Hodi kalan (1 Jullu 2013) Oras 09.00-10.00 oras timor iha area Marconi (area Dili Beach Hotel ho Edifisiu Ministerio Negosiu Estranjeiru nia kotuk) grupu Arte Marsial no geng sira halibur malu iha fatin refere. Enkontru grupu hirak ne’e nota katak sei iha ligasaun ho akontensementu konfrontasaun dahuluk nian wainhira mate isin vitima Arte Masial ida to iha Dili hosi Indonezia.
PNTL to’o iha fatin refere tarde liu hodi halo atuasaun, maske PNTL hetan ona informasaun antes kona-bá sorumutu geng sira ne’e.
Tanba ne’e, Fundasaun Mahein hato’o rekomendasaun ba PNTL atu proativu ba situasuan sira ne’ebé potensial tebes hodi hamosu konflitu. Tanba ida ne’e hatudu momos katak konfrontasaun entre Arte Masial ne’e planiadu duni kona-bá insedente sira iha Dili laran depois mate isin to’o. Ema hotu hatene katak konfrontasaun entre Arte Marsial ne’e sei akontense maibé tanba sa maka PNTL no autor siguransa sira labele halo asaun prevensaun nian? Ida ne’e ladun diak ba membru komunidade sira ne’ebé la sente siguru iha sira nia uma ka bairu rasik iha tempu kalan.
Nune’e mos, Fundasaun Mahein fo rekomendasaun ba povu sira kuando akontesementu hanesan sei iha tan, husu atu hakmatek iha uma hodi bolu ba Polisia sira ne’ebé besik iha postu; wainhira hare tan membru Arte Marsial sira hamutuk tan iha estrada ka iha bairu sira numeiru PNTL nian mak 7300-0112, wainhira iha urjensia liu bele liga ba numeru telefone 112.
Karik hetan kanek ruma atu ba lalais Hospital Nasional Guido Valaderes ho nia numeiru telefone 331-1088 ka klinika sira seluk bele liga ba numeiru telefone 331-0141 , nune’e mos mediku Aspen nia numeru telefone 331-1517. Ho kode telefone nasaun Timor-Leste maka +670.
Fundasaun Mahein mos rekomenda ba ema estranjeriu sira ka embaxada sira bele fornese sira nia numeru telefone ba tempu 24 oras nia laran, karik iha insidente ka konflitus ruma depois tempu servisu nian ho regularmente.
General Safety Recommendations & Phone Numbers
On Monday 1 July 2013 at approximately 9-10 pm in Marconi (the area behind Dili Beach Hotel and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) two opposing Martial Arts Gangs gathered to fight one another. The gathering was reportedly related to events from earlier in the day, when the body of a young Timorese man killed in Indonesia arrived in Timor-Leste.
The police reportedly arrived late to the scene, even though they had been called hours earlier as the teenagers began to gather.
Therefore, Fundasaun Mahein recommends that the police should be proactive in such situations with potential for conflict. This was clearly a planned incident. Everybody in the community knew this was happening, and it was at the end of an already-eventful day, so why was there no preventative action? It is not good to make community members concerned in the middle of the night.
Additionally, Fundasaun Mahein recommends that local community members that should stay in their houses and call their local police immediately if they should witness this type of negative gathering. The police can be reached at the phone number 7300-0112, and general emergencies should be directed to the phone number 112.
If injuries have already occurred, the phone number for Guido Valaderes National Hospital is 331-1088. Private clinics also exist, and Stamford Medical can be reached at 331-0141 while Aspen Medical can be reached at 331-1517. The phone country code for Timor-Leste is +670.
Fundasaun Mahein also recommends that international residents contact their embassies for a phone number for 24-hour assistance (if available), in case a conflict-related incident should happen after regular business hours.
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