Pareser ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional Kona-bá Proposta Lei Sobre os Crimes de Fabrico, Importação, Transporte, Venda, Cessão ou Porte de Rama Ambon, Utilização de Armas Brancas para Prática de Crimes e de Prática Ilícita das Artes Marciais e de Rituais

Pareser ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional Kona-bá Proposta Lei Sobre os Crimes de Fabrico, Importação, Transporte, Venda, Cessão ou Porte de Rama Ambon, Utilização de Armas Brancas para Prática de Crimes e de Prática Ilícita das Artes Marciais e de Rituais post thumbnail image
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Foto Espesial

Fundasaun Mahein (FM), 10 Fevereiru 2017

Komunikadu Imprensa

Liu husi Mahein Nia Lian Nú 120 (Versaun Tetun.pdf) kona-bá Iha loron 6 Janeiru 2017 Konsellu Ministru aprova ona proposta lei kona-bá krime halo, importa, lori, fa’an, fo ka lori Rama Ambon, (instrumentu ne’ebé bele lori ho fasilidade ne’ebé lansa lámina, rama, seta ka rama isin), utilizasaun Arma Branka ba prátika krime, no prátika ilegál Arte Marsiál no Rituál sira. Esbosu lei refere to’o ona iha Meja Parlamentu Nasional nian hodi halo diskusaun no dadaun ne’e Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional halo konsulta ho entidade públiku no sosiedade sivil sira.

Portantu problema sira liga ho Arte Marsiais, Rituais, Arma Branka no Rama Ambon durante ne’e sai hanesan preokupasaun husi públiku tomak Timor-Leste. Iha ne’ebé Rezolusaun Governu No 16/2013 bandu total atividade sira husi Arte Marsiais maibe kontinua organiza malu, halo rekrutamentu no treinamentu ho suba-subar iha komunidade nia leet no ironiku liu-tan violênsia no krime sira liga ho Arte Marsiais aumenta maka’as liu-tan iha tinan sira ikus ne’e. Nune’e mos situasaun seluk iha kapital nasaun nian halo komunidade sira tauk la’o iha tempu kalan liu-liu iha estrada públiku tamba asaltu deskuinesidu ho Rama Ambon. Husi insidenti sira ne’ebé akontese vitima barak liu mai husi ema ho idade joven ne’ebé la’o iha tempu loraik no kalan. FM identifika katak vitima no suspeitu husi insidenti sira ne’e maioria involve membru sira husi Arte Marsiais no Arte Rituais balu.

Suspeitu ba kazu sira liga ho Arte Marsiais no Rama Ambon autoridade seguransa ka Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) kaptura bebeik ona maibe barak husi suspeitu sira ne’e hetan livre tamba la iha lei espesifiku ruma kriminaliza kona-bá pratika ilísita Arte Marsiais no Rituais, uzu Arma Branka no Rama Ambon hodi halo krime. Tamba ne’e FM apresia tebes ho kriasaun lei ida ne’e nian hodi regulariza no kriminaliza exersisiu ka treinamentu Arte Marsiais nian iha ne’ebé la tuir lei nia haruka ka lei nia bandu. Nune’e mos útilizasaun ba Arma Branka no Rama Ambon hodi prátika krime.

Maske nune’e iha lei ne’e seidauk klaru kona-bá ninia definisaun no nia pena ne’ebé aplika sei jeneraliza ba Arte Marsiais no Rituais hotu-hotu ne’ebé sei eziste no sira seluk ne’ebé taka tiha ona. Nune’e mos lei ne’e rasik seidauk refleta didiak ho kontestu Timor-Leste nian husi aspetu ekonómiku, sosial no kultural ninian.


FM rekomenda ba Komisaun A Parlamentu Nasional presiza konsulta mos ho entidade seluk husi prespetiva direitus umanus, lei no aspetu sira ekonómiku, sosial no kultura nian. Ho ida ne’e, lei ne’e bele refleta ho kontestu Timor-Leste nian bainhira implementa.

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an liu kona-bá asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu:

Nélson Belo
Diretor Ezekutivu
Telemovel: (+670) 7831 6075 no 7756 1184

Parliamentary Comittee A on the Proposed Law regarding the Importation, possession and sale of Weapons used in attacks by Martial and Ritual Arts Groups

Press Release

In January 2017, the Council of Ministers approved a proposed Law regarding crimes related to Rama Ambon attacks, include the importation, possession and sale of weapons used in these attacks. The draft law had been under discussion by Parliament, with Parliamentary Committee A recently consulting with public entities as well as Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s). The issue of Martial Arts Groups (MAG’s), Ritual Arts Groups (RAG’s), and melee weapon and arrow attacks are prominent in Timor-Leste at this time. Law No.16/2013, Extinction of Martial Arts Groups, forbade the activities of MAG’s engaging in violence. However, some MAG’s are continuing with their activities, secretly recruiting and training new members, whilst their has been an increasing link between MAG’s and criminal activities. These activities have threatened people’s safety and caused injuries and trauma, with Timorese citizens avoiding areas associated with MAG’s and Rama Ambon due to fear of attack. The majority of the victims of these attacks where young people going out at night. Fundasaun Mahein (FM) has identified that many of these victims are involved with MAG’s and/or RAG’s.

Suspects believed to be involved with MAG’s/RAG’s and Rama Ambon attacks have been captured by the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL), yet many of these suspects have been released due to a lack of specific legislation. FM is appreciative of this new Law to regulate these activities which are creating fear among Timorese citizens.

However, it is not yet clear regarding the definitions of MAG’s/RAG’s and involvement with such groups, nor the penalties for their proscribed activities. Nor have the economic, social and cultural ramifitcations been considered.


FM recommends that Committee A of the the National Parliament consults with other relevant stakeholders regarding human rights, legal penalties, and potential economic, social and cultural rammifications, in order to ensure the implementation of this Law appropriately reflects the context of Timor-Leste.

For more details on this issue, please contact:

Nélson Belo
Executive Director of FM
Phone: +670 78316075 or 7756 1184

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