Mahein Nia Lian no. 28 (.pdf) halo diskusaun klean konaba Konsellu Superíor Defeza no Sigurnsa nia knar, kompozisaun, kompetensia no desizaun inklui dezafiu no Frakeza ne’ebe mak Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Siguransa infrenta iha nia kompetensia.
Timor-Leste nasaun ne’ebe kiik maibe nia institusaun bokur liu no kapasidade Timor oan sira mos sidauk naton atu jere tuir lei haruka. Entau FM hare katak iha kna’ar balun ne’ebe iha institusaun hanesan iha Konsellu Suprior seguransa no Defezanian ne’e mos para atu halo tuir lei no assegura puder Presidente da República. Iha praktika kna’ar hotu-hotu iha exekutivu/governu nia liman no Presidente nia kna’ar iha Konsellu refere hanesan konsultativu.
Nudar institusaun ida ne’ebe makakna’ar halo konsulta deit konaba seitor seguransa ho defeza nian, entaun akontesementu konaba seito rseguransa nian ne’ebe akontese iha território Timor-Leste nian, hanesan kazu iha Fronteira Oekusse, TNI (Tentara NasionalIndonesia) tiru komunidade Naktuka-Oekuseiha 2010, operasaun PNTL ihadistritu Suai-Bobonaro iha 2009, Baucau iha 2010, ne’ebe PNTL uza liafuan ‘estadu de sitiu, ka konfrontasaun grupu Arte Marsial no seluk-seluk tan mos sai asuntu konsultatvu no institusaun ne’e laiha kna’ar exekutivu ida atu halo dezisaun praktika ruma.
Ho ida FM hakarakforekomendabaKonselluSuperíorDefeza no Siguransahanesantuirmaine’e;
• Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Siguransa presiza avalia fila fali serbisu ne’ebé alkansa ona no serbisu ne’ebé seidauk konklui. Hanesan kazu Naktuka ne’ebé to’o agora seidauk iha nia finalidade, komunidade sai vitima, tamba deit laiha boa vontade serbisu atu rezolve problema refere.
• Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Siguansa periodikamente presiza avalia bebeik situasaun rai laran no ameasa eksterna saida maka ameasa ba Timor-Leste hodi informa ba instituisaun sira relevente atu nune’e labele mosu informasaun sira ne’ebé politizadu.
• Presiza fo atensaun ba serbisu sekretariadu Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Siguransa nian ne’ebé konstituiiha Gabinete Departamentu Apoiu Xefe Casa Civil nian ne’ebé fo apoiu ba Konsellu Superiór Defeza no Siguransa nian serbisu, konabá preparasaun ba reuniaun, ajenda reuniaun no notulensia.
Atu hatene klean liu konaba asuntu ne’e bele kontaktu
Nélson Belo,
Diretor Fundasaun Mahein
Email: ,
Tlp +670 737 4222
Press Release
The Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste
Mahein NiaLian no. 28 conducted in-depth discussion about the role, structure, competencies, policies and challenges faced by the Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste.
Despite its small size, Timor-Leste has numerous institutions, which place immense pressure on limited human resources. This results in overstretched human resources whom are forced to make appropriate management decisions and regulations. The Supreme Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste is the consultative organ of the President of the Republic on matters relating to defense and sovereignty. On such matters, real power of decision lies with the executive/government and the role of the president on the council is purely consultative.
As an institution that only has a consultative role on matters of defence and security, incidences such as the 2010 shooting in Naktuka, Oe-cusse by Indonesian military officers (TNI) at the border, the 2009 heavy-handed PNTL operation in Suai-BononaroDictrict, the 2010 PNTL operation in Baucau where the PNTL used the term “State of Emergency” and the recent confrontation between Martial Arts Groups (MAG), all pass through the Superior Council but merely on a consultative approach, allowing no executive role for a decision to be made on any of these cases.
Therefore, FM would like to make the following recommendations to the Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste;
• The Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste needs to review past activities and incidences and pursue its work on any doings currently in the pipeline. The Nakutka case has yet to be resolved and people are further victimized when there is a lack of will and good work to resolve the issue.
• The Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste should in stages evaluate the situation in the country and scrutinize potential external threats and issues so as to inform the relevant institutions in order to avoid the politicization of information.
• Greater capacity building is needed for the secretary of the Superior Council for Defence and Security of Timor-Leste within the Civil Cabinet of the Department Head of House who provides assistance to the work of the Superior Council for Defence and Security
For more information on this issue, please contact
Nélson Belo,
Director of Fundasaun Mahein
Tlp : +670 737 4222
Coselho Superior Defesa e Seguranca, seidauk servisu efektivu atu halo nian knaar nudar konsluta Prezidente Republica nian ba asuntu defesa no seguranca. Tamba ne’e maka dalabarak Presidente Republica kampanha konaba “Dili Sidade Da Paz” maibe Dili moris nafatin iha konflitu nia laran.