further to continue our work and pursue our objectives for a more efficient, transparent and democratic security sector in Timor-Leste.