Fundasaun Mahein 14 Junhu 2010
Komunikadu da Imprenza
Ro’o F-FDTL Jaco-Betano nia Manutensaun Laklaru
Iha loron 11 Junhu 2010, sai hanesan loron historiku ida ba Timor-Leste, komesa kapasita F-FDTL Naval nian tamba governu entrega ro’o patrulia rua nebe sosa husi Republika Popular Xina. Iha okasiaun ida ne’e FM hakarak hato’o parabens ba F-FDTL korpu Naval tamba iha ona ro’o patrolia rua para atu kontrola, area tasi nian, atu mantein dignidade no garantia zona ekonomia eksluzivu.
Iha cerimonia entrega ro’o rua neba, Prezidente da Republika Jose Ramor Horta deklara lolos katak manutensaun ba ro’o ne’e mos tama iha pakote ida. Maibe prezidente la esplika katak manutensaun nebe tama iha pakote ida nebe Governu Xina sei ofrese ne’e duransaun ba tinan hira.
FM nia preokupasaun konaba orsanmentu $ 29 miloens nebe sosa ro’o Jaco-Betano ne’e inklui ba pakote ida nebe Prezidente refere ne’e ka iha pakote ketak laiha esplikasaun klaru. FM mos hakarak hatene karik 29 milioens latama iha manutensaun ba ro’o Jaco-Betano, entaun governu sei foti osan tan hodi aloka ba manutensaun Jaco-Betano
FM nia prekupasaun seluk maka, kona ba kilat nebe tau iha ro’o Jaco-Betano nia leten nebe kompostu husi kilat boot 4 ba ro’o ida-ida ne’e katak laos ona ro’o patrolia nian, maibe bele kategoria ba ro’o funu nian ona. Kategoria ba ro’o funu katak sei kria tensaun siguransa iha regional ho nasaun vizinus Indonezia ho Australia.
FM nia prekupasaun seluk tan, se laiha orsamentu ida ke klaru ba manutensaun ba ro ahi rua ne’e, karik governu iha ona planu atu foti fali orsamentu programa seluk, e ida ne’e maka akontese, entaun iha possibilidade ba Governu atu abandona area importante seluk hanesan edukasaun, saude e agrikultura nebe maka ita konsidera nudar parte desemvolvimentu umanu.
Bazea ba prekupasaun hirak iha leten, FM rekomenda ba Ministeriu Defeza ho Seguransa atu bele esplika ho transparante kona ba orsamentu ba manutensaun nian kada tinan ho valor hira.
Premeiru Ministru nebe maka kaer pasta mos nudar Ministru Defeza ho Seguransa Xanana Gusmão iha nia deskursu esplika katak rasaun atu hola ro’o rua ne’e atu evita ema liur la bele naok tan ona riku soin Timor nian nebe maka lakon desde tinan 2008.
FM rekomenda katak Ministerio Defeza ho Seguransa atu bele fo atensaun ba forsa (PNTL ho F-FDTL) nia progreso hanesan aranja meios servisu nian para sira bele fornese siguransa no mantain lei ho ordem ho diak no profesional
FM rekomenda atu Governo Timor Leste haforsa tan relasaun bilaterais ho nasaun vizinus sira (Australia ho Indonezia) para atu hare hamutuk kestaun seguransa iha tasi laran.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo, Direktor
Fundasaun Mahein , tlp +670 737 4222
Fundasaun Mahein 14 June 2010
Press Release
Maintenance not clear for F-FDTL Patrol Boats Jaco and Betano
The 11th of June, 2010, was another historic day for Timor-Leste as 2 patrol boats purchased from the Peoples Republic of China were handed over signalling the beginning of capacity building for the F-FDTL Navy. Fundasaun would like to congratulate the F-FDTL Navy as these boats will be patrolling the waters of Timor-Leste maintaining the dignity of the nation and guranteeing the exclusive economic zone of the country.
During the handover ceremony, President Jose Ramos-Horta stated that the maintenance for these boats would be carried out by the China as part of a package deal. However, the President did not explain how long the duration of the previously mentioned maintenance service will be for.
FM is interested to know whether the maintenance for the boats Jaco and Betano is included in the $29 million budget, as the statement from the President was not clear on this issue. If the $29 million already allocated does not cover the maintenance, FM wants to know from which part of the government budget the money to pay for the maintennace of the Navy boats will come from.
Another issue FM is worried about is the existence of 4 heavy machine guns on each patrol boat, making these quite well armed warships compared to simple patrol boats. If they are categorized as warships, then this may create regional security tension with the neighboring countries of Indonesia and Australia.
FM is also worried that if the government has not allocated enough funding for the maintenance, then money will have to be taken from other programs, causing them to abandon important areas such as education, health care, agriculture and other investemnets in human development.
Based on the worries mentioned above, FM would like to recommend to the Minister of Defense and Security that he clarify how much the government will be spending each year for the maintenance of the patrol boats.
FM reccomends to the Minister of Defense and Security to give close attention to the progression of the PNTL and F-FDTL institutions, and provide them with the essential services needed, to increase their professionalism and human development capacity so they can contribute positively to the stability of the country and uphold law and order. Good salaries, health care, and quality training are all neccesary to maintain the professionalism of PNTL and F-FDTL.
FM further reccomends that the Government of Timor-Leste strengthen their bilateral relationships with their neighbors, especially Indonesia and Australia, to work together to help gurantee maritime security in the region.
For further information please contact
Nélson Belo, Director of Fundasaun Mahein
tlp +670 737 4222