Numeru Krime iha Dili Hira?

Numeru Krime iha Dili Hira? post thumbnail image

Iha ka lae ema ruma hatene lolos numeiru iha Dili ? Agora numeiru kiik ka barak, ka aat liu?

Ema barak koalia kona-ba numeiru krime sae ka tun iha Dili, maibe iha ka istatistika krime nian ne’ebe durante ne’ebe kolekta, ou kolekta ho kualidade variabel. PNTL iha kolektasaun ka dadus estatistika krime sira nian, maibe la publika kada fulan ka anual nian.

Maibe ema bai-bain sira koalia kona-ba mudansa lalaok siguransa nian iha bairos ka aldeis iha Dili laran.

Dadaun ne’e profil numeiru krime sona malu nian ass los no mos profil krime asaltu uma nian, e nauk sasan iha uma sira iha Dili laran ba semana hirak liu mos barak los hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

1. Membru F-FDTL ida ho naran Cristavão da Silva baku mate iha loron 12 Agustu 2012

2. Jornalista Radio Rakambia naran Leonito Gonçalves hetan sona hosi ema aat sira iha loron 12 Agustu 2012.

3. Uma hosi Reitor DIT hetan ataka iha lorn 28 Setembru 2012

4. Ema ida hetan sona iha Comoro iha oras tuku 9 dader iha loron 27 Setembru 2012

5. Residensia Padre iha Igreja Motael hetan asaltu hosi grupu deskuinesidus no hakanek padre nia liman iha loron 27 Setembru 2012

6. Joven ida hetan sona mos iha Bairo Pite iha loron 29 Setembru 2012

Povu bai-bain komversa kona-ba mudansas lalaok siguransa nia nivel distritu Dili nian. Tamba sa maka ema koalia kona-ba asuntu ne’e? Karik sira tauk iha sosiedade nia let ne’ebe krime sira akontese barak?, ou krime sira ne’ebe hato’o hosi media, ne’e baibain ona mosu, ou krime sae maka’as tebes ?
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Faktus lolos ne’e ita la hatene, no laos naton ona ba komunidade ho historia trauma ne’ebe iha.

Iha mos razaun balu ne’ebe biban krime sae mak tuir mai ne’e:

• Dadaun ne’e tempu bailoron mos no Dili sai hetok manas liu tan no ema barak kalan labele toba iha kondisaun sira ne’ebe aat i manas.

• Sidadaun Dili numeiru aumenta ba bebeik ba 100% iha tinan 1999 iha momentu ne’eba total : 120.000, iha tinan 2012 no agora dadaun total: 230.000. Kada tinan total sidadaun Dili aumenta maka’as, e ita hare kada tinan mos bairus foun sira mosu tan – mosu tan deit iha Dili.

• Urbanizasaun ne’ebe boot los no mos ema foin sae mane sira ne’ebe mai iha Dili atu buka servisu. Sira ne’e barak mak la hetan servisu, maibe mos ba sira ne’ebe iha servisu mos, salariu ne’ebe sira simu la adekuadu suporta sira persiza ba folin sasan ne’ebe karun los ba vida moris iha Dili.

• Baze Infrastruktura mos at los, bee, esletrisidade, sanitasaun, no kondisaun mukit los maka povu sidadaun Dili hasoru.

• Tensaun sosial sae maka’as ba ema balun ne’ebe sai riku temporariu, no ema numeiru barak los maka luta para moris deit liu-liu demografiu joven mane sira.

• Atividades komersiu nian ne’ebe sae maka’as e dramatiku los no hare ba uza rai ba atividade komersiu no kria desputa rai no fo presaun ba ema mukit sira no hasai sira hosi sira nia rai rasik.

Iha ka ema ruma hatene lolos kona-ba numeiru krime hira mak iha Dili?

Hanesan mos PNTL halo publikasaun ba insidente trafiku kada fulan ka anual nian, nune’e mos PNTL tenki publika numeru krime hotu? Ami inklui komunidade lolos nian ne’ebe dala ruma mos fiar rumores ne’ebe dala barak kria problemas bainhira la ejiste iha fatin dahuluk nian.
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SES ho PNTL tenki halo publikasaun konaba numeiru krime bazea ba fulan-fulan, anualmente no fo relatoriu detaillu kompletu ba Parlementu Komisaun B.

What is Dili’s Crime Rate ?

Does anyone really know how much crime exists in Dili? Is it getting better or worse?

People speak much of the rise and fall of crime in Dili but the fact is that crime statistics are either not gathered, or are gathered in a manner of variable quality. The PNTL gathers crimes statistics but do they publish them on a monthly or annual basis.

However ordinary people are speaking of a change in the security environment at the neighborhoods level in Dili.

There have been a number of high profile stabbings and house burglaries in Dili in the last few weeks.

1. An F-FDTL soldier named Cristavão da Silva was killed on 12 August 2012

2. A Journalist from Community radio Rakambia named Leonito Gonçalves was stabbed on 12 August 2012.

3. Rector DIT‘s house was burglarized on 28 September 2012

4. A man was stabbed in Comoro on 27 September 2012

5. A priest’s residence at Motael church was burglarized on 27 September 2012. During the incident, the priest was attacked and his hand was wounded.

6. A young man was stabbed in Bairo Pite on 29 September 2012.

Ordinary people are speaking of a change in the security environment at the neighborhood level in Dili.

Why are people speaking of these things? Is there unease in the community about the rise of crime because crime is really on the rise? Or is crime being reported by media more frequently, or is crime really on the rise? The fact is that we just don’t know, and that is not good enough for community with a history of trauma.

Some possible reasons for an increase in crime are as follows.

1. It is the end of the dry season and people are unable to sleep due to poor living conditions in the heat.

2. Dili’s population has increased by 100% since 1999 when it was 120,000, and now in 2012 it is 230,000. Every year the numbers increase, and we see new bairros being populated every year.

3. Urbanization is greatest among young males coming to Dili to look for work. Many do not get work, but even those that do are not being paid enough to adequately support their needs in the rising cost of living in Dili.
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4. Basic infrastructure is badly damaged – water, electricity, waste removel, sewage. Living conditions are very poor for most of Dili’s population.

5. Social jealousy is on the rise as some people are getting rich whilst most are struggling to survive – especially in young male demographic.

6. The dramatic increase in commercial activity is seeing a rise in land usage for business activity – creating disputes and putting pressure on poor people as they become pushed off land.

Does anyone really know how much crime exists in Dili?

Just like the PNTL are publishing monthly and annual traffic accident rates perhaps they should be publishing crimes rates as well? We are a community prone to believe in and spread rumors, these rumors often create problems when they don’t exist in the first place. SES, and PNTL should publish crime rates on the monthly and annual basis, and provide full details to Parliament’s Committee B.

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