Foto- Interpeace 2012
Dekretu Prezidente Repúblika N.o 27/2017, loron 2 Maiu marka ona loron 22 Jullu 2017 hanesan loron realizasaun ba eleisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional. Nune’e kampañia ba eleisaun nian la’o durante fulan ida no hahu ona iha loron 20 Juñu no sei ramata iha loron 19 Jullu 2017 husi partidu polítiku 21 konta ho bloku koligasaun ida ne’ebé rejista ona iha Tribunal Rekursu.
Monitorizasaun Fundasaun Mahein (FM) nian durante períodu sira ne’e no lidera iha loron dahuluk no daruak propaganda eleitoral nian ho ambiente ida hakmatek. Ne’e buat ida ne’ebé extraordinariu tebes depois tinan sanolu liu tiha iha istoria eleisaun ba Parlamentu Nasional Timor-oan nian no hanesan hakat ida ne’ebé Timor-oan sira sei to’o iha loron realizasaun eleisaun nian iha loron 22 Jullu 2017.
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Monitorizasun FM nian mos nota katak buat ida ne’ebé ita hotu tenke rekuiñese kapasidade orgaun eleitoral sira nian no konta mos servisu maka’as seluk husi autoridade seguransa sira nian hodi organiza no asegura prosesu ne’e tomak.
Nune’e mos Timor-oan tomak nia partisipasaun iha prosesu ne’e rasik ne’ebé garante iha Konstituisaun no Lei katak respeitu idak-idak nia direitu no idak-idak iha direitu ne’ebé hanesan hodi partisipa. Maske mai husi partidu ne’ebé diferente no opiniaun ne’ebé diferente maibe objetivu ida deit ba Timor-Leste. Asuntu sira nune’e antes ne’e sai ona mensajen prinsipal husi Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo” ba Timor-oan tomak antes hakat ba kampañia. Ida ne’e prova lolos ona iha Eleisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika loron 20 Marsu 2017.
Iha sorin seluk, FM mos nota to’o iha loron daruak períodu kampañia ka propagan eleitoral nian mosu notisia seluk husi Tatoli – Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste loron 21 Juñu 2017 kona-bá pistola ida lori husi ema sivil ida no prende iha loron 19 Juñu 2017 oras 18:45 OTL iha Lautem antes kampañia hahu iha loron 20 Juñu 2017. Tuir notisia husi Tatoli hato’o katak “Eis-FALINTIL Renan Selak dezarma pistola ida husi ema sivil iha futu-manu fatin, tamba ema ne’e uza pistola hodi ameasa ema sira iha futu-manu fatin, eis-Kodim Lospalos”. Pistola refere entrega ona ba Polícia Nacional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Lautem no suspeitu detein ona iha sela polísia nian hodi prosesa tuir lei no prevene provokasaun seluk ruma.
Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Lautem Superintendente Polísia Marcos Sequeira relata kronolojia kazu ne’e nian ne’ebé sita iha notisia Tatoli nian katak “hahu husi ema na’in tolu ne’ebé provoka malu, uza motor no lauza kapasete hodi ba futu-manu no sira hahu halo asaun no komesa hakilar malu no hatudu pistola hodi ameasa ema, hafoin hadau husi veteranu Renan Selak no entrega hikas pistola no autor ba PNTL.
FM fiar katak medida sira nune’e aleinde hanesan veteranus maibe hanesan mos sidadaun ida nia partisipasaun hodi kontribui ba estabilidade nasional. FM husu Timor-oan tomak kontinua tau matan ba situasaun ne’ebé dadaun ne’e ita hotu liu no kolobora ho forsa seguransa no defeza bainhira identifika ema ruma ne’ebé tenta provoka ka ho asaun seluk ruma hodi kria instabilidade. Hanesan líder Timor-oan nian Xanana Gusmão antes ne’e aviza ona katak “kuidadu ema sei sobu ita iha eleisaun parlamentar” tamba ne’e ita hotu tenke tau-matan ka akompaña hodi manan tan dala-ida.
Problema sira ne’ebé liga ho kilat ka pistola ho forma ne’ebé hanesan “uza pistola no tiru” antes ne’emosu ona iha loron 12 Maiu 2017 iha Pantai Kelapa–Dili. Iha ne’ebé joven ida hetan tiru ka tiru kanek husi ema deskuiñesidu ho kareta ne’ebé la iha xapa matrikula no deskonfia suspeitu ba kazu refere mai husi membru PNTL balu Companha Seguransa Pesoal (CSP) nian. Tamba tuir sasin sira nia deklarasaun katak kareta ne’ebé maka uza, iha nia lolon hakerek CSP (Jornal INDEPENDENTE, loron 17 Maiu 2017). To’o agora seidauk identifika lolos suspeitu ba kazu ne’e no susar identifika membru ida ne’ebé maka utiliza kareta refere. Ida ne’e ezije ba PNTL rasik presiza servisu maka’as no ita hein investigasaun ne’ebé daudaun ne’e la’o hela.
Ida ne’e mos posibilidade suspeitu bele mai husi ema ne’ebé la’os membru polísia no utiliza atribut sira PNTL nian hodi halo krime. Posibilidade sira nune’e tamba membru sira husi PNTL rasik la disiplina utiliza patrimoniu sira instituisaun nian no kriminozu sira bele aproveita iha momentu sira nune’e. Portantu pistol balu ne’ebé lakon iha Krize 2006 to’o agora seidauk rekopera no seidauk hatene lolos ninia paradeiru. Ita nia tauk pistol sira ne’e monu ba ema seluk nia liman no halo asaun sira ne’ebé temi iha leten ne’e, hodi sobu ita nia estabilidade iha periodu sira eleisaun nian.
Portantu akontesementu rua ne’ebé temi iha leten ne’e “kilat ka pistola no tiru” mosu iha period sira eleisaun nian ne’ebé rejista ida husi ema deskuiñesidu tiru no ida seluk husi ema sivil lori pistola hodi ameasa. Konta mos ho kazu dahuluk seluk ne’ebé joven ida mate ne’ebé deskonfia tiru husi membru PNTL bainhira halo atuasaun ba konfrontu sira iha Bebonuk – Dili iha loron 6 Maiu 2017. Iha ne’ebé to’o agora sei iha hela prosesu investigasaun no seidauk identifika suspeitu ba kazu ne’e nian.
Kazu ne’ebé hanesan, relasiona ho utiliza sala atributu sira instituisaun PNTL nian ka husi ema ne’ebé la’os membru PNTL utiliza farda PNTL nian “polísia falsu ka polisi gandungan” hodi halo atividade PNTL nian iha dalan no PNTL kaptura ona antes ne’e (Tatoli – Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste, loron 15Maiu 2017). Buat sira nune’e hanesan lider Timor-oan nian Xanana Gusmão hatete tiha katak “kuidadu ema sei sobu ita iha eleisaun parlamentar”. Asaun sira ne’ebé temi iha leten ne’e bele sai hanesan prova ida ne’ebé tenta atu sobu no aproveita iha momentu ida ne’ebé “palku polítika” Timor-Leste nian hodi ferensia oin-oin no linguajen kro’at sira ne’ebé lansa ka hato’o husi ulun boot partidu polítika sira.
Biar tentative sira nune’e no mai ho forma oin-oin hodi alkansa objetivu polítika ka interese seluk ruma. FM fiar katak lisaun boot ida husi Timor-oan nia pasadu sei la repete iha tempu ida ne’e hanesan Eis-Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak hatete tiha ona katak “ita la iha tempu atu lakon tempu”. Nune’e iha eleisaun ida ne’e, maske diferensia ideias iha palku polítika no hanesan Prezidente Repúblika Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo” hatete mos katak “partidu sira sei taru malu iha eleisaun, ne’e normal akontese iha nasaun sira demokratiku no multipartidarismu” no ho kompetisaun ida saudavel, objetivu ida ba Timor-Leste.
Nune’e eleisaun ne’e Timor-oan nian ne’ebé ita maka halo no ita maka tenke asegura no respeitu ba diferensia sira ne’ebé mosu iha palku polítika katak respeitu idak-idak nia direitu no idak-idak iha direitu ne’ebé hanesan hodi partisipa lori susesu ba ita hotu.
The Parliamentary Election – Safe and Secure Competition
Decree Law No.27/2017 May 2 issued by the President of the Republic, established 22 July as the day for the National Parliamentary election. The election campaign period will run for one month, starting on 20 June and finishing on 19 July. This will encompass 21 political parties including coalitions that have registered with the Court of Appeals.
Fundasaun Mahein’s (FM) monitoring during the first two days of the electoral campaigning period indicates that process has been peaceful so far. FM also notes that the Timorese people should recognize the national ownership and capacity demonstrated by the electoral organs, as well as the hard work and commitment of security actors in organizing a safe and secure election. This is an extraordinary step for Timor-Leste, the 2017 Parliamentary Election being the first nationally organized and run Parliamentary election after the three Parliamentary Elections conducted in 2001, 2007 and 2012 with international technical and security support.
The participation of the Timorese people in the electoral process is guaranteed by the Constitution and Timorese Law, which stipulate respect for all Timorese citizens right to participate in the election, regardless of political ideology or membership with political parties. This has been the main message of President of the Republic Francisco Guterres “Lu-Olo”, with this also being demonstrated during the Presidential Election on March 20, 2017.
However FM’s monitoring reveals an incident that occurred the day before the campaigning period began, as reported by Tatoli Newspaper – Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste on 21 June. On the 19th of June, a civilian was arrested for possession of a firearm at 1845pm in Lautem. Former FALINTIL fighter Renan Selak disarmed the man during a cock fight after he threatened others with the weapon and the firearm was handed over to the National Police of Timor-Leste (PNTL) in Lautem, whilst the suspect was detained for questioning.
The PNTL Commander of Lautem, Superintendent Marcos Sequeira explained that, “three people started provoking each other after arriving at the cock fighting arena riding motorbikes without helmets, before the man pulled a gun and started threatening the others, before the veteran Renan Selak disarmed and handed over the gun to the PNTL”.
FM believes that Renan Selak is a Timorese veteran who wants to contribute to national stability. FM urges Timorese citizens to vigilant towards such incidents, and cooperate with security actors if they believe someone intends to provoke violence or undermine stability during the electoral process. Xanana Gusmão has previoslyechoed these sentiments warning that ‘people would attempt to destabilize the Parliamentary Election.
Regarding the shooting that occurred on May 12 2017 in Pantai Kelapa, where a young man was shot and injured by unknown assailants in an unregistered vehicle, the suspected shooter is believed to be a member of the Personal Protection Company (CSP) of the PNTL. This is due to testimonies given to the Independent on May 17, 2017, which alleged that the vehicle used had CSP markings. However, the suspected shooter remains unidentified, as the PNTL has been unable to verify who was driving the alleged CSP vehicle. The PNTL must continue to work hard in their investigation to determine who discharged their weapon illegally and injured a member of the public.
It is also possible that that the suspect is a civilian that was using a PNTL vehicle, borrowed from a compatriot within the PNTL. This possibility is due to past incidents of PNTL members misusing PNTL resources. Furthermore, some of the weapons lost during the 2006 crisis remain unlocated, and FM remains concerned that those weapons could be used by people to undermine safe and secure elections through the threat and/or use of force.
The two incidents considered above took place in proximity to the electoral period, whilst another fatal shooting occurred in Bebonuk on 6 May 2017, with a young Timorese male being shot under suspicious circumstances by a PNTL officer. This fatal shooting is still under investigation and the suspected PNTL officer has not been identified.
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This misuse of PNTL uniforms, weapons or vehicles by actors seeking to destabilize the election is of concern to FM, with such imposters having been captured by the PNTL before (Tatoli – Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste, May 15th 2017). This could offer dissatisfied political actors and their supporters the opportunity to undermine and threaten Timor-Leste’s first nationally-owned elections, due to personal, political and/or ideological differences.
This has happened in previous elections, and the Timorese people must learn from this and be vigilant towards electoral misconduct that undermines Timorese democracy and the human rights of its citizens.
This election belongs to the Timorese people, having been organized by Timorese electoral organs with Timorese security forces being responsible for security provision. This means we must be respectful of the competing political parties ideologies and the rights of Timorese citizens to safely and freely participate in the election.